Sahibzada Jujhar Singh was born on Sunday, March 14, 1691 CE, in the seventh of the month of Chet, SV year 1747. Guru Gobind Singh was watching the brave acts of his son in the battle field from the fortess. The brave son of Guru Gobind Singh was fatally injured and his youthful body fell on ground. Sahibzada Ajit Singh became a model for him. The sacrifices of the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh ji (tenth guru of Sikhs) - Baba Ajit Singh ji, Baba Jujhar Singh ji, Baba Zorawar Singh ji and Baba Fateh Singh ji. Let us provide a stress free environment for the children to make them intellectually, emotionally and psychologically strong individuals. Chaar Sahibzaade is a 2014 Punjabi language Indian 3D computer - animated historical film directed by Harry Baweja. He himself armed his son and sent him out with the next group of five Sikhs whomhe considered no less dear than his own sons, to prove Guru’s saying that he would be worthy of being Gobind Singh when he would make a Sikh so brave and fearless that he would fight with one lakh and quarter enemies alone. Sahibzada Ajit Singh (11 February 1687 - 7 December 1705), the eldest of four sons of Guru Gobind Singh, was born to Mata Jito ji (also known as Mata Sundari ji) at Paonta sahib on 11 February 1687.The following year, Guru Gobind Singh returned with the family to Anandpur where Ajit Singh was brought up in the approved Sikh style. There is no parallel in the world when a father had thanked God, instead of weeping, on the death of his sons in front of his eyes. They had never seen such bravery performed by anyone at such a young age against mighty enemy forces. He assured his father that he will not let him down and that he would attack the enemy soldiers and drive them away as a shepherd drives his flock of sheep. The two elder brothers, Sahibzada Ajit Singh and Sahibzada Jujhar Singh, accompanied their father Guru Gobind Singh. Guru Gobind Singh was watching the brave acts of his son in the battle field from the fortess. Initiation It has the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Amrit Kirtan Gutka, Bhai Gurdaas Vaaran, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib and Kabit Bhai Gurdas. The eldest of the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh, Sahibzada Ajit Singh was born at Paunta sahib on 7th january 1687 A.D. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh the second son of the tenth Guru, was born in March 1689 A.D. at Anandpur Punjab. Guru Gobind Singh was watching his brave son’s deeds of valour and appreciated his courage and swordsmanship from top of the fortess. Thereafter, all Sikh places of worship came to be known as gurdwaras. Guru Gobind Singh was immensly pleased at this and embraced his son. Sahibzada Ajit Singh and part of Sikh forces kept the attacking enemy at bay by engaging them in a fierce battel till Guru Gobind Singh accompanied by others crossed the rivulet, which was in spate due to heavy rains upstream. This event is now celebrated on April 9 each year according to the Nanakshahi Calendar). While he was cutting the adverseries to pieces by lightening attacks with his sword, an enemy soldier successfully attacked the brave son of Guru Gobind Singh with a sharp spear. Artwork Feat. They quickly got themselves setteld in fort-like house of chaudhary Budhi Chand and decided to face the approching enemy forces there. After a long drawn battle, the enemy soldiers attacked the young Jujhar Singh from all sides in large numbers, breaking the protective ring around him. The Sikhs besieged in Anandpur Fort had to undergo extreme hardship due to non-availability of rations, water and medicines. Sahibzada Ajeet Singh Jī, the eldest son of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, was born in Paonta Sahib on January 7, 1687; the Gurus second son, Sahibzada Jujhar Singh, was born in … Visit The Sikh Encyclopedia. Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji (1687–1705) was the eldest of Guru Gobind Singh's four sons. The brave fight put up by his elder brother filled Sahibzada Jujhar Singh with happiness and courage. Some acts and deeds are so profound that they change the course of history. To the enemy, it looked as if Ajit Singh had come back. Guru Gobind Singh Ji decided to evacuate Anandpur Sahib on the advice of Sikhs although he had no confidence on the promised made by the adversaries and told them about his views. The eldest of the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh, Sahibzada Ajit Singh was born at Paunta sahib on 7th january 1687 A.D. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh the second son of the tenth Guru, was born in March 1689 A.D. at Anandpur Punjab. Sahibzada Ajit Singh was brought up at this location.He … The institution came into existence on 6 th February, 1975. Some acts and deeds are so profound that they change the course of history! Bhai Himmat Singh and Bhai Sahib Singh (two of the original Panj Piarey) along with 3 other Singhs accompanied Sahibzada Baba Jujhar Singh . The Reference section includes Mahankosh, Guru Granth Kosh,and exegesis like Faridkot Teeka, Guru Granth Darpan . The flooded rivlet took a heavy toll of Sikh lives. The Guru was immensly pleased at the courage shown by his son and the tactics employed by him for inflicting heavy casualties on the adversaries. The way both the elder sons of Guru Gobind Singh achieved martyrdom upholding the principles for which their father had been actively mobilizing his disciples, the Guru was able to show to all the Sikhs and enemy the he did not value his own sons more than his Sikhs and that he would not hesitate even to sacrifice his own sons for the Sikh cause. । On the occasion of the martyrdom day of the great prince of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and other martyrs, millions of salutes to their unmatched martyrs. This amply proved to the world how fearless the Sikhs of the Guru were and had love not for their lives, but the orders of their master. Like his elder brother, Ajit Singh, he started training in the fighting skills as soon as he started learning the religious texts. Sahibzada Ajit Singh crossed the Sarsa, then in spate, along with his father, his younger brother, Jujhar Singh, and some fifty Sikhs. His younger brothers were Sahibzada Jujhar Singh, Sahibzada Zorawar Singh and Sahibzada Fateh Singh.With his three brothers, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji carried on a family tradition: that of attaining the status of one of the most hallowed martyrs in Sikh history. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh (14 March 1691–7 December 1705), the second son of Guru Gobind Singh, was born to Mata Jito at Anandpur Sahib. Their combined fighting forces marched towards Anandpur Sahib and encircled it completely. One such is the martyrdom of the two younger sons of the tenth master of the Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh Ji! The word "Sahibzada" means "son" in Punjabi and is a term commonly used to refer to the 4 sons of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. Directed by Harry Baweja. Taking advantage of this delay caused by stuck up spear of Baba Ajit Singh, the enemy soliders were successful in injuring his horse, which fell dead. He had been keeping the enemy at bay by his arrows thus providing his son a chance for prolonged fight with the enemy soldiers. The two were aged 18 yrs and 16 yrs respectively when they achieved martyrdom at Chamkaur Sahib. The Mughals were shocked at what they saw. However, the blade of spear which had penetrated into the chest of one of the adverseries piercing his steel dress, broke inside the body of the enemy solider, when Sahibzada Ajit Singh pulled his spear back. When the stock of arrows started dwindling and the enemy forces starting coming close to the fortess, it was decided by Guru Gobind Singh to send Sikhs outside the fortess in batches offive toengage the enemy soldiers in hand to hand fight. Guru Gobind Singh thanked God for helping, Ajit Singh to live upto his father’s expectations. Guru Ji, accompanied by Sikhs and his family members evacuated Anandpur Sahib in December 1704 A.D. In 1691, Mata Sundari gave birth to another boy who was named Jujhar Singh. AJIT SINGH, SAHIBZADA (1687-1705), the eldest son of Guru Gobind Singh, was born to Mata Sundari at Paonta on 26 January 1687. Mata Ji and Chotte Sahibzade stayed at cottage of Kuma: Once outside the fortess, the young Jujhar Singh fearlessly attacked the enemy soldiers like a lion, while accompanying Sikhs formed a protective ring around him. All Rights Reserved - SikhismKnowledge Team. Ever increasing numbers of Hindus and even Muslims adoping Sikhism, alarmed both Hindu kings of Hill States adjoining Anandpur Sahib, and the Muslim rulers who thought that if Sikhism is allowed to grow at this rate they would not be able to control the opressed for very long, the Hindu Hill State Kings through persistent complaints alarmed Emperor Aurangzeb about the growing strength and influence of Guru Gobind Singh which according to them could one day endanger the rulers of both Hindu and Muslim communities. Sahibzada Ajit Singh & Sahibzada Jujhar Singh. Amar Shaheed Baba Ajit Singh Jujhar Singh Memorial College, Punjab, Rupnagar, is an institution that was founded in the memory of Sahibzada Ajit Singh and Jujhar Singh. Guru Gobind Singh Ji with elder sons Sahibzada Ajit Singh ji & Sahibzada Jujhar Singh ji. They had hardly reached the bank of rivulet Sirsa, when the enemy forces attacked them from behind without caring a bit about the promises made by them earlier in the name of their Holy Books. He assured his father that he will not let him down and that he would attack the enemy soldiers and drive them away as a shepherd drives his flock of sheep. Amar Shaheed Baba Ajit Singh Jujhar Singh Memorial College, Bela, Ropar came into existence in the memory of Sahibzada Ajit Singh and Jujhar Singh, the elder sons & the true disciples of Guru Gobind Singh, who laid their lives fighting the cause of religion, peace and independence at their tender age. Even the enemy soldiers could not help appreciating the ferocity and smartness of the young boy. Like his elder brother Sahibzada Ajit Singh, he started training in martial arts such as the Gatka along with the study of the religious texts. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh (27 September 1 1691 - 7 December 1705), the second son of Guru Gobind Singh, was born to Mata Jito ji (also known as Mata Sundari ji) at Anandpur on 27 September 1691 (as per Nanakshahi calendar).. Like his elder brother Ajit Singh, he started training in the fighting skills as soon as he started learning the religious texts aged about 4 to 5 years. He was the second eldest son of Guru Gobind Rai, was born to his first wife Jito at Anandpur, and at birth named Jujhar, meaning "Warrior." The eldest of the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh, Sahibzada Ajit Singh was born at Paunta sahib on 7th january 1687 A.D. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh the second son of the tenth Guru, was born in March 1689 A.D. at Anandpur Punjab. What happened to four faces, many thousand are alive. Early life. He attained martyrdom under the watchful and appreciative eyes of his great father. The Sikh community will keep remembering this young martyr son of the tenth master for all times to come. The eldest of the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh, Sahibzada Ajit Singh was born at Paunta sahib on 7th january 1687 A.D. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh the second son of the tenth Guru, was born in March 1689 A.D. at Anandpur Punjab. They swore on Geeta and Koran assuring Sri Guru Gobind Singh that in case he vacated Anandpur Fort alongwith his Sikhs, they would not attack him and his soldiers. Headless bodies of enemy soldiers were piling up around him. They quickly got themselves setteld in fortess-like house of chaudhary Budhi Chand and decided to face the approching enemy forces there. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji & Jujhar Singh ji, The four sons of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji are known as SAHIBZADAS, SAHIBZADA AJIT SINGH JI SAHIBZADA JUJHAR SINGH JI SAHIBZADA ZORAWAR SINGH JI SAHIBZADA FATEH SINGH JI. Shaheedi Day Sahibzada Ajit Singh, Sahibzada Jujhar Singh These son's sisters are given four sleeps. The brave fight put up by his elder brother filled Sahibzada Jujhar Singh with happiness and courage.No sooner did Sahibzada Ajit Singh fell martyr, Sahibzada Jujhar Singh requested his dear father Guru Gobind Singh to grant him permission to accompany the next batch of Sikhs to repeat the heroic acts of his elder brother. When groups of Sikhs started going out of Garhi and fought bravely in afflicting heavy casualities before laying down their precious lives, Sahibzada Ajit Singh sought permission of his father to also allow him to go out to fight side by side the brave Sikhs. Under the appreciative gaze of his father and the accompanying Sikhs, Sahibzada Jujhar Singh put up a brave fight but was ultimately fatally injured and fell martyr on the ground encircled by heaps of dead bodies of the enemy forces. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh. SAHIBZADA AJIT SINGH JI SAHIBZADA JUJHAR SINGH JI SAHIBZADA ZORAWAR SINGH JI SAHIBZADA FATEH SINGH JI. By evening of the follwing day, Guru Gobind Singh accompanied by his only two elder sons and forty surviving Sikhs arrived at village Chamkaur, thoroghly exhausted. The heroic deeds of these two elder sons of Guru Gobind Singh will keep inspiring the young Sikh generations to rise to the occassion when ever called upon to fight for justice and rights against injustice and cruelty for all times to come. The Sikhs were as dear to him as his own sons. Because of their heroic deeds at such a young age, Sikhs … Guru Gobind Singh returned with the family to Anandpur Sahib in 1688. Sahibzada Ajit Singh in his teens, had been the commander of Guru's army who fought against the tyranny of the Mughals (the Rulers at that time). After a long drawn battle, the enemy soldiers attacked the young Jujhar Singh from all sides in large numbers, breaking the protective ring around him.Under the appreciative gaze of his father and the accompanying Sikhs, Sahibzada Jujhar Singh put up a brave fight but was ultimately fatally injured and fell martyr on the ground encircled by heaps of dead bodies of the enemy forces. Headless bodies of enemy soldiers were piling up around him. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh (27 September 1 1691 – 7 December 1705), the second son of Guru Gobind Singh, was born to Mata Jito ji (also known as Mata Sundari ji) at Anandpur on 27 September 1691 (as per Nanakshahi calendar).Like his elder brother Ajit Singh, he started training in the fighting skills as soon as he started learning the religious texts aged about 4 to 5 years. They had never seen such bravery performed by anyone at such a young age against mighty enemy forces. The Guru Father was filled with immense pleasure at the determination of his 16 years old second son. SAHEBZADA AJIT SINGH JI Shamsher Singh Ashok Sahibzada Ajit Singh (1687 – 1705), the eldest son of Guru Gobind Singh, was born to Mata Sundari at Paonta Sahib on 26 January, 1687. The eldest Sahibzada of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Sahibzada Baba Ajit Singh Ji was born at Paunta Sahib, and Sahibzada Baba Jujhar Singh Ji the second son of the tenth Guru, was born at Anandpur Sahib. Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji (1687–1705) was the eldest of Guru Gobind Singh's four sons. He armed his son with weapons and allowed him to go out with next batch of five Sikhs. During the night, enemy forces encircled this fortess in large numbers. He himself armed his son and sent him out with the next group of five Sikhs whom he considered no less dear than his own sons, to prove Guru’s saying that he would be worthy of being Gobind Singh when he would make a Sikh so brave and fearless that he would fight with one lakh and quarter enemies alone. They had hardly reached the bank of rivulet Sirsa, when the enemy forces attacked them from behind without caring a bit about the promises made by them earlier in the name of their Holy Books. The eldest of the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh, Sahibzada Ajit Singh was born at Paunta sahib on 7th january 1687 A.D. Sahibzada Jujhar Singh the second son of the tenth Guru, was born in March 1689 A.D. at Anandpur Punjab. You can explore these scriptures page by page, by chapter index or search for a keyword. Visit World Gurudwaras, SearchGurbani brings to you a unique and comprehensive approach to explore and experience the word of God. The accompanying Sikhs prevented enemy soldiers from other sides from encircling the brave Ajit Singh. Both Ajit Singh and Jujhar Singh led hundreds of successful expeditions, helping the needy who would come to Guru Gobind Singh asking to get them justice. Fort had to undergo extreme hardship due to non-availability of rations, water medicines! Master for all and freedom from tyrant rulers of the tenth master for all times come. A traditional word not used in the everyday language of today enemy it... The two elder brothers, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Ji & Sahibzada Jujhar Singh using arrows spear and his! Anandpur and on hills help appreciating the ferocity and smartness of the tenth master all! Guru Ji, accompanied by Sikhs and his family members evacuated Anandpur Sahib in 1704. Fell the brave acts of his son in the battle field from the fortess, forces... - check your email addresses the young boy the tenth master for all and freedom from tyrant rulers enemy his! 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