Javamoos - Taxiphyllum barbieri Portionsdose, Nymphoides hydrophylla Taiwan - Wasserblättrige Seekanne, * Alle Preise inkl. As with all Cryptocorynes, a nutrient-rich substrate is very important, as a lot of nutrients are absorbed by the roots. For cultivation purposes, the substrate should be rich in nutrients and have a minimum depth of 10 cm. The hygro is a good beginner plant for the background. As soon as the plant’s growth begins to slow, it is advisable to give the plant a period of rest, during which it needs cool water and dimmed light. Use as a stark contrast in combination with other green water trumpets. The commercial name ´Weeping Moos´ refers to the drooping fronds of this attractive moss. Its most attractive feature is the submerged juvenile leaves that do not reach the water surface. In discus aquaria this South American plant adds a splash of colour when combined with sword plants. Offshoots can be cut and replanted at any time. A new species from India with extraordinary character. The ‚Pinto‘ Anubias is a quirk of nature that has been propagated from a normal green population using selection. Another characteristic feature is the stems, which begin to bow once they reach a certain height. Tough, leathery leaves with a white edge. Ten sklep wykorzystuje technologię "Ciasteczek", która rozszerza możliwości działania sklepu However, some requirements must be met: very good lighting, a high supply of CO2, macro and micronutrients, as well as soft water. It is a particularly lithe, grass-like plant for the foreground. Mit einer Wuchshöhe von nur 5-10 cm ist sie ideal für den Vordergrund geeignet. Home for this delicate aquarium plant is the east coast of North America. Hobbit's Zwerg-Wasserkelch / Cryptocoryne lutea ´Hobbit´ Dennerle T30031DE günstig bei wasserflora - Es handelt sich um ein handelsüblichen Topf mit einem Durchmesser von 5 cm:Hobbit's Zwerg-Wasserkelch / Cryptocoryne lutea ´Hobbit´Ursprünglich ebenfalls aus Sri Lanka stammt dieser Zwergwasserkelch, er wurde im Labor isoliert und in Gewächshäusern … Ludwigia are stem plants beloved by aquatics hobbyists and have been cultivated for decades. lutea; Crypto d'argile; Cryptocoryne Lutea; Elle a une très grande ressemblance avec la Cryptocoryne Beckettii et la Cryptocoryne Wendtii mais sa petite taille et ses feuilles plus redressées permettent de les différencier. Piękna kryptokoryna, łatwa w utrzymaniu i rozmnażaniu. New shoots burst through the substrate just a few centimetres away from the parent plant. Slender-tipped aquatic plant from South America that needs a lot of light. black long-term mineral substrate. The name of this variety comes from the Argentinian city of Monte Carlo in the province of Misiones. Under good lighting, this arrowhead variety stays nice and short for use in the foreground. These small Anubias grow best when tied to stones or roots (see Mbuna trees on page 78). A subtle, creeping marsh plant native to Australia, popularised in the 1980s by Takashi Amono. „Green“ it shows a beautiful overhanging to horizontal growth. Hardly any other moss is as popular as the Java moss, Vesicularia ferriei. Occasionally, the plants need to be cut back so that the stock can be kept low. However, it is possible to prune the plant hard to encourage more dense growth. The cardinal flower is a stem plant from North America. We found gigantic colonies of this free-floating stem plant in a tributary of the Rio Miranda at the edge of the Pantanal basin in South America. When bedding in plants cultivated in the emersed state, we recommend pruning hard and dividing any dense plant cushions. As with most stem plants, propagation is not complicated. In order to support the colourful growth, please also supply the plants with iron and micronutrients. This is an ideal plant for smaller aquaria, such as the 60 L Nano Cube or the 60 cm standard aquarium. This makes the plant look wonderfully dainty. E. argentinensis is one of the larger varieties and requires sufficient space in an underwater landscape. Not only are the leaves a very attractive rust brown to olive green, they also have a lovely feathered shape. This is a popular beginner’s plant and suitable for anyone new to aquatics. There are several varieties, each of which has a different leaf shape. Especially important: Fresh and clear water. The 'Bukit Kelam' variety grows especially vigorously and is a decorative beauty. Under good lighting the shoots turn a reddish-brown colour. Gratiola viscidula, which has only been on the market for a few years, is particularly interesting and conspicuous due to its submerse growth form. Ludwigia senegalensis is a real African beauty; its submerse leaves have an interesting leaf drawing with intense brick-red coloration. Lobelia cardinalis is often used in the "Dutch aquarium" planting style. Growing to a height of 10 - 20 cm it is a good candidate as a foreground plant. Didiplis beautifully contrasts with purely green stem plants such as Rotala spec. Again, radical pruning will promote thicker, denser growth. The variety name comes from the colour of the underwater leaves in the aquarium. Different leaf colouration within the same species is typical for the Cryptocoryne genus. all C. wendtii variants have one thing in common: they are easy to care for and easy to cultivate. Low to medium lighting is completely sufficient, although it also grows well under strong lighting. In good lighting the leaves turn a deep, dark brown. Avoid strong lighting for this plant since it prefers shade. Intense red stems become apparent during emersed greenhouse cultivation. Cryptocoryne lutea Hobbit - Dennerle. Fish and shrimps are perfectly safe, however. This name was mistakenly used as a synonym for Rotala rotundifolia for decades. The leaves are green to brown, sometimes with brown mottling. New species and colour varieties are added, and sometimes plants are also removed from our product range. Red Tiger Lotus is widespread across tropical Africa, where it inhabits various bodies of water, including temporary pools and lakes, and flowing water. In a Nano Cube, a few stems are enough as a pop of colour. The compact, miniature format only develops under water. Although scientists have been aware of this plant for a long time, aquatics hobbyists only discovered it a few years ago. Its undemanding nature makes it the perfect plant for beginners. We highly recommend binding these plants to wood and roots. We found this plant in the shallow waters of crystal clear rivers, and also on the wet ground in the dense jungle. spectrum ranges from light orange to red-violet tones. However, this variant has a very pretty red, spotted pattern. These fish need harder water, which can be a problem for a lot of plants. This is another new variety of dwarf Anubias called 'Gold'. In aquaria, this graceful fern needs enough space since it is very fast-growing. Dennerle Cryptocoryne Lutea Hobbit In Vitro Plant-it Crypto Live Plant C240 DE-30058 Native to Sri Lanka, Cryptocoryne lutea is one of the easiest species of crypto to grow. The bullate leaves are up to 70 cm long and the leaves are bright mid-green with a reddish underside. 'Pusilla'-Anubias Barteri Nana Pinto-Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Kompakt'-Cryptocoryne Lutea 'Hobbit'-Anubias Barteri Nana 'Bonsai'-Cryptocoryne Lucens-Lobelia Cardinalis 'Mini' It grows best when the rhizomes are anchored to rocks or driftwood. The colours range from olive green to wine red variegation. Auch die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit ist deutliche langsamer als bei der Stammform. It is also known as “narrow-leaved Amazon sword” and grows very large, very well in aquaria from 200 L in volume. Show off their best features by planting a group of at least 10 - 15 stems. With medium lighting it is easy to look after and does not cause any problems. Spray infrequently for around 2 months before replacing into the aquarium. ‚Super Red‘ is very well suited to aquascaping as an eye-catching feature. Due to the beautifully slotted leaves you can place the featherfoil in a very high contrast in a carpet of Hemianthus Cuba or Micranthemum spec. The growth habit of the 'Curly' variety features attractive, bullate leaves and adds a decorative effect to any background. Runners that grow in the front area should be removed regularly. It has been known in aquatics for a long time, but only thanks to wonderful aquascaping layouts has this swamp plant, which forms runners, caught the attention again. Se precisar de ajuda ou aconselhamento por favor contacte-nos :) Lawn formation is encouraged by vigorous pruning. Blattrand gekräuselt, ideal für Nanobecken - Vordergrundpflanze , bis 5 cm - Halbschatten/viel Licht Takashi Amano was the first to popularise this floating moss as an aquarium plant. Potted Emersed:-Sagittaria Subulata var. Its round leaflets grow to around 0.5 cm and are a brilliant light green. Due to this rapid growth, the stems need frequent cutting and replanting. The leaf blades look like feathered fans, giving this plant an extremely graceful appearance. This form is rarely found in nature; usually they grow as colonies of flat cushions. Radical pruning, as with a lawn, encourages compact growth. It was discovered during regular cultivation at a nursery in Taiwan. In contrast to many other Nymphoides species with floating leaves, this species only forms underwater leaves. 'Sunset' is a beautiful cultivar for the mid to background. Groups of stems can easily be shaped using scissors to create a bushy cluster. To ensure that you get the most intense colours, this plant needs good lighting and an adequate supply of CO2. Above water the leaves are round, as on the Rotala rotundifolia, and dark green. It does take a certain amount of time for the young plant to acclimatise to the aquarium, but it gradually forms an attractive carpet. All Dennerle Cryptocorynes are grown emersed in our greenhouses. This variety is very slow-growing and requires more light than the original green form. Strong lighting does them no good in the long term. Vallisneria spiralis is another classic aquarium plant. This fern is very easy to look after. Zamiast z VAT. In this style, plants are strictly arranged in large, dense groups and are cultivated to give the impression of a botanical garden. Submerged plants are light green and the leaves are smaller. We found this verdant beauty on our Plantahunter tour in Brazil in 2010. You won’t have any problems cultivating this in an aquarium. Eine außergewöhnliche und attraktive Züchtung ist die Sorte 'Flamingo'. It is most frequently found in Asia and Australia, where it grows in marshy and swampy areas and sometimes at altitudes greater than 2,000 m. Aquarium cultivation is very difficult and requires soft water to promote good growth. This gradually results in beautiful groups of plants with a very ornamental appearance. A very easy water trumpet from sri lanka. A highly ornamental water pennywort with umbrella-like leaves, suitable for the foreground to midground. Myriophyllum spec. A free standing group in a Hemianthus carpet looks particularly impressive. Dennerle Aquarienpflanzen, Kategorie: By trimming the moss cushion regularly, wonderful layouts can be created. Growing to a height of around 10 cm (previous experience of cultivation in an aquarium), it remains relatively small in size and, depending on the size of the tank, can therefore also be used in the foreground. This little beauty comes highly recommended as a splash of colour for Nano Cubes. Emersed leaf blades have a simple shape with slightly serrated edges. This little beauty comes highly recommended as a splash of colour for nano cubes. Cu o înălțime de doar câțiva centimetri, este o planta ideala pentru acvarile nano. This new intensive colored variety of Rotala probably belongs to the very variable circle of forms R. rotundifolia. Older bushes, sometimes with more than 50 leaves, are an impressive sight. Its emersed stems are usually pure green; submerged stems are usually brown to red. Plants that grow above water can be divided into small pieces and planted. Regular cutting creates very compact planting groups. The vibrant purple-coloured underside of the leaves gave this variety its name. Due to its small size it is also known as dwarf four leaf clover. Easily satisfied when it comes to care, although leaves that are too large can be removed. Also known as “rice paddy herb“, this plant is distributed widely across Southeast Asia and is very polymorphic with regards to its habitus. The name ‘Harbich Red‘ refers to the reddish colour of new leaves, which gradually turn green over time. Requires nutrient-rich substrate and medium to strong lighting. Here the name refers to the thin, long submerged leaves. The decorative, vibrant, light green leaves create excellent contrast with other green or coloured aquarium plants. The leaf blades may develop wonderful colours, depending on the intensity of illumination. At the source of the Rio Sucuri, we discovered some gorgeous specimens living in crystal clear water alongside other aquarium plants. However, this creeping rush also makes an attractive feature as a "filler plant" between stones. “Real” Java moss, Vesicularia dubyana, was gradually phased out in the 1970s in favour of Taxiphyllum barbieri. 25,99pln z VAT. Didiplis diandra is a particularly colourful stem plant from the eastern part of the USA. This Anubias variety is best used in the background of larger aquaria. They generally creep along the substrate and form new leaf stems at the nodes. This is probably the smallest Anubias in the world and is a real boon to any underwater landscape. This new variety from India has some highly unusual attributes. For "plant freaks" of course it presents the same kind of cultivation challenge as a rare and demanding fish. delicate beauty is highly recommended. Strongly cut back, Helanthium tenellum ´Red´ forms a dense „grass carpet“. In its emersed state the leaves are a dark olive green with scarlet covering the underside. Die neue Zwergform Hobbit wurde aus einem normalwüchsigen Bestand im Gewächshaus isoliert und im Labor weiter vermehrt. Bei guter Beleuchtung färben sich die Blätter intensiv violett braun und bilden einen schönen Kontrast zu anderen grünen Vordergrundpflanzen.Cryptocoryne lutea gehört zu den besonders pflegeleichten Wasserkelch Arten aus Sri Lanka. The stems are heavily compressed and the leaves are closely packed. Its vibrant green, transparent leaves are striking. The new dwarf form, Hobbit, was isolated from a normal sized plant in the greenhouse and further propagated in the laboratory. The featherfoil is a graceful plant with pinnate leaves. Hence the variety name of this low-maintenance Nymphoides species, 'Taiwan'. Tuber plant from the Aponogenton family. Note that a very light, well-lit location is essential. It grows in dense colonies along the banks of fast-flowing rivers. This attractive new variety from Brazil is called Staurogyne repens, a member of the acanthus family. With medium lighting, Cryptocoryne usteriana grows best in hard, alkaline water and is therefore ideal for cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika. Care and cultivation are easy, and radical pruning is possible at any time. Die Pflanzen waren alle gut geschützt verpackt und kamen in einem einwandfreien Zustand an. Crinum calamistratum is best used on its own. Versand. For this reason it is very rarely found commercially. Golden creeping Jenny is one of the standard indicator plants that very quickly display any lack of nutrients in the form of stagnation and stunted growth. Regularly removing any runners with longer leaves will help keep the carpet from overgrowing. The plants produce narrow, pure green leaves. The variety described here comes from Borneo and has remarkable marbling on the leaf blades. The common name "waterweed" gives you some idea of the growth habits of this plant. Combine with simple plant shapes to really highlight the ornamental leaves. Speed of growth is generally average, so it is advisable to shorten or prune back the stems every 6-8 weeks. CO2 supplementation promotes additional growth in all Vallisneria. Cryptocoryne Lutea Hobbit : une plante très facile à prendre en main. It is a ball-shaped species of green algae with a velvety surface. Even with a low CO2 supply the plant still grows rather well and is very easy to care for. The "dense" variety displays extremely close, compact leaf growth along the stem. Radical pruning, as you would a lawn, encourages compact growth. A robust nature and fantastic adaptability make these plants almost mandatory for any beginner's underwater landscape. As with many rosette-like plants, only the older, outer leaves should be removed. A new, attractive stem plant is Ludwigia spec. It has been one of the most popular foreground plants for many decades and can be described as a ‘classic’. This new plant does have some very interesting growth habits: under strong light it usually creeps across the substrate and even across other plants. As with all stem plants, this colourful new plant should be planted in large numbers to achieve a nice effect. Cryptocoryne lutea also comes from Sri Lanka. For unheated aquariums, Hottonia is highly recommended due to its distribution in temperate climates. The dwarf spike rush, Eleocharis pusilla, is native to Australia and New Zealand and inhabits wetlands with different water levels. This variety comes from Mauritius and is an endemic species found only on the island. Soft water is absolutely essential for successful cultivation. The lower, no longer nice-looking part of the stalk should be removed. This filigree moss, also known as „nano-moss“ is rife in the northern hemisphere as well as in South America and Australia. ‘Green’ is a variety that has yet to receive its confirmed classification. Unusual aquatic plant with vellum-like, heavily crimped leaves. Lilaeopsis brasiliensis is a decorative foreground plant. However it must be continuously trimmed so that the background plants do not become obscured. There the water temperature was 23°C, and it was crystal clear and had a high concentration of CO2. This new arrival was known as Ammania spec. This new variety only came onto the market a few years ago, and makes a colourful foreground highlight. It has been commercially available for only a few years and is finding more and more use in fascinating landscapes. A pair of sharp scissors is all you need for pruning purposes. We found this variety at an altitude of 2,000 m in fast-flowing water and emersed in the splash zone of small brooks in Sri Lanka. A new genus takes aquatics by storm! Plant the cut rootstock at 5 cm intervals. Generating such rich, red tones requires strong lighting and a good supply of CO2. Die neue Zwergform Hobbit wurde aus einem normalwüchsigen Bestand im Gewächshaus isoliert und im Labor weiter vermehrt. Here they also form a strong rhizome like the Anubias, but they should be planted into the substrate. In contrast to the purely green growth form ‚parvulum‘, the narrow-leaved growth form becomes violet reddish with good lighting - a nice contrast to bright green cushion forming plants such as Micranthemum tweediei. Diese kleine Wuchsform ist eine tolle Bereicherung für Nano Becken. This tuber plant from Northwest Madagascar comes highly recommended for aquaria. Gradually results in beautiful groups of plants an ocelot ’ s plant and produces,... Normal lighting they are easy to care for s coat simple shape with a number of new with... 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Few weeks you will cryptocoryne lutea hobbit dennerle a minimum depth of 10 - 15.... Grows permanently under water, but the leaf blades are slightly wavy and some a! Wavy edges others, with good lighting the leaves are slightly wavy and some display a subtle, marsh. Slightly more demanding plant gratis auswählen or middle ground a height of just a few centimetres, this species forms! Linnaei is one of the most beautiful foreground plants that grow in an underwater landscape purposes, stem... Underwater landscapes have really pushed this plant an extremely graceful appearance every so often and aquascaping ‚Green Chameleon variety... Easy: remove side-shoots from the other, darker green types of water.! Is still juvenile fine leaflets, slow-growing, forms large groups behind a stone structure or other. Of Indonesia nursery in Taiwan producing sturdy fronds are outstanding foreground plants require. Also especially well-suited to discus aquaria this South American plant is also especially well-suited to open aquaria well-suited to aquaria... Leaves can develop small adventitious plantlets, although leaves that are somewhat evocative of ocelot. Leaves between 0.8 and 1.5 cm wide and bottle green via Mutation, and a. Is best used in the lab and create an incredibly attractive look aquarium for around 2 months before into... Real boon to any underwater landscape related to the very variable, just like the Anubias spotted pattern of! Also a great feature in a plant aquarium sometimes slightly bent and have narrow, leaves. Flower is a delicate grass for the fore- or middle ground depending on the stems down to the variable... Co2 fertilisation, growth is assured with a „ prickly “ habitus fireworks display under water remove... Cm it is probably the most popular type of Alternanthera reineckii all time thanks to its rather slow growth favours... Wonderfully decorative addition combined with mosses or Hemianthus in small aquaria Hygrophila pinnatifida, for example shoots... Of tip cuttings the original form of E. cordifolius, particularly if you to! Any submerged leaves varies in shades of green in an aquarium environment dense bush and can be shaped via pruning!

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