Word around here is that the pie I made today using your recipes was “the best pie ever!” :) Thanks for the help! Last night, I made the best pie I’ve ever made, using your all-butter crust recipe, this apple pie recipe and apples from my backyard. I don’t think there is any such thing as a mistu apple :-) The recipe looks amazing and I will try it soon – I have a fridge full of random apples given by neighbors, no idea what they are which means they’ll probably make a great pie! This reminds me of the apple pies my Nana used to make me in my childhood! Hooray for comparative ages! I have never baked a pie to temperature before but I think I am hooked! Any help? After 75 minutes in the oven, the apples were perfect, there was no gap between the lattice and the fruit, and eight of us polished it off! Any clue as to what went wrong? I used the updated pie crust recipe and it was like having a croissant wrapped around apple pie filling. Is it required to use a deep dish pie pan? I have a few Mutsus set aside for a pie that my son requested. It’s fine but if you have a spice grinder, grind them down so they’re less beady in texture. but with how good it smells, i can’t imagine looks will last long when the eating begins. I’m thinking this would be a great place to use this as well as a huge time saver. However, I made a few changes– most by accident/poor planning. Discovered Mutsu’s before they were fairly readily available, back in the 1970’s ! IT WAS A HIT – one said it was better than his mothers! But i’m not sure i can get the perfection of apple pie like those picture :(. , I read your comment before making this and I still did the same thing. At 250? I normally macerate but I am going to up my apple amount and I already went to the farmers market and bought mutsu apples. lesley, deb has another tutorial that hilights a lattice-top how-to complete with pictures and very user friendly. It was beautiful and glorious and not the least bit runny. It is from 4 Rivers Smokehouse in Orlando, Florida. And amazingly delicious. The pie browned on top and started burning after 50 minutes at 400 degrees so I covered It with foil and dropped the temp to 350 for another 10 minutes, then took it out to rest. I bought the gluten free cup to cup pie crust mix but haven’t used yet. We pick them in the early summer, freeze and have them on hand in the fall for the most delicious pie imagineable! Awesome recipe for pie. Same amount? However, your filling will not fully thicken until it has fully cooled, ideally in the fridge for a couple hours. I found even an hour of macerating was beneficial, and I went longer when I had time. Next time I’ll either par-bake the bottom crust, and/or not use a lattice lid with hopefully better results. square baking pan; sprinkle with brown sugar. :), Glad it was a hit. Tried this for the first time last year and it was a success so did it again this year with similar results so it’s a keeper :). It does brown quickly on top (I tented it with foil after about an hour) and left it in for almost 90 minutes all told, since the apples still seemed very firm after 75. Some of the interior apple slices in my pie remained a bit crunchy even after 90 minutes in the oven. Two years ago: Baked Alaska, Indian-Spiced Cauliflower Soup, and Skillet-Baked Pasta with Five Cheeses I let the apples mascerate for 1.5 days. (I’m glad it’s not just me that sees these correlations!). Looks like my favorite Apple Sharlotka’s less-dressed-up twin. I use a heaping teaspoon of cinnamon and a heaping 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg plus the sugar and call it done when making the filling. I use 9-10 medium to large apples, sliced thin, and nuked for 7 minutes (stirring midway). King Arthur Flour carries a boiled apple cider that they use in their apple pie recipe, and it’s an excellent addition (reduce the sugar a bit) to make something even more apple-y tasting. Turned out fabulous! It seemed gummy and tough, though the apples were delicious. I’ve tried both blind baking & preheated sheetpan method for getting a less soggy bottom crust. When he had a heart attack, Mom took up this recipe. I’ve been making apple pie for years and always had a mess with juices bubbling over, making release out of the pan difficult. I use foil to line the pan so it conducts the heat from the sheet pan, too. Cooking the pie on the bottom shelf of the oven ensured no soggy crust. I followed the advice of other reviewers and baked this on a pre-heated overturned baking sheet. And then I overslept on Saturday and didn’t have time again until Sunday morning. Should I have baked it longer and just covered the crust with foil? Trim top and bottom edges to 1/2-inch beyond pan lip. Your detailed instructions were perfectly understandable and the emphasis on keeping everything cold was most definitely the key. I attributed this to loss of apple during peeling/coring and too much snacking on those sugared slices :). I used the spices as is in your recipe and found them to be just right–I think more would overwhelm the apples. Had dinner guests last night so I made this pie. If I ever learn to be half as good a cook as you maybe I’ll try this recipe. In the end it turned out to be a really wonderful pie!! I don’t know what to stare at more—the deep dish-ness of this pie or that FLAKY pie crust! Apple pie is my boyfriend’s favorite, so I make it at least once a year for his birthday (more than that if he’s lucky). 3/4 granny and a 1/4 delicious seems to work best… thanks for your post, can’t wait to check out your other stuff, I’m a chef that is just now getting into baking and live it. Pour butter into a 9-in. What kind of perforated pie pan do you use? Click HERE for Deb's pie dough recipe. I’ve been lurking for a few months now. The latter is the reason I never make pies — her recipes are terrific, but take me the entire day. I agree that lemon juice is less than optimal… but intensifying the acid still strikes a nice balance. I’ll make this apple one and try your pumpkin pie with caramel pecan sauce too. People loved the layers of apples and that they weren’t mushy. Even if the filling is a bit slushy… pie is like sex, even if it is bad pie, it is still pie! No, I don’t think cold apples make a huge difference. Hi Deb, I have this in the oven now but I used your all-butter pie crust rather than the one with shortening. I followed this recipe yesterday to make my first ever pie, practicing for thanksgiving. So amazing, the most compliments I’ve ever gotten! I prepped the apple slices and pie crust the night before and let the apples macerate overnight in the fridge. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I try to buy apples from the markets where they’re fresh from the orchards when I make pies. Looks fabulous ♥. This will be our go to recipe for all Thanksgivings to come. hi. Made with a couple of mods: ceramic deep-dish pie plate as that is all I had. We were talking pie and I was telling everyone how excited I was to be trying your new and improved apple pie recipe for Thanksgiving. holy delicious. The temp hadn’t risen much either. The first pie I used arrowroot and all Stayman Winesap and it was pretty good. ), the tips, and the additional links. Definitely the malt was to add depth – it was very subtle but in the best possible way. I think this idea came from either Martha or Rose Levy Berenbaum. Your new fan from Dominican Republic. 1 tablespoon juice and 1 teaspoon zest from 1 lemon Add celery, and continue to cook two minutes. Crispins… same apple. Sorry, I totally meant to include this in my original question! We go to the orchards every fall in West Virginia, and I have tried many pie recipes. The crust was unlike any I have ever eaten. As if it is not attached to the apples. 6. I haven’t poked around everywhere on your site, but couldn’t see it at the end of your recipe…. Because I was nervous about all the liquid, I strained it out and simmered it just a few minutes until it was a syrupy texture. Jenny — Some apple varieties are juicier than others, for sure, so it might be just about choosing the right varieties. Not too mushy, not too crunchy. I made my pie crust on Wednesday night, wrapped it tightly and left it in the fridge, then didn’t roll it out and bake it until Sunday morning. Thank you! It really makes the apple filling delicious, but it is an extra step….. Pie perfection, and a lattice crust. – and what to do with all the excess liquid that would come from defrosting? I checked after 20 minutes at 425 and it was already very golden-brown! In every other way though, crust included, this recipe is a keeper. Theres a ‘plump’ quality to tapioca, when i was spooning the juices over the pile of fruit in the shell the juice was ‘ribboning’ (mascerated fruit for over 4 hours both times), this made me less anxious about dumping so much juice in there. And I will try Deb’s pastry method separately. We made for a dinner party this weekend! I merely did what we always do in October: go apple picking, balk at the price of a bag, insist upon filling it way past the brim (because: economics) and then we ate some apples on the way home home and the bag was still overflowing. I never thought I’d say there was one better. I left it in the fridge over night. It occurred to me that a hybrid, with the crackle of a candy apple and the flavor of a caramel apple, sounded really good. Many thanks, Deb! A challenge to cut with all the fruit (I didn’t have time to let set fully in the fridge), but the crust and filling were gorgeous. This is an update to my 2006 apple pie recipe, with a few new tricks from the fantastic Bravetart cookbook.. Make filling: Combine sugars, salt, and spices in your absolutely largest bowl. My husband thanks you in advance, no doubt. Grabbed a couple bags of Bob’s Red Mill tapioca starch on clearance, so I’m set! Suggestions? One tip for those with a pastry blender: I suggest mixing in both your fats at the same time. 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour For the first time, I did not have the huge gap between top crust and fallen apples. Vanessa — A butter/lard crust should work as good as any. Hi Deb! My rule is to not cry over spilled filling. I tried doubling the spices, and found the cinnamon a liiiiitttle heavy (Still yummy though, and some others in my family thought it was fine), so maybe just 1.5tsp for that in the future. Would love any suggestions as to where I could be going wrong! I do find that the shipped apples (which were often picked a full year or more before you get them) fall to mush the most. This, too, can hasten along baked goods darkening. It really makes an over the top flavor. Best looking pie I’ve ever made. Nope, it was perfect, and even the pie filling juices thickened up considerably. In a medium bowl, mix 3/4 cup sugar, flour, salt and spices. Brush egg white onto top of crust and sprinkle evenly with remaining 1 tablespoon sugar. When I was filling the crust I looked at the amount of liquid and was skeptical of adding it all, but the recipe said to…..so I did. She has you chill the crust after rolling it because she doesn’t have you chill it before — her pie dough is rolled out right away. Omg, best apple pie ever!!! …oh, also, forgot to say: My top crust was *really* brown when I checked it at about 55 minutes. There’s always going to be variability in baking times, but I made it 3 times and the times worked for me. Do you think the crust would hold up to the extra oven time? I bet your filling didn’t sink in the baking leaving that gap that you can sometimes get with fresh apples. I'm calculating 17 points for 1/16 and 22 points for 1/12. If yours is already chilled and ready to go, roll out the first half on a well-floured counter [more detailed instructions here] to a 14-inch circle and transfer it to 9-inch standard (not deep-dish) pie plate. Thank goodness I’ll have this recipe up my sleeve to do again . So great! I’m not sure if anyone responded to that issue (there are a LOT of comments), but one tip I plan to try this year is to cook the apples a little bit beforehand. Definitely keep an eye on it for browning too quickly – I tented with foil after 45 minutes. Next time I’ll cut the cinnamon down to maybe one and a quarter tsp. The question: Caramel apples are delicious; candy apples are delicious. ), Bless y’all! I definitely think it should work. I now need at least 4.5 pounds of apples because this pie looks divine! Nine years ago: Quiche Lorraine I did a full double crust from Deb’s recipe with a few slits, and it was wonderfully flaky. Perfect weather for baking lately…. Is was the best apple pie I’ve ever made! I look forward to having breaks at work, so I can get through a few more posts each time! I find that 3T is a nice amount to keep it loose but not sloppy. It was terrible to work with. :( The pie crust was unbroken, and the edges were crimped. 9. I grew up on it, and though I don’t use it now, I have family who swear by it. No, it won’t overcook at 250 or even 300 to rewarm. For me, the shortening got overmixed, and I still had big pieces of butter. Is that what you mean by a prepared crust? Article from smittenkitchen.com. Have a great and happy Thanksgiving! In a bowl, whisk togetherthe water, sour cream, and lemon juice. Also, what material was your pie dish? Coat the bottom crust with egg wash to avoid a soggy bottom. We made this pie tonight with a full crust top and ended up with a large gap between the apples and crust, unsure why. With Cortland apples, lemon juice is not a must. Caramels chocolate bar donut cookie. [Detailed classic lattice instructions here, or try some of Erin McDowell’s gorgeous iterations.] Once the juices come out of the apples if you mix quite a bit then you’ll see that you have plenty of spice. As I said, I didn’t use the pie crust recipe that Deb recommended, however I’ve never had a soggy bottom using it before and I never blind bake – but I’ve also never made an apple pie with it before. Mine seemed wet when it was not cold-cold, but from the fridge, each time, the crust was firm. and added one teaspoon vanilla. So I took advice from another commenter, drained the sugary juice from the apples and boiled it down to a syrup. :). Also, when I serve it on thanksgiving, I want it to be hot and serve it with vanilla ice cream. They’re so rich its hard to get through one! I think next time I will stick with the all butter recipe I use, but I LOVED the filling. I’m thinking because the top was closed rather than open, all of the moisture from those Macs remained inside and I ended up with about a 1/2 inch of liquid in the bottom of my pie. [insert thinking face emoji here] Are they to illustrate posts made in the same month(s) in prior years? Many thanks. The heated sheetpan method gets you a much better crust. All at the same time. My husband specifically requested crumble topping but this pie looks amazing. Me: “Deb told me to do it.” Just had a piece for breakfast. The accompanying peach-raspberry pie from Food and Wine couldn’t hold a candle. Hi! No two will ever look the exact same, but there was no gap in any (I think there’s just a little hole where apples slipped in one), and the recipe was the same each time, to the letter. These I reserve for creating a specific taste profile in the pie. Would you defrost and bake as normal? Love this recipe – one to try on the weekend. I think I might leave out the ginger and cut back a bit on the cinnamon as they were all I could taste. I made my first ever pie tonight using your guidelines and it worked out pretty well (for a first time anyway :) ). Using a pastry blender, work the butter and flour until the lumps are gone and both are well combined. Thank you! I covered it loosely with foil and it was still fine when I took it out about 15 minutes later. By the way I have a very similar looking pie dish. Apple pie: American icon, most popular pie, and the ONE dessert everyone has to make for Thanksgiving. That may make all the difference in the world in this case.) As far as the issue of leaking or too wet bottom crust, there is a professional trick used by bakeries to prevent this from happening. I used the all butter crust but personal preference, I like a little bit of lard to hold it together but I didn’t have any. I want to try this and see if it works. Hi, I apologize I am asking a question here, but I can’t find the posting for the recipe, Deepest Dish Apple Pie from your book I just bought, The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook. Quick question. Hopefully, I’m not posting twice here (not real experienced at this “comment” thing). I’m speechless Deb, at a loss for words about these squares of perfection. Add filling and top. Bake your apple pie cookies for 25 minutes, or until puffed and bronzed and very pie-like. After reading many comments saying that there was a large gap between the top crust and the apples, I made sure to really pack the apples in and gently push them together so there were no hidden pockets – I think if you just dump them in without packing them you will have the gapping problem. Oh I made this pie for Thanksgiving as I wanted a slam dunk of a pie and was sold when I saw all the spices in the recipe and that it didn’t have a ton of sugar in it. Yes, there were parts of it that got up to the required temperature (towards the bottom around the edges) but some middle parts that only got up to 165F or so before I took it out for good out of concern that the crust would overcook (I was also getting some dry apples on top through the openings in the lattice, even though I covered it with foil). Peel, core and cut apples in half, and in half again width-wise; cut quarters into 1/4-inch slices and … It would be great to see you post an updated version of this pie but with the all butter crust and an adapted filling recipe. not sure why :(. However, the filling turned out super duper soggy and watery (I had to literally drain it in the sink). Do you think this recipe would can well? Is King Arthur’s better? I stumbled upon your recipe and it was perfect. Press down on dough with broad side of spatula until dough sticks together, adding up to 2 tablespoons more ice water if it will not come together. Would love if you’d be the one to remedy this unfortunate situation…. ugh. My family and I went apple picking a few weeks ago, but then I was too sick to bake. I presume he used it just to add depth to the apple pie? It couldn’t be any worse than any of the others I’ve tried. Thanks for the great recipe! Would totally make again, but would probably try blind baking first and definitely, definitely, definitely take Deb’s advice to cover your baking sheet with aluminum foil! Kathy. No wonder people come to you for recipes! I kid you not, you can have all-butter crust, AND light flakiness! Wonderful pie and perfect crust, this will be my no-more-tears pie crust recipe forevermore now, thanks so much for the recipe and encouragement. I loved how the warm spices (ginger, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon) deepened the apple flavor vs what lemon juice does. I would be so so grateful for advice! Try putting your baking sheet in the oven when you turn it on to get it piping hot. Oh, and I forgot the egg wash and sugar. Remove one piece of dough from refrigerator (if refrigerated longer than 1 hour, let stand at room temperature until malleable). If you’d prefer it plain or with slices of cheese, reduce the kosher salt to 1/2 teaspoon (2g). I dare say I genuinely enjoyed it, and would gladly eat it again. About an hour and a half later I cut into it. Next time, I might try 2-3 hours so all of the liquid makes it in one way or another ❤️ The pie does look amazing ❤️. Hay, i’ve seen apple pie that covered all the surface. I made the double-crust version (no lattice-top). I agree with this. P.S. Tell us the secret, Please? What’s the best way to rewarm slices? mine also totally overflowed yesterday and left a giant gap between crust and filling. Trim and smitten kitchen apple pie 1 inch ( shortening/butter ) mini-pies in my measuring cup of water or use butter! Tried both blind baking & preheated sheetpan method for forming the dough not lattice ) and. Pressed the dough into the hard-crack stage called Crispins… same apple, yuk love any suggestions as to i! Tricks here. ) going wrong, pastry brush, glass pie plate on a rimmed. Tapioca, sugar free pectin is a common problem for pie that my family and friends buy bag. 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