Le deuxième est de générer à partir de ces données une chorégraphie originale et aléatoire, ce qui constitue la base du travail historique de Cunningham. “By Cunningham standards, it’s among his least radical works: It shows, as pre-Cunningham generations of modern dance had, a keen interest in the “primitive,” albeit in mysterious ways.” Merce Cunningham was born in Centralia, Washington in … Merce Cunningham. Vite rejoint par John Cage, il va creuser le mouvement et bouleverser les codes de la scène : tous les points de l'espace ont la même valeur, pourquoi ce rapport binaire entre la danse et la musique, chaque danseur est un soliste, il n'y a plus un chœur et un seul soliste… Il est à la charnière entre la danse moderne et postmoderne et n'entre dans aucune des deux catégories. Renowned as both choreographer and dancer, Merce Cunningham (1919–2009) also revolutionized dance through his partnerships with the many artists who created costumes, lighting, films and videos, and décor and sound for his choreographic works. The Merce Cunningham Trust, founded in 2000, offers a website with many features, including “Dance Capsules” that provide complete documentation of 86 key repertory works. Michelle Potter, 5 March 2019. In 1944 he presented his first solo show and in 1953 formed the Merce Cunningham Dance Company as a forum to explore his groundbreaking ideas. L'intérêt créatif réside dans le chemin qui mène d'une figure à l'autre. Suite by Chance was also the first modern dance performed to an electronic score, which was commissioned from American experimental composer Christian Wolff. He was born in April of 1919 and passed away during the summer of 2009. Among his early works were Root of an Unfocus (1944) and Mysterious Adventure (1945). Photo by Ian Douglas 2014. Le but de la danse de Cunningham est de donner à voir le mouvement et son organisation dans l’espace et dans le temps. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. On pourrait dire que ce sont des artistes « urbains » qui ne tournent pas le dos aux impressions sonores et visuelles émanant de la vie citadine, ni aux innovations technologiques de leur temps. Son travail sera utilisé dans la danse postmoderne pour le mettre en branle ou pour le continuer, avec l'idée que tout mouvement a une valeur égale. Although he left the performance stage soon after Cage died in 1992, he continued to lead his dance company until shortly before his own death. Ce travail sur l'aléatoire le conduit à faire appel à des informaticiens et à créer Lifeform, un logiciel qui crée et modélise sous la forme d'un petit personnage virtuel, des mouvements aléatoires, dans un ordre aléatoire. 1951. Merce Cunningham: Common Time delves into the Walker’s Merce Cunningham Dance Company (MCDC) Collection of costumes, décor elements, and sets, presented alongside musical recordings, video, installations, and live performances to show the breadth and depth of Cunningham’s radical, innovative, expansive, and collaborative practice, over his sixty-year-long career. He was 90. Born in Centralia, Washington, on April 19, 1919, Merce Cunningham studied modern dance under Bonnie Bird in Seattle. Featured image: DIA Beacon Events (2008). Avec Biped en 1999, il met en scène pour la première fois le logiciel Lifeform. Rehearsals of the Company conducted by Merce, and archival performance footage of Cunningham's "Sounddance." Merce Cunningham Quotes. Alwin Nikolais, American choreographer, composer, and designer whose abstract dances combine motion with various technical effects and a complete freedom from technique and established patterns. C'est une danse assez verticale qui décompose le mouvement sur l'axe fort de la colonne. Pour Merce Cunningham, ce logiciel est la rencontre entre la logique binaire des sciences informatiques, les théories scientifiques développées par la physique contemporaine et les théories développées par la pensée philosophique du Yi King[réf. Piano preparation involves only screws or bolts. Licensing opportunities Cunningham Technique Class. Merce Cunningham Dance Company frequently collaborated with visual artists, architects, designers, and musicians. Lyon Opera Ballet in Summerspace. To mark Cunningham’s 90th birthday, the Brooklyn Academy of Music premiered his new and last work, Nearly Ninety, in April 2009. He subsequently studied at Mills College (1938) with dancer and choreographer Lester Horton and at Bennington College (1939), where he was invited by Martha Graham to join her group. He also began working with film and created Locale (1979). The body tends to be habitual. Améliorez-le ou discutez des points à vérifier. Merce Cunningham is revered as one of the most influential choreographers of the 20th century. Biographie. Various extended techniques are used, such as producing sound by plucking strings. Merce Cunningham commence sa carrière de danseur chez Martha Graham, l'une des grandes figures de ce qui s’appelait alors la « modern dance ». Many of Cunningham's most famous innovations were developed in collaboration with composer John Cage, his life partner.Cunningham and Cage used stochastic (random) procedures to generate material, discarding many artistic traditions of narrative and form. Location: New York, NY. Merce Cunningham essaye de se défaire des coordinations du corps et tire au hasard des éléments du corps et des directions. Ce phénomène de l'art chorégraphique, par sa longévité et sa puissance créatrice, était un maître, une référence majeure de l'histoire de la danse. Merce Cunningham was a famous choreographer and dancer (since the age of 13) who created a genre of dance called dance by … Merce Cunningham: Common Time is a major retrospective exhibition organized by the Walker Art Center that is appearing simultaneously at the Walker and the MCA. Il quitte la compagnie de Graham en 1945 et crée ses premiers solos. Contemporary dance-Wikipedia Ce logiciel possède trois rôles. Chaque cellule a sa propre musicalité dans ses rapports des mouvements entre eux et avec ceux des autres. While performing with Martha Graham, Cunningham began to choreograph independently, and presented his first New York solo concert with John Cage in 1944. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Mar 2, 2019 - Explore Margie Cambian's board "Cunningham, Merce" on Pinterest. Engage with Us. Updates? Stella lives and works in New York City. https://www.theguardian.com/.../27/obituary-merce-cunningham Progression of Art. Merce Cunningham (de son vrai nom Mercier Philip Cunningham) était un danseur et chorégraphe américain né le 16 avril 1919 à Centralia (en) dans l'État de Washington aux États-Unis, et mort le 26 juillet 2009[1] à l'âge de 90 ans, dont l'oeuvre a contribué au renouvellement de la pensée de la danse dans le monde. Year. American Dancer and Choreographer. In 1945, he left the company and began his solo career as a choreographer in collaboration with other artists including John Cage. After high school he attended the Cornish School of Fine and Applied Arts in Seattle, Washington, for two years. In 2005 he received the Japan Art Association’s Praemium Imperiale prize for theatre/film. During his 70 year long career he created more than 150 choreographies and turned his life into a rags to riches story. Chaque danseur est son propre centre. All Years. His avant-garde dance performances and innovative choreography earned him plenty of fans and lots of critical acclaim. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. His death was announced by the Cunningham … Merce Cunningham Dance Company. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Merce-Cunningham, The Kennedy Center - Biography of Merce Cunningham, Stanford Presidential Lectures In The Humanities and Arts - Biography of Merce Cunningham, Artsalive.ca - Biography of Merce Cunningham, Praemium Imperiale - 2005: Merce Cunningham, HistoryLink.org - Biography of Merce Cunningham, Merce Cunningham - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). All Costumers {{costumer.LABEL}} Lighting Designer. Many of his works have been associated with Dadaist, Surrealist, and Existentialist motifs. Le premier est de pouvoir enregistrer des exercices ou des enchaînements à partir de cellules chorégraphiques informatisées se substituant aux notations choréologiques. Du point de vue de la technique du mouvement, Cunningham utilise les mouvements des jambes qui sont proches du classique dans leur forme, mais l’intention et l’énergie qui les animent se situent dans un autre registre, d’autant que s’y ajoutent des mouvements de dos choisis de manière aléatoire et qui l’utilisent dans toutes ses directions possibles : en avant, en arrière, sur les côtés, sur les diagonales avant et arrière…. En 1951, sa pièce 16 danses pour soliste et compagnie de trois va marquer le premier pas dans une autre direction que celle du retour au moi profond. Increasingly involved in a relationship with the composer John Cage, Cunningham started collaborating with him, and in 1944 he presented his first solo concert, with music by Cage. Throughout his career, Merce Cunningham embraced technology in his work from early experiments with television and video to the use of computers, body sensors, and motion capture technology. His parents were Clifford D Cunningham and Mayme Cunningham. Merce also attended the Mills College and w… Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The dance depicted in here is thus not geared towards the camera's eye but towards the space-time of the stage On pourrait dire que la danse de Cunningham serait une danse de l’intelligence par opposition à la danse de l’émotion de la modern dance. Movements and Styles: Neo-Dada, Performance Art, Queer Art, Postmodernism. Il n’y a pas de sens caché dans les chorégraphies de Cunningham et c’est à chacun de trouver son chemin dans son œuvre. Biography. Biography. Merce Cunningham fait partie d'un courant artistique, l'art moderne, qui a affecté le monde des arts plastiques, de la musique et dans une moindre mesure celui de la danse. Ce n’est plus celui de la perspective. Merce Cunningham, né Mercier Philip Cunningham le 16 avril 1919 à Centralia dans l'État de Washington aux États-Unis et mort le 26 juillet 2009 à New York, est un danseur et chorégraphe américain. Location: New York, NY. Pourquoi cette utilisation du hasard dans ces œuvres ? Register to join beta. Cunningham usually evaded the camera lens. En 1953, il fonde sa compagnie, la Merce Cunningham Dance Company (MVDC) au Black Mountain College. Initially a silent-film accompanist and puppeteer, Nikolais began his study of dance in about 1935 with Merce Cunningham, who has died aged 90, was one of the greatest choreographers of the 20th century, and the greatest American-born one. De la même façon, il fait travailler séparément son équipe sur la musique, sur les costumes et l'éventuel décor lumineux, et réunit l'ensemble le jour de la représentation. Encouraged by Graham, Cunningham began to choreograph in 1943. License a Work The Cunningham Trust stages Cunningham's choreography for professional and student dancers around the globe. His ... he designed the set and costumes for Scramble, a dance piece by Merce Cunningham. The Expressionist school dominated modern dance for several decades. Si vous venez d’apposer le bandeau, merci d’indiquer ici les points à vérifier. 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 00s. Il n'y a plus de fil conducteur, plus forcément d'histoire. The choreographer and dancer Merce Cunningham is famous for many collaborations with notable 20th-century artists including his partner in life and work, John Cage, as well as Marcel Duchamp, Isamu Noguchi, Roy Lichtenstein, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Nam June Paik, Frank Stella, Andy Warhol, and many others. See more ideas about merce cunningham, cunningham, modern dance. Il est considéré comme le chorégraphe qui a réalisé la transition conceptuelle entre danse moderne et danse contemporaine[1],[2],[3], notamment en découplant la danse de la musique, et en intégrant une part de hasard dans le déroulement de ses chorégraphies. All Composers {{composer.LABEL}} Set Designer. Both images used in this post are from Merce Cunningham: Passing Time 1967-2011, Photos by James Klosty and Stephanie Berger and are used with the kind permission of the photographer. En dehors du hasard, c’est le traitement du temps qui est spécifique chez Cunningham. Later dances included Duets (1980), Fielding Sixes (1980), Channels/Inserts (1981), and Quartets (1982). Born in Centralia, Washington on April 16, 1919, Cunningham began his professional dance career at 20 with a six-year tenure as a soloist in the Martha Graham Dance Company. Merce Cunningham was born in Centralia, Washington. Merce Cunningham. Le rapport à l’espace est très spécifique également. From the 1940s onward, however, there was a growing reaction against... Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Here, he pursued formal dance and theatre training. Answer. After leaving Graham’s company in 1945, Cunningham worked with Cage on numerous projects. In the 1990s, Cunningham pioneered the use of the computer as a … Duration. Merce Cunningham: 65 Years. But Do We Want a Merce Cunningham … Symphonie pour un homme seul (1952; later called Collage) was performed to Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry’s composition of the same name and was the first performance in the United States of musique concrète, or music constructed from tape-recorded environmental sounds. Merce Cunningham, a colossus of 20th-century choreography, is perhaps most famous for his sheer fecundity--inventing steps, choreographing 200+ dances, and over 800 "Events" (site-specific works). Le spectacle emblématique de l'utilisation de ce logiciel dans la démarche de création est Biped, créé en 1999. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 10 septembre 2020 à 20:51. His career was the subject of the documentary Cunningham (2019). Omissions? Cunningham utilise le hasard (ou aléatoire) pour composer cette danse : il jette des pièces pour déterminer l’ordre des sections de la danse. Merce Cunningham's Untitled (Melbourne 2007), 2007 Carlson: We were invited to do a performance series in Melbourne, Australia, over two weeks that involved exhibitions in two galleries and a museum, a 24-hour performance of Cage's work, an outdoor event by Merce, two repertory programs, and a series of music concerts by company musicians including Sigur Rós. Corrections? Alternative Title: Mercier Philip Cunningham Learn about the dances choreographed by Merce Cunningham such as John Cage's Roaratorio and David Tudor Sounddance, both inspired by the Irish author James Joyce Roaratorio, by John Cage, and Sounddance, by David Tudor, as choreographed by Merce Cunningham for his dance company. Filter By All. Merce Cunningham was born on April 16, 1919. “ I think of dance as a constant transformation of life itself. Merce, le Bienveillant (1919-2009) Hommage Merce Cunningham est mort dimanche 26 juillet, chez lui, à New York. Although the use of chance operations was considered an abrogation of artistic responsibility, Cunningham was thrilled by a process that arrives at works that could never have been created through traditional collaboration. 0 0 1. Le spectateur est appelé à être actif, puisqu’il n’y a pas de sens qui lui soit donné, il est libre de voir ou d’entendre ce qu’il veut, selon son propre désir. Libre à chacun d’éprouver du plaisir à ces jeux de collage que sont les chorégraphies de Cunningham et de son équipe. Alongside, he also started working as a choreographer and produced some of his early works such as ‘Root of an Unfocus’ (1944) and ‘Mysterious Adventure’ (1945). Rediffusion de l'émission du 08.10.2011. lI avait 90 ans. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. The title references World War II (like in the lost prepared piano work Lidice (see Lidice) from 1943). Ainsi, danser chez Merce Cunningham demande une grande disponibilité mentale, une maîtrise de son corps non rigide, il faut avoir l’esprit toujours vigilant pour danser cette danse. As a soloist for her company, he created many important roles, and his incredible jumps were showcased in Graham’s “El Penitente” (1940), “Letter to the World” (1940), and “Appalachian Spring” (1944). See more ideas about merce cunningham, cunningham, modern dance. Merce Cunningham Artworks. All 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 00s. Merce Cunningham was a respected dancer and choreographer. In 1974 Cunningham abandoned his company’s repertory, which had been built over a 20-year period, for what he called “Events,” excerpts from old or new dances, sometimes two or more simultaneously. Artworks. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium La Merce de la plus haute qualité. DIA Art Foundation, Beacon, New York. Refine By + Refine By Refine By. They collaborated on annual recitals in New York City and on a number of works, such as The Seasons (1947) and Inlets (1978). Cunningham veut qu'aucune forme ne prédomine sur l'autre en scène, mais qu'elles forment un tout[5]. C’est un moyen de se surprendre soi-même, d’aller au-delà de son propre ego, de sortir de ses habitudes. Composer. Ce n’est plus le temps de la musique que l’on suit, mesure à mesure, mais c’est le temps du chronomètre. The use of chance allowed us to find new ways to move and to put movements together that would not otherwise have been available to us. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Like Cage, Cunningham was intrigued by the potential of random phenomena as determinants of structure. Trouvez les La Merce images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. https://www.nytimes.com/.../balanchine-cunningham-dance.html En 2002, Merce Cunningham reçoit à Monaco, pour l'ensemble de sa carrière, le Prix Nijinski remis par Robert Rauschenberg. Merce Cunningham was a respected dancer and choreographer. NEW YORK (AP) - Merce Cunningham, the avant-garde dancer and choreographer who revolutionized modern dance by creating works of pure movement divorced … On the occasion of Cunningham’s continuing series of Events taking place at upstate New York’s Dia:Beacon—where his dancers and musicians … by David Vaughan Introduction The Early Years 1919 — 1949 Establishing The Merce Cunningham Dance Company 1950 — 1960 The World Tour and the Cunningham Dance Foundation 1960 — 1970 Soundance, Westbeth and Squaregame 1970 - 1980 Channels/Inserts, Roaratorio, Fabrications 1980 - 1990 Trackers, Beach Birds, CRWDSPCR 1990 - 1994 The Final Years … All Designers {{designer.LABEL}} Costumes . Il expérimente alors des mouvements inconnus. L’utilisation du hasard lui permet de prendre des décisions esthétiques de manière objective et impersonnelle. 30s. He lives and works in New York. C’est d’ailleurs en cela qu’il serait difficile de dire que la danse de Cunningham est abstraite, car c’est bien le corps qui est utilisé très loin dans ses possibilités, y compris dans ses rapports à l’intelligence. Composed in late 1942 for a dance by Merce Cunningham. C’est donc dans ce contexte que Cunningham, poussé par son compagnon le compositeur John Cage, va composer ses premières pièces. Location Fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Year: 1954. Who doesn't love being #1? Réalisation : Isabelle Yhuel. A la mort de Merce Cunningham le 26 juillet 2009, on a pu lire sur son site de très nombreux messages émanant de milieux très divers, signe de la grande modernité d’un homme qui a 84 ans, fascinait encore jusqu’aux plus grandes stars du rock mondial. > 15 min difficulté de la pensée de la danse moderne sculpt, animate and!, merci d ’ éprouver du plaisir à ces jeux de collage que sont chorégraphies! 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