): Onuitsprekelijke God. Os Papas precisaram o objeto do culto da Imaculada V. Os Papas proibiram a doutrina […] Likewise, we were desirous, after the example of our predecessors, to favor this praiseworthy piety, devotion, feast and veneration — a veneration which is in keeping with the piety unchanged in the Roman Church from the day it was instituted. Pius takes note that Early Church Fathers, such as Irenaeus, compared Eve and Mary. 8. 1 Ineffabilis Deus (Lat. That Mary’s soul was freed from original sin by Christ in advance of her conception—something which Catholics already held to be true—was now a firm and indisputable article of faith for the universal Church, enshrined in the bull Ineffabilis Deus. pt Ineffabilis Deus (Latim para "Deus Inefável") é o nome de uma Bula Pontifícia escrita pelo Papa Pio IX. From the very beginning, and before time began, the eternal Father chose and prepared for his only-begotten Son a Mother in whom the Son of God would become incarnate and from whom, in the blessed fullness of time, he would be born into this world. Ineffabilis Deus es una bula papal del Papa Pío IX, que define ex catedra el dogma de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen María. [7], "Mary's privilege ... was the result of God's grace and not of any intrinsic merit on her part",[8] which is reflected in the decree. 7. Como todas las celebraciones navideñas, esta también tiene un componente religioso, específicamente católico. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Above all creatures did God so loved her that truly in her was the Father well pleased with singular delight. This sublime and singular privilege of the Blessed Virgin, together with her most excellent innocence, purity, holiness and freedom from every stain of sin, as well as the unspeakable abundance and greatness of all heavenly graces, virtues and privileges — these the Fathers beheld in that ark of Noah, which was built by divine command and escaped entirely safe and sound from the common shipwreck of the whole world;[15] in the ladder which Jacob saw reaching from the earth to heaven, by whose rungs the angels of God ascended and descended, and on whose top the Lord himself leaned’[16] in that bush which Moses saw in the holy place burning on all sides, which was not consumed or injured in any way but grew green and blossomed beautifully;[17] in that impregnable tower before the enemy, from which hung a thousand bucklers and all the armor of the strong;[18] in that garden enclosed on all sides, which cannot be violated or corrupted by any deceitful plots;[19] as in that resplendent city of God, which has its foundations on the holy mountains;[20] in that most august temple of God, which, radiant with divine splendors, is full of the glory of God;[21] and in very many other biblical types of this kind. We are firm in our confidence that she will obtain pardon for the sinner, health for the sick, strength of heart for the weak, consolation for the afflicted, help for those in danger; that she will remove spiritual blindness from all who are in error, so that they may return to the path of truth and justice, and that here may be one flock and one shepherd. 29. ", INEFFABILIS DEUS (The Immaculate Conception), "The Life of Bl. Sollicitudo Omnium Ecclesiarum, December 8, 1661. "[10] The 1964 Dogmatic Constitution, Lumen gentium noted the view prevalent "...among the Fathers whereby they called the mother of God entirely holy and free from all stain of sin, as though fashioned by the Holy Spirit and formed as a new creature. 1. Cf. Besides, we must note a fact of the greatest importance indeed. In welke categorie? Let all the children of the Catholic Church, who are so very dear to us, hear these words of ours. Cum Praeexcelsa, February 28, 1476; Denz., n. 734. The same Roman Church, therefore, desired nothing more than by the most persuasive means to state, to protect, to promote and to defend the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. – Basto 12/2020 6. Therefore, far above all the angels and all the saints so wondrously did God endow her with the abundance of all heavenly gifts poured from the treasury of his divinity that this mother, ever absolutely free of all stain of sin, all fair and perfect, would possess that fullness of holy innocence and sanctity than which, under God, one cannot even imagine anything greater, and which, outside of God, no mind can succeed in comprehending fully. Finally, in their desire to impress this doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God upon the hearts of the faithful, and to intensify the people’s piety and enthusiasm for the homage and the veneration of the Virgin conceived without the stain of original sin, they delighted to grant, with the greatest pleasure, permission to proclaim the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin in the Litany of Loreto, and in the Preface of the Mass, so that the rule of prayer might thus serve to illustrate the rule of belief. La bula Ineffabilis Deus: El Dogma de La Inmaculada Concepción Featured Super User. * Bula "Ineffabilis Deus"- Dogma Inmaculada un poco de sevilla en la red diciembre 08, 2014 Después de varios siglos de confrontación entre "maculistas" e "inmaculistas" acerca de su María había sido o no concebida sin pecado original, el 8 de diciembre de 1854, S.S. Pio IX publicó la bula " Ineffabilis Deus " que consagraba para la Iglesia el Dogma de la Inmaculada Concepción de María. Ga naar zoeken Ga naar hoofdinhoud. Const. Síntesis de la Bula Ineffabilis Deus (Epístola Apostólica de ss. Recordatorio de los hechos ocurridos entre la Santa Sede y el Gobierno español con motivo del 150 aniversario de la Bula "Ineifabilis Deus". Dogma da Imaculada Conceição Bula do Papa Pio IX8 de dezembro de 1854. a la gloria celeste. Bula - Ineffabilis Deus Papa Pio IX 1. 11. They denounced as false and absolutely foreign to the mind of the Church the opinion of those who held and affirmed that it was not the conception of the Virgin but her sanctification that was honored by the Church. – Basto 12/2020 Moreover, we were anxious to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace in the flock of Christ by putting down arguments and controversies and by removing scandals. To them Mary is an almost infinite treasury, an inexhaustible abyss of these gifts, to such an extent that she was never subject to the curse and was, together with her Son, the only partaker of perpetual benediction. So we command this feast to be observed under the censures and penalties contained in the same Constitutions. [9] "The Perfect Redeemer, must in some case, have done the work of redemption most perfectly, which would not be, unless there is some person, at least, in whose regard, the wrath of God was anticipated and not merely appeased. Hoje, celebramos a festa da Imaculada Conceição, solenemente definida como dogma pelo Papa Pio IX em sua bula Ineffabilis Deus em 08 de dezembro de 1854. Sie trägt den Untertitel: Zur Erklärung des Dogmas der Unbefleckten Empfängnis Vorgeschichte. 1. In them, the Mother of God is invoked and praised as the one spotless and most beautiful dove, as a rose ever blooming, as perfectly pure, ever immaculate, and ever blessed. Wherefore, in humility and fasting, we unceasingly offered our private prayers as well as the public prayers of the Church to God the Father through his Son, that he would deign to direct and strengthen our mind by the power of the Holy Spirit. It defines the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Under her guidance, under her patronage, under her kindness and protection, nothing is to be feared; nothing is hopeless. que la virgen marÍa, fue asunta en cuerpo y alma. Publié le 5 janvier 2017 par Jean de Magdala janvier 5, 2017. Second Council of Constantinople – 553 A.D. Third Council of Constantinople : 680-681 A. D. Fourth Council of Constantinople : 869-870. 1. Bula "Ineffabilis Deus" - Dogma da Imaculada ConceiçãoPio IXPosição e privilégios de Maria nos desígnios de Deus1. Decree of the Sared Cong. As if these splendid eulogies and tributes were not sufficient, the Fathers proclaimed with particular and definite statements that when one treats of sin, the holy Virgin Mary is not even to be mentioned; for to her more grace was given than was necessary to conquer sin completely. This doctrine so filled the minds and souls of our ancestors in the faith that a singular and truly marvelous style of speech came into vogue among them. In this Pius followed the reasoning of John Duns Scotus. Bula "Ineffabilis Deus" - Dogma da Imaculada Conceição PAPA Pio IX "Quem fará O Puro, sair do impuro? Os painéis acima, que pertencem à fachada exterior da Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Amparo, em Válega, Ovar, invocam a definição dogmática Papa Pio IX na sua bula Ineffabilis Deus, em 8 de dezembro de 1854. We likewise inquired what the bishops themselves thought about defining this doctrine and what their wishes were in regard to making known with all possible solemnity our supreme judgment. Fue promulgada el 8 de diciembre de 1854, fecha de la fiesta anual de la Inmaculada. Sollicitudo Omnium Ecclesiarum, December 8, 1661. “Moreover, as regards those books in which the said sentence, feast and relative veneration are called into question or are contradicted in any way whatsoever, according to what has already been stated, either in writing or verbally, in discourses, sermons, lectures, treatises and debates — that may have been printed after the above-praised Decree of Paul V, or may be printed hereafter we hereby prohibit them, subject to the penalties and censures established by the Index of prohibited books, and ipso facto, without any further declaration, we desire and command that they be held as expressly prohibited.”[11]. And since she has been appointed by God to be the Queen of heaven and earth, and is exalted above all the choirs of angels and saints, and even stands at the right hand of her only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, she presents our petitions in a most efficacious manner. lekker winkelen zonder zorgen. And in this sense have the faithful ever solemnized and celebrated the Feast of the Conception.”[7]. Un epílogo en latín nos indica que se trata de una versión «a la lengua vasca, dialecto de la provincia de A]ava», y que su autor es José Antonio de (Pío IX, Bula Ineffabilis Deus, 8 de diciembre de 1854) La Concepción: Es el momento en el cual Dios crea el alma y la infunde en la materia orgánica procedente de los padres. Exposé du sentiment de l'Eglise : … 4. 2. By Clara Gerdes, Yale University. Catholic Web Design: Hyperdo Media. Not content with this they most strictly prohibited any opinion contrary to this doctrine to be defended in public or private in order that the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin might remain inviolate. Declaramus, pronuntiamus et definimus doctrinam quae tenet beatissimam Virginem Mariam in primo instanti suae conceptionis fuisse singulari Omnipotentis Dei gratia et privilegio, intuitu meritorum Christi Jesu Salvatoris humani generis, ab omni originalis culpae labe praeservatam immunem, esse a Deo revelatam, atque idcirco ab omnibus fidelibus firmiter constanterque credendam. Constituição Apostólica Munificentissimus Deus do Papa Pio XII: sobre a definição do dogma da Assunção de Nossa Senhora em Corpo e Alma ao Céu ... Bula Ineffabilis Deus, Acta Pii IX, parte I, vol. Want to be automatically notified of new documents? O inefável Deus, cuja conduta é misericórdia e verdade, cuja vontade é onipotência e cuja sabedoria alcança qualquer limite e … The Fathers and writers of the Church, well versed in the heavenly Scriptures, had nothing more at heart than to vie with one another in preaching and teaching in many wonderful ways the Virgin’s supreme sanctity, dignity, and immunity from all stain of sin, and her renowned victory over the most foul enemy of the human race. Jó XIV,4: Posição e privilégios de Maria nos desígnios de Deus 1. Por esse motivo, os corpos dos justos corrompem-se depois da morte, e só no último dia se juntarão com a própria alma gloriosa. [3] It defines the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They did so to enhance its importance and dignity by a suitable Office and Mass, whereby the prerogative of the Virgin, her exception from the hereditary taint, was most distinctly affirmed. Denz., n. 1641. It was the greatest spiritual joy for us when we heard them ask us to promulgate the dogmatic definition of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mother of God.[28]. Jej to bo­ Sanctissimus, September 12, 1617. The Catholic Church, directed by the Holy Spirit of God, is the pillar and base of truth and has ever held as divinely revealed and as contained in the deposit of heavenly revelation this doctrine concerning the original innocence of the august Virgin — a doctrine which is so perfectly in harmony with her wonderful sanctity and preeminent dignity as Mother of God — and thus has never ceased to explain, to teach and to foster this doctrine age after age in many ways and by solemn acts. El inefable Dios, cuya conducta es misericordia y verdad, cuya voluntad es omnipotencia y cuya sabiduría alcanza de límite a límite con fortaleza y dispone suavemente todas las cosas, habiendo, previsto… In fact, it was quite fitting that, as the Only-Begotten has a Father in heaven, whom the Seraphim extol as thrice holy, so he should have a Mother on earth who would never be without the splendor of holiness. As to the homage already instituted, they spared no effort to promote and to extend it either by the granting of indulgences, or by allowing cities, provinces and kingdoms to choose as their patroness God’s own Mother, under the title of “The Immaculate Conception.” Again, our predecessors approved confraternities, congregations and religious communities founded in honor of the Immaculate Conception, monasteries, hospitals, altars, or churches; they praised persons who vowed to uphold with all their ability the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God. 1, p. 615. Cf. of Rites; September 30, 1847. And hence the very words with which the Sacred Scriptures speak of Uncreated Wisdom and set forth his eternal origin, the Church, both in its ecclesiastical offices and in its liturgy, has been wont to apply likewise to the origin of the Blessed Virgin, inasmuch as God, by one and the same decree, had established the origin of Mary and the Incarnation of Divine Wisdom. Deus inefável, “cuja conduta toda é bondade e fidelidade”, cuja vontade é onipotente, e cuja sabedoria “se estende com poder de um extremo ao outro (do mundo), e tudo governa com bondade”, tendo previsto desde toda a eternidade a triste ruína de todo o gênero humano que derivaria do pecado de Adão, com desígnio oculto aos séculos, decretou realizar a obra primitiva da sua bondade com um mistério ainda … Mindful, indeed, of all these things and considering them most attentively with particular joy in our heart, as soon as we, by the inscrutable design of Providence, had been raised to the sublime Chair of St. Peter — in spite of our unworthiness — and had begun to govern the universal Church, nothing have we had more at heart — a heart which from our tenderest years has overflowed with devoted veneration and love for the most Blessed Virgin — than to show forth her prerogatives in resplendent light. Speaking of the conception of the Virgin, they testified that nature yielded to grace and, unable to go on, stood trembling. Yet the more important actions of the Church deserve to be mentioned in detail. Deutsche Ausgabe des französischen Originals von P. Cattin O.P. That we might proceed with great prudence, we established a special congregation of our venerable brethren, the cardinals of the holy Roman Church, illustrious for their piety, wisdom, and knowledge of the sacred scriptures. de nuestro santÍsimo seÑor. Ineffabilis Deus (Latim para "Deus Inefável") é uma bula pontifícia escrita pelo Papa Pio IX.. Este documento define ex cathedra o dogma da Imaculada Conceição da Bem-Aventurada Virgem Maria.Constitui um dos poucos casos de definição em que é feito uso do dogma católico da infalibilidade papal. 2 ARTIKEL 1 Maria, de uitverkoren Maagd 1 God die onuitsprekelijk is, wiens wegen barmhartigheid zijn en waarheid, wiens wil almacht is en wiens wijsheid van grens tot grens alles bereikt en in liefde ordent, van alle eeuwigheid het treurig In the meantime we were indeed filled with no less joy when, after a diligent examination, our venerable brethren, the cardinals of the special congregation and the theologians chosen by us as counselors (whom we mentioned above), asked with the same enthusiasm and fervor for the definition of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God. « Ineffabilis Deus » du Bienheureux Pape Pie IX pour la définition et la proclamation du dogme de l’Immaculée Conception. Hoje, celebramos a festa da Imaculada Conceição, solenemente definida como dogma pelo Papa Pio IX em sua bula Ineffabilis Deus em 08 de dezembro de 1854. Const. Ineffabilis Deus (Latim para "Deus Inefável") é uma bula pontifícia escrita pelo Papa Pio IX. The most Blessed Virgin, on the contrary, ever increased her original gift, and not only never lent an ear to the serpent, but by divinely given power she utterly destroyed the force and dominion of the evil one. Const. de nuestro santÍsimo seÑor. To praise her all the tongues of heaven and earth do not suffice. C.A. This he decreed in order that man who, contrary to the plan of Divine Mercy had been led into sin by the cunning malice of Satan, should not perish; and in order that what had been lost in the first Adam would be gloriously restored in the Second Adam. SOBRE LA INMACULADA CONCEPCIÓN. Indeed, considering the times and circumstances, the Fathers of Trent sufficiently intimated by this declaration that the Blessed Virgin Mary was free from the original stain; and thus they clearly signified that nothing could be reasonably cited from the Sacred Scriptures, from Tradition, or from the authority of the Fathers, which would in any way be opposed to so great a prerogative of the Blessed Virgin.[12]. papa pÍo xii. Ga naar zoeken Ga naar hoofdinhoud. I. Posição e privilégios de Maria nos desígnios de Deus II. María en los planes de Dios. The dogmatic statement is expressed near the end of the document: We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful. The decree was promulgated on December 8, 1854,[4] the date of the annual Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, and followed from a positive response to the encyclical Ubi primum. 6; Denz. a la gloria celeste. [3], The decree surveys the history of the belief in Christian tradition, citing its roots in the long-standing feast of the Conception of Mary as a date of significance in the Eastern and Western churches. Const. Const. "Ineffabilis Deus" Epístola apostólica de Pío IX Del 8 de diciembre de 1854 Descargar PDF SOBRE LA INMACULADA CONCEPCIÓN María en los planes de Dios. Hinweis/Quelle: Heilslehre der Kirche. Hence, to demonstrate the original innocence and sanctity of the Mother of God, not only did they frequently compare her to Eve while yet a virgin, while yet innocence, while yet incorrupt, while not yet deceived by the deadly snares of the most treacherous serpent; but they have also exalted her above Eve with a wonderful variety of expressions. Vat. “And therefore, against all and everyone of those who shall continue to construe the said Constitutions and Decrees in a manner apt to frustrate the favor which is thereby given to the said doctrine, and to the feast and relative veneration, or who shall dare to call into question the said sentence, feast and worship, or in any way whatever, directly or indirectly, shall declare themselves opposed to it under any pretext whatsoever, were it but only to the extent of examining the possibilities of effecting the definition, or who shall comment upon and interpret the Sacred Scripture, or the Fathers or Doctors in connection therewith, or finally, for any reason, or on any occasion, shall dare, either in writing or verbally, to speak, preach, treat, dispute or determine upon, or assert whatsoever against the foregoing matters, or who shall adduce any arguments against them, while leaving them unresolved, or who shall disagree therewith in any other conceivable manner, we hereby declare that in addition to the penalties and censures contained in the Constitutions issued by Sixtus IV to which we want them to be subjected and to which we subject them by the present Constitution, we hereby decree that they be deprived of the authority of preaching, reading in public, that is to say teaching and interpreting; and that they be also deprived ipso facto of the power of voting, either actively or passively, in all elections, without the need for any further declaration; and that also, ipso facto, without any further declaration, they shall incur the penalty of perpetual disability from preaching, reading in public, teaching and interpreting, and that it shall not be possible to absolve them from such penalty, or remove it, save through ourselves, or the Roman Pontiffs who shall succeed us. 5. It was she whom the Son himself chose to make his Mother and it was from her that the Holy Spirit willed and brought it about that he should be conceived and born from whom he himself proceeds.[1]. Cum Praeexcelsa, February 28, 1476; Grave Nemis, September 4, 1483; Denz., nn. For, not only have they in no way ever allowed this doctrine to be censured or changed, but they have gone much further and by clear statements repeatedly asserted that the doctrine by which we profess the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin is on its own merits entirely in harmony with the ecclesiastical veneration; that it is ancient and widespread, and of the same nature as that which the Roman Church has undertaken to promote and to protect, and that it is entirely worthy to be used in the Sacred Liturgy and solemn prayers. It also cites the approval of Catholic bishops worldwide who were asked in 1849 to offer their opinion on the matter.[6]. Porém Deus, por lei ordinária, só concederá aos justos o pleno efeito desta vitória sobre a morte, quando chegar o fim dos tempos. Hence, if anyone shall dare — which God forbid! Exposé du sentiment de l'Eglise : … 9. Bula "Ineffabilis Deus" - Dogma da Imaculada ConceiçãoPio IXPosição e privilégios de Maria nos desígnios de Deus1. Hence, to demonstrate the original innocence and sanctity of the Mother of God, not only did they frequently compare her to Eve while yet a virgin, while yet innocence, while yet incorrupt, while not yet deceived by the deadly snares of the most treacherous serpent; but they have also exalted her above Eve with a wonderful variety of expressions. W Kościele istniała powszechnie zgodna Tradycja o prawdzie Niepokalanego Poczęcia wyrażanej praktycznie w życiu Kościoła. The Virgin Mother of God would not be conceived by Anna before grace would bear its fruits; it was proper that she be conceived as the first-born, by whom “the first-born of every creature” would be conceived. Ineffabilis Deus. «munificentissimus deus» constituciÓn apostÓlica. And lest these oft-repeated and clearest statements seem useless, they added a sanction to them. Ineffabilis Deus (lateinisch für Der unaussprechliche Gott) ist eine dogmatische Bulle von Papst Pius IX. bis Pius XII. 1891-1930). 'Ineffabilis Deus' (en latín, " Inefable Dios") es el nombre de la Carta Apostólica del Papa Pío IX, en la que declara el dogma de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María. Przywilej Niepokalanego Poczęcia objęty jest dekretem Bożym o Wcieleniu Słowa Bożego. Ineffabilis Deus (Latin for "Ineffable God") is an apostolic constitution[1][2] by Pope Pius IX. Un epílogo en latín nos indica que se trata de una versión «a la lengua vasca, dialecto de la provincia de A]ava», y que su autor es José Antonio de El 8 de diciembre de 1854 el Papa Pío IX proclamó mediante la bula Ineffabilis Deus, la Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen María. Apost. Denzinger, nn. Jej to bo­ La Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María, conocida también como la Purísima Concepción, es un dogma de la Iglesia católica decretado en 1854 que sostiene que la Virgen María estuvo libre del pecado original desde el primer momento de su concepción por los méritos de su hijo Jesucristo, recogiendo de esta manera el sentir de dos mil años de tradición cristiana al respecto. Dezember 1854) Pius IX. 8 de diciembre de 1854. Because, while bearing toward us a truly motherly affection and having in her care the work of our salvation, she is solicitous about the whole human race. V, Can. 24. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Ineffabilis Deus on pronouncekiwi. Comencemos recordando el contenido precioso de la Bula Ineffabilis Deus del Beato Po IX, mediante la cual promulg en 1854, como de fe catlica definida, la Inmaculada Concepcin de Mara. For the Church of Christ, watchful guardian that she is, and defender of the dogmas deposited with her, never changes anything, never diminishes anything, never adds anything to them; but with all diligence she treats the ancient documents faithfully and wisely; if they really are of ancient origin and if the faith of the Fathers has transmitted them, she strives to investigate and explain them in such a way that the ancient dogmas of heavenly doctrine will be made evident and clear, but will retain their full, integral, and proper nature, and will grown only within their own genus — that is, within the same dogma, in the same sense and the same meaning. n. 1924. INEFFABILIS DEUS (Soort document: Z. Paus Pius IX - Dogmatische Bul) Z. Paus Pius IX - 8 december 1854 INEFFABILIS DEUS ARTIKEL 1 - Maria, de uitverkoren Maagd ARTIKEL 2 - De heiligheid en verheven waardigheid van Gods Moeder in de leer van de Kerk ARTIKEL 3 - le 8 décembre 1854 . For, replying to us with a most enthusiastic joy, exultation and zeal, they not only again confirmed their own singular piety toward the Immaculate Conception of the most Blessed Virgin, and that of the secular and religious clergy and of the faithful, but with one voice they even entreated us to define our supreme judgment and authority the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin. Natura et Gratia, c. 36 the Feast of the Conception in the Roman,. El Papa Pío IX, el año 1854, in the eighth day of December, 1854, the... 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Bo­ Dogmatische Bulle `` Ineffabilis Deus: UKŁAD TREŚCI of Catholic unity words of ours do!, esta también tiene un componente religioso, específicamente católico IX - bulla Ineffabilis Deus ( Epístola Apostólica ss... `` Quem fará o Puro, sair do impuro acts of the Conception in the books they to... Pronunciation of Ineffabilis Deus: UKŁAD TREŚCI o Puro, sair do impuro Church, who are so very to! Conception to be feared ; nothing is to be dogma ; she fell from original innocence became... « munificentissimus Deus » constituciÓn Apostólica ”, del Sommo Pontefice Pio IX `` Quem fará o,. De 2020 / Posição e privilégios de Maria nos desígnios de Deus1 IX pour la définition et la proclamation dogme., the eighth year of our pontificate du Bienheureux Pape Pie IX pour la définition et la du... 553 A.D. Third Council of Constantinople – 553 A.D. Third Council of Constantinople – A.D.... 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