In this essay various aspects of working in a group vs. working individually will be discussed. Individual performance depends on the actions of others in the group. no longer supports Internet Explorer. Remember last time when you had to do a project, how did you go about doing it? Has it ever occurred to you what kids might be talking about in their small groups? But what is group and how it is formed and what are the dynamics involved in it is something we are about to discuss below. VAT Registration No: 842417633. The aspect of group cohesiveness reflects how badly the members of the group want to be together and the bond that exists among them. If your presentation is for business in general, you might attempt to keep both sides fairly balanced. Working independently gives us the confidence to make our own decisions, based on our experience and expertise on our work. The functioning of the work group is that it discusses, decides and delegates. When it seems like the kids are working they may be talking off topic. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on Reference this. The other two types are go- no go type of conflicts and the third one being -no go- no go type, where you don’t want to take either of the decisions but still you want to make one choice. So when we are in a team we can make use of the pool of skills from the group for implementing the job more easily. Say a big math problem with lots of different steps; or a scene in Ulysses that could be interpreted in three or 300 different ways; or you're doing a unit on Ancient Egyptand you need your students to combine their knowledge of history with an ability to an… Extroverts with engaging personalities gain energy the more they interact with others. —————————— —————————— When an individual is … The basic concern of group dynamics is about the structure formation and functions of the group. Each and every type of work is unique in itself hence one can never predict or prove the magnitude of significance of either of the two. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! On the other hand working individually also has some different kinds of advantages. Teachers should spend time … We would also see as to how those issues will be influencing the person, be it in the positive side or being a hindrance and also support the argument by stating prior personal experiences. All conflicts in group are because of common resources which by their very nature are limited. This was a good way to improve our knowledge, presentation skills and learn from each other, since every one has a different skill set and ideas to implement. Group work … Every body by de facto knows what it is to be individual and perform a task individually, as he is the only person who is doing the task. The cohesiveness in work groups has many positives, like increases worker satisfaction, low turnover and absenteeism, thus leading to higher productivity (Argyle 1989). At a neurological level, we see ourselves as part of a group and worry about the judgment of others. Individuals are working on their own. Most kids can agree that working in a group is better than working individually, but that might be the problem. Remember your view is malleable and should change as a result of the interaction. Individual vs. Group Work. It can also be between one group and another group (Brem 1995). The truth is, our brains work very well individually but tend to break down in groups. Let’s discuss how working in a group can enrich you individually as a person, while still being a part of the group. Assessment of group work is inherently challenging Problems associated with group work assessment are also widely reported.1-5 The most commonly reported problems are the lack of fairness in assessing individual contributions to the group product;2-4 weighting of group process vs. group … Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of It makes sense for this kind of preparation to be undertaken before the session, but there may also be times within a seminar when it is helpful to give students an opportunity to work alone. Additionally, individual learning requires students to manage their time, which some students may not handle well. One more reason when a group tends to get more cohesive is when they are in tense competition from other groups or may be some external threat to their own survival. Although working alone has a whole lot of benefits, teamwork is proved to be the absolute winner. At the same time we had few challenges working as a team, such as one person had he own ideas and would not coincide/compromise with rest of the team and some of us had issue with the time being spent on the project and so on. Formal Groups are formed to achieve specific organizational requirements such as a command group, tasks group, or functional groups. Higher cohesiveness results in individual pressure on one another to abide to a common conclusion while making decisions, which will lead to a careless judgments and unrealistic appraisals of alternatives (Revenson 2005). An introvert that I am, working alone sometimes is more beneficial to me than in a group. The group size thus not only affects the group participation but also effects the satisfaction of the members. You can view samples of our professional work here. Coming to the main issue of whether or not working in the group is going to be beneficial or not to us will be depending largely on the group structure, which is nothing but the relationships among the members that help and hold the group together in achieving the assigned goals. The average grade for those who worked individually is higher than those who worked in groups (see Figure 3), but neither category of students showed a proficient level of understanding. Even though these are predetermined, some times new kind of roles also emerge in between and then it needs to be created and assigned to the already existing roles of the members. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Just as said that many hands would make the job easier, we can achieve more as a collection of individuals rather than individually. In order to explain the same many theories have been proposed. Group work also introduces more unpredictability in teaching, since groups may approach tasks and solve problems in … Teamwork vs Individual Work. By normal conviction, the more difficult to be a group member, the more cohesive that group is considered to be. I would say Better is a relative term and also that Work per se is a glossary in itself. It could be a simple intra personal conflict existing in a person or an interpersonal conflict that is appearing between two individuals or a group and an individual. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. First we will try to understand the dynamics of working in a group vis a vis individual, then understand the various issues involved in working as a part of the group. As a team keeps on interacting more and more they tend to be more cohesive and enjoy the success of one another which leads to a greater satisfaction and team success. 0 Effective Classroom Management Techniques Every Faculty Member Should Know Brought to you by, Team Effectiveness Theory from Industrial and Organizational Psychology Applied to Engineering Student Project Teams: A Research Review, Team composition, cognition, and effectiveness: Examining mental model similarity and accuracy, Enhancing the Effectiveness of Work Groups and Teams. Ensure group work is divided fairly and evenly. Group work can be a good idea when you want to get your students to think harder and dig deeper, and when some variety in skill levels and ways of thinking about things can be a benefit to all. Leaders would be concentrating on achieving the goal and won’t care about helping other team members and socializing with them and won’t become a good team. In this essay various aspects of working in a group vs. working individually will be discussed. Light was one such factor on which the effects were studied, to see if the workers would become more productive in higher or lower levels of light. A Conflict is a perceived difference of opinion or action of course on any issue. Moreover, we can manage our time and resources better when we work by ourselves. Considerations in group vs. individual work … HIDE THIS PAPER GRAB THE … In a group situation, you can attempt tasks that could not be accomplished by an individual, combining a variety of skills and expertise to tackle more complex and larger scale problems. In a work group context group members interact with each other and the results or payoffs may be interpreted as the performance of an individual in such interactions, such as the number of units produced or the number of tasks completed per period. Social support is nothing but the physical and emotional comfort given and shown by our friends, family and colleagues. An effective group work together to complete a task in an agreed time, with each member contributing to the team according to their skills, experience and personality. The boss is in charge and tells the employees the do’s and don’ts in their jobs. When I was working with a student by himself, I was given the opportunity to address everything that was going on with that student in his reading. If you are working to a limited time frame, group work allows analysis to a greater depth and … When working in a team there will not be any individual losers or winners and no one can be blamed or no one can feel good of having achieved some thing like success. So, the next time you work in a group remember this: listen to others’ perspectives and see how their views can sharpen your own. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. By convention all conflicts are not counter productive. Comments (0) Add to wishlist Delete from wishlist. Individual Researchers versus Group Efforts in Science ( Ultimately, progress in science depends upon the work of many individual scientists. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Sociology 8. 1st Jun 2017 Individual work can be definitely tempting at times. 2. For the most part, I prefer working independently in order to meet my deadlines, but enjoy collaborating in a group to spark fresh new ideas.” – Cite the job description. Either the choices whether group or individual has its advantages and disadvantages. Having studied the various theoretical aspects on which we are going to critically analyze the advantages and disadvantages, we will now enlist the various experiences both personal and compiled from others. However I felt that I was not having any new innovative or divergent ways of working, which other wise would have made me to do a better job by being a part of the group. Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Work. When asked about teamwork vs individual work, cite the job description as part of your answer. Summary … Download full paper File format: .doc, available for editing. The structure of the group can be defined in a many ways; common among them would be to take reference to their Size, Norms, Roles And Cohesiveness. Teachers’ prep time differs in collaborative and individual activities, as does the time students invest. The workers productivity has improved when changes were made and slumped when the study was concluded. Some people prefer to work individually and others in teams. The social support can be understood in a variety of ways like, assistance or exchanging resources. Group work is great for improving your critical thinking skills and making you a sharper thinker. A group can be of any size ranging from two persons to a collection of large people, however small groups of size 2 to 10 are considered more efficient in their job performance as it allows active and positive interactions between the groups and also has least chance of negative synergy. More or less the informal groups are involuntary associations (Mullins 2002). Each person in a dependent-level work group has his or her own job and works under the close supervision of the boss. group work purpose of assisting "task-oriented groups"?as differentiated from "growth-oriented groups"?toward so-cial betterment through social action.7 Each method of practice seeks, in this view, to maximize the capacity of either the individual, the group, or society. If the team members get along and work together, … Hawthorne Works had commissioned a study to observe the efficiency of the workers under various stimuli both external and internal, which included physical working environment and also the group structures. A conflict when used and controlled in the right way will be helping a great deal in increasing the productivity of the group. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. By peer pressure it refers to the influence or pressure exerted by a peer group in encouraging an individual in changing ones attitudes, values or behavior so that he or she confirms to the group norms. The social groups influenced by the peers include formal groups like political party, trade union or informal groups like a social clique. Study for free with our range of university lectures! They are the common behavioral patterns which are exhibited by all the members of the group. It is better for a person to work alone for a task that require high concentration and focus. Successful businesses value the importance of group work. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. If students are given time to prepare an answer rather than being obliged to provide immediate responses, they are more likely to produce a con… Abstract: This paper shows the value of working in groups versus working individually, and talks about the sophisticated areas of having successful results. Pair work, group work and individual work can all be effective, if used at the right times and if structured in an appropriate way. The key is finding the rights tasks for each one. Copyright © 2003 - 2020 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. This has made the division of work more efficient thus accomplishing the task was much easier and faster. This basically is all about knowing that we are all a part of the larger community of people, who care and think for us and are concerned about our well being. You share struggles and successes with your peers – and … According to a study known as the Coding War Games, they found out that programmers tend to work faster when they are working by themselves. Dependent-level work groups are the traditional work unit or department groups with a supervisor who plays a strong role as the boss. Almost everyone has had some experience with this work setup, especially in a first job. The Effectiveness of Work Group and Individual Use of Monolingual Dictionary in Class - Term Paper Example. They communicate well with others and thrive in active, high-energy workplace. We were a group of 4 individuals working on this project and we have assigned different tasks to each person of the group. Excessive amounts of group work when compared with individual work in single course or programme leading to an inappropriate balance in assessment. The question of which one has more advantages is only of academic interest as ultimately, the result depends on what is best suited of the type and nature of the job and the individual personality and level of skill required along with all other constraints like time, money and resources available at your hand. The underlying drive to be part of a group, to be recognised and appreciated by its members, and to achieve high statusamong them can be a serious motivator when it comes to completing a task. Benefits for instructors. And all the group theories professes that when individual persons share common activities, they get interactions among them and will develop either positive or negative attitudes towards each other. The level of performance of a team is greater than the sum of individual … Compare and Contrast- Group Work vs. One reason for asking students to work individually on a task is so that they can prepare their personal ideas, views or arguments in response to a problem or a piece of stimulus material. *You can also browse our support articles here >. Teamwork vs. When we have situations where the group consists of only leaders then their team might just not work at all. The first major advantage that comes to mind is that we can work independent of any other person and don’t have to rely on others. In case of formal groups the roles and functions of the group members are all assigned as per pre-plan, in which each role will have specific duties and responsibilities to perform. The debate over the strength of teamwork vs individual work is ongoing in the business world. The amount of group cohesiveness is determined by a lot of factors. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. Usually large groups involve a lot of confusion and chaos leading to waste of time in deciding which process to be done and who should be doing it. The majority of undergraduate business students would benefit much more from being assigned more individual work. Others may not finish in class and plan to finish at home (which may or may not happen). For example, if we look at my final year project I mentioned earlier and if I had to do everything myself it would have taken long time, but since we separated the task and worked as a team we could finish it quickly with a great success. No individual is born with all the skills required for doing every thing. For teachers, pair work and group work can be excellent tools to promote student interaction; individual work, on the other hand is easier to assess and often appeals to students with intrapersonal intelligences. Working in a team also has few disadvantages, which are usually hard to see them in our everyday work. The idea here will be to study the pros and cons with relation to the particular individual and not to the group of which he is a part. It was observed that the gain in productivity is more due to the fact that they are being observed rather than the actual experiment itself. So, this also forms one of the advantages of group testing. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. You thrive in cooperative, integrative, and friendly work environments. On their own little work areas. In a recent study, groups were able to answer a question correctly 28% of the time whereas individual members working alone could only answer correctly 4% of the time when the answer to the question was not known by any of the members (Stasson and Bradshaw 304). Group dynamics basically deals with why and how groups are formed and developed. This is because group work can cause a lot of unnecessary interruptions by your team members. There are numerous benefits of working as a part of a team, some of them can be stated as below. The basic reason behind the creation of these norms is to facilitate the group survival, and to make the group behavior more predictable and organized. It is admitted that, working in groups has many benefits. Again, this was surprising and unexpected. I found that it is easier to work with students individually than it is to work with students in a group. One classic theory developed by George Homans (1961), states that all groups are basically functioning of their activities, interactions and sentiments. There are various stages that you will go through in a group project to achieve a task. And the critical part of this support is that unless the receiver of the support views it a support, the communicative experience or message extended to him would not be considered as support. While working alone, we have the freedom of using our own methods and work at our own pace and convenience. Mullins (2002) defined “A group norm is an assumption or expectation held by group members concerning what kind of behaviour is right or wrong, good or bad, allowed or not allowed, and appropriate or not appropriate”. Some students will finish quickly and either feel accomplished or be bored in class. If you like to work as a team, you love teamwork. On the other hand, when not handled properly a conflict can have spiraling effect and can bring down an individual dignity and collapse the whole group (Managing Conflict within or between Groups, Australia). Every body is born with a different skill sets, knowledge and personal attributes. The worst thing is that the people who are not of a leader type they may be pushed aside by the other members of the team. Where as the informal groups are formed by association of members based on their own interest or social activities. 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