Only EU or EFTA members can currently become members of the EEA, meaning if Britain wants to secure full access to the single market after Brexit, joining EFTA is the logical route. This includes all of the addresses on each of the products you have with us. Membership of the EEA is a consequence of membership of the European Union (EU). In its … But joining the EEA and remaining part of the Single Market is the best available option, as it would minimise the disruption to the status quo and keep the UK closely integrated with the rest of Europe. Non-EEA nationals need an entry visa or approval letter to join a UK national family member; UK nationals can sponsor qualified non-EEA family members to live in Ireland; The new rules apply to non-EEA family members moving to Ireland after December 31, 2020 ; Non-EEA family members must apply from outside Ireland using the online AVATS portal; Applicants must receive a Join … It could then participate in the EEA agreement , a dynamic arrangement bringing together the EFTA member states with the EU in … The Separation Agreement mirrors the relevant parts of the EU–UK Withdrawal Agreement. … They are a family member of an EEA (excluding UK nationals) or Swiss national. The person must be a closely related member of any other EEA person in the UK. The answer is yes. Before the election, the UK government rejected the EEA option. EEA membership would also address important aspects of one of the trickier dilemmas for the UK: how to deal with the Irish border after Brexit. This model is in essence, what the UK voted to join back in the 1970s. Bring them to the cliff edge, and perhaps they will see the logic of not jumping off. They also set the date from which so-called ‘triangulation’ will apply to 1 January 2021. The UK would withdraw from the EU and join the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). So much for “taking back control”. The EEA agreement meets several of Theresa May’s apparent negotiating red lines – no part of the UK would remain in the EU; no part of the UK would be subject to ever-closer union; no part of the UK would be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice. The EU rejects the UK’s latest offer of 40 billion, saying it isn’t enough. The UK tries one more time and ups the offer a bit more. But perhaps the sheer impossibility of achieving the UK government’s contradictory wish list will result in a decision to adopt the most sensible option of all: remaining in the EU. Can I keep the accounts open? By Laura Whitcombe 07:17 … [7][8] Some EU law originates from various international bodies on which non-EU EEA countries have a seat. The EEA Agreement . Copyright © 2010–2021, The Conversation US, Inc. Which would require a massive change of harts for millions in the UK. As a matter of law, it would, of course, be possible for the UK remain a member of the EEA as a non-EU Member State by agreement. But after the general election, this “hard Brexit” now seems highly unlikely. Under the EEA Agreement, the UK would not necessarily be subject to European Court of Justice rulings but possibly also the EFTA Court, which resolves disputes under the EEA Agreement regarding EFTA Member States. Some of the most ardent Brexiteers want a totally clean break from the EU. Will they still be able to apply for an EEA family permit? If you are involved in Energy Efficiency your business can become a member of the Energy Efficiency Association. When the UK withdraws from the EU, the most likely legal position is that the UK will also fall out of the EEA and will therefore not be able to participate as an EEA member in the single market. The person that he or she going to join must have the EEA settlement or settled status. It would be subject in all such trade agreement to regulatory compliance equivalence with the EEA standards if it wishes to have access to the single market. It would shift the balance, which is not necessarily in Norway's interests". For instance, one of our clients, Jean, … Today the EEA encompasses the EU and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Given the importance the new UK government – and at least part of the UK public – attaches to imposing controls on immigration fro… Drop in UK payments to EU by at least 55% although this figure could be much higher if the UK decided not to opt into a number of EU projects that the Norwegians wanted to join. Can the UK stay in after Brexit? Economically, none of the options facing the UK is preferable to staying in the EU. This means, of course, that if even a small group of hard-line Brexiters revolt, she will be defeated when she presents her Brexit deal to parliament. Yes, you can rejoin the EU in the future. Join The Energy Efficiency Association. Read more. Countries inside the EU allow the free movement of goods, people, services and … Now, the question is what about non-EEA family members who wish to come to the UK to join their family member who is an EEA national? [1] During the transition period, which ended on 31 December 2020,[2] the UK and EU negotiated their future relationship. But even if that is not so legally, it may take a long time to persuade the other members of the EEA that the UK remains a participant, … It should be sold to the British public by repeatedly saying, “we are going back to the Common Market”. The UK quit EFTA in 1972 but has the option of rejoining the group and then becoming part of the EEA as an EFTA member. EU-UK institutional framework; This page was last edited on 6 January 2021, at 22:39 (UTC). All account holders need to be living in the UK and every address we have for everyone on the accounts must be a UK address. the EEA citizen you’re joining is in the UK already or travelling with you to the UK within 6 months of the date of your application The person you’re joining must also either be: an EEA or Swiss citizen with ‘settled’ or ‘pre-settled’ status under the EU Settlement Scheme ", "Frequently asked questions on EFTA, the EEA, EFTA membership and Brexit | European Free Trade Association", "Theresa May confirms Britain will leave Single Market as she sets out 12-point Brexit plan", "EFTA Bulletin Decision Shaping in the European Economic Area", "Fax democracy? In the first meeting since the Brexit vote, EFTA reacted by stating that it was open to the prospect of the UK rejoining the association, but that the UK has many issues to work through. Write an article and join a growing community of more than 119,900 academics and researchers from 3,852 institutions. Drop in UK payments to EU by at least 55% although this figure could be much higher if the UK decided not to opt into a number of EU projects that the Norwegians wanted to join. Decisions are taken by joint EEA bodies (the EEA Council, the EEA Joint Committee, the EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee and the EEA Consultative Committee). The UK would withdraw from the EU and join the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Eligible EEA nationals with either the intention of, or currently living in the UK on a long-term basis may sponsor their non-EEA family member to accompany or join them in the UK. Words by. It would offer valuable certainty and clarity about the future. He is a practising barrister and represented Northern Ireland parties in the Agnew Brexit case before the Supreme Court. So, May seems on the horns of several very painful dilemmas. Queen's University Belfast provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation UK. Changes to the internal market would be incorporated into the EEA Agreement subject to the consent of the UK at the EEA Joint Committee; once in the EEA Agreement, the UK would have to incorporate these into UK law. Government is that when the UK leaves the EU, the whole EEA Agreement will automatically cease to apply to the UK; the UK is a member of the EEA only by virtue of its membership of the EU. Iceland’s Former PM Suggests UK Join EEA “Temporarily” To Avoid No-Deal Brexit Crisis. The United Kingdom (UK) was a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) from 1 January 1994 to 31 December 2020, following the coming into force of the 1992 EEA Agreement (as adjusted by a 1993 protocol). Such clarity is not available under any other Brexit deal at the moment, at least until trade negotiations are complete, which may take a very long time. Not saying it will definitely happen this way but it’s a likely enough scenario. An important attraction of the EEA option is that it is a known quantity. Tweet. It’s very possible that the EU member states would be on board with this option – the arrangement has worked well with Norway. The EU would also not let Britain join the EEA without some reforms to the current agreement. The EEA aims to support sustainable development by helping to achieve significant and measurable improvement in Europe's environment, through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable … A veto from one country affects the other countries: letting the UK join Efta and the EEC agreement to veto parts of it could undermine the agreement for all of us. Questions have been raised as to whether a state that withdraws from the EU automatically withdraws from the EEA, or whether such a withdrawal requires notice under Article 127 of the EEA Agreement[5] – and, if the courts so decide, whether such notice given by the UK would require an Act of Parliament. Included in these changes are provisions in Appendix EU which allow EEA or Swiss citizens resident in the UK prior to 31 December 2020 to be joined by their family members under … The United Kingdom (UK) ceased to be a Contracting Party to the EEA Agreement after its withdrawal from the EU on 31 January 2020. They also set the date from which so-called ‘triangulation’ will apply to 1 January 2021. Health and environment, including air and noise pollution — Putting EEA’s work in the … the Scottish Government has looked into methods of retaining access to or membership of the EEA. It’s less clear whether Norway, Iceland, and Lichtenstein would be happy to let the UK into the EEA – why let the cuckoo into the nest a second time? The UK would withdraw from the EU and join the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). How is it different from the EEA? It will no longer be lawful to transfer personal data from the remaining EU Member States to the UK without additional legal protections (e.g., consent, or contractual safeguards). Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Could she bring all her backbenchers along with her in support of UK membership in the EEA? Professor of Human Rights and Equality Law, Queen's University Belfast. The European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) - which countries are in the EU and EEA, the single market and free movement of goods, capital, services and people Norway has more clout than you know", "The Basic Features of the EEA Agreement", "Why a British referendum on EU membership will not solve the Europe question", "The Latest: Lithuania says UK must say if decision is final", "Norway may block UK return to European Free Trade Association | World news", "Sturgeon hints the Scottish Government could seek Norway-style EU relationship", "Iceland: Scotland could not start applying for EFTA until after independence",,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 January 2021, at 19:12. It could then participate in the EEA agreement , a dynamic … The EFTA members of the EEA and the UK signed a Separation Agreement on 28 January 2020. [17] The Court also resolves disputes between EEA persons and the EFTA Surveillance Authority. It could then participate in the EEA agreement , a dynamic … The UK ceased to be a Contracting Party to the EEA Agreement after its withdrawal from the EU on 31 January 2020, as it was a member of the EEA by virtue of its EU membership, but retained EEA rights during the Brexit transition period, based on Article 126 of the withdrawal agreement between the EU and the UK. Membership of the EEA addresses important aspects of this, allowing the EU-27 to move to the free trade agreement that is the UK’s real aim. The UK and EEA EFTA States adopted rules of procedure for the Joint Committee. Not saying it will definitely happen this way but it’s a likely enough scenario. The UK ceased to be a Contracting Party to the EEA Agreement after its withdrawal from the EUon 31 Janua… EEA membership would also address important aspects of one of the trickier dilemmas for the UK: how to deal with the Irish border after Brexit. The United Kingdom (UK) was a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) from 1 January 1994 to 31 December 2020, following the coming into force of the 1992 EEA Agreement (as adjusted by a 1993 protocol). Non-EEA family members who are outside the UK will be entitled to apply for a Family Permit which allows them to come to the UK to join their EEA family members who reside in the UK. With the EEA, the economic situation and trading environment that EU membership has delivered would remain substantially unchanged, allowing much of the status quo regarding the EU single market to be maintained as far as the UK is concerned. If you're joining your EU, EEA or Swiss citizen family member You can apply to join your EU, EEA or Swiss family member if they started living in the UK by 31 December 2020. This agreement largely mirrors the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated with the EU. As an EEA member, Britain would not have these safeguards. [6], The EEA still applied to the UK during the Brexit transition period, based on Article 126 of the withdrawal agreement between the EU and the UK.[1]. But it’s not out of the question. They are from outside the EEA or Switzerland. The EEA Agreement (EU and EFTA members except Switzerland) does not cover Common Agriculture and Fisheries Policies, the EU Customs Union, the Common Trade Policy, the Common Foreign and Security Policy, direct and indirect taxation, and Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters, leaving EFTA members free to set their own policies in these areas;[9] however, EEA countries are required to contribute to the EU Budget in exchange for access to the internal market. The European Environment Agency (EEA) is an agency of the European Union, whose task is to provide sound, independent information on the environment. He or she should not be the citizen of UK and from the other country. EFTA states are not part of the EU Customs Union as outlined above. Here’s a prediction. EFA Joint Committee. [14], Given Scotland's vote in the 2016 referendum to remain in the EU, contrasted with that of the UK as a whole, The answer is yes. Doubtful. The separation agreement is the Agreement on arrangements between Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Kingdom of Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland following the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, the EEA Agreement and other agreements applicable between the United Kingdom and the EEA EFTA States by virtue of the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union.[18]. This follows from the two-pillar structure and Article 126 of the EEA Agreement, which states that the EEA Agreement applies to the territory of the EU and the three EEA EFTA States. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; … [13] However, in August 2016 the Norwegian Government expressed reservations. At a Glance UK citizens will have an unrestricted right to reside and work in Ireland after December 31, 2020. It could then participate in the EEA agreement, a dynamic arrangement bringing together the EFTA member states with the EU in a single market. The EEA family permit will soon be replaced … This points to a fundamental political difficulty with the EEA option. EFTA membership does not entail EEA membership, but only EU and EFTA member states can currently be contracting parties to the EEA Agreement. the UK's continuing EEA membership, that will not bring any benefits if the other members of the EEA refuse to accept that position. The Financial Times reported (paywall) on Thursday that the environment secretary, Michael Gove, privately discussed the UK joining the European Economic Area (EEA) with liberal Tory MPs and Peers, as a backstop plan for Brexit. EEA family permit would still be applicable allowing applicants to come to the UK provided they meet the following conditions. [15] However, other EFTA states have stated that only sovereign states are eligible for membership, so Scotland could only join if it became independent from the UK.[16]. Norway's European affairs minister, Elisabeth Vik Aspaker, told the Aftenposten newspaper: "It's not certain that it would be a good idea to let a big country into this organisation. Our joint Strategy indicates our direction of travel. So why has this idea suddenly become a more tempting? The UK, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein have today signed the EEA EFTA Separation Agreement. Were the UK to join the EEA as an EFTA member, it would sign up to existing EU internal market legislation that is part of the EEA Agreement. As a model, EEA/EFTA keeps the benefits of the single market, yet takes the UK out of the common agriculture and fisheries policies. This might lead to the EEA's dispute resolution provisions being invoked, which will not be a quick or easy exercise. Is the UK Going to Join the EEA as a post-Brexit Backstop? NORWAY’s Prime Minister has urged the UK to join the European Economic Area (EEA) after Brexit, claiming there are “cost and benefits” that will give Oslo and London “bargaining power”. One option open to Britain to keep free trade after Brexit would be to leave the EU but remain a member of the EEA. In 1992, the then seven members of EFTA negotiated an agreement to allow them to participate in the ambitious project of the European Community’s internal market, launched in 1985 and … In a brief interview with Sky News, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson suggested that the UK become a temporary member of the European Economic Area (EEA) … Despite being administered by the Home Office, EEA family permits are issued under the Immigration (EEA) Regulations 2006 and not UK Immigration Rules. the EEA citizen you’re joining is in the UK already or travelling with you to the UK within 6 months of the date of your application; The person you’re joining must also either be: an EEA or Swiss citizen with ‘settled’ or ‘pre-settled’ status under the EU Settlement Scheme; an Irish citizen [10][11], A 2013 research paper presented to the Parliament of the United Kingdom proposed a number of alternatives to EU membership which would continue to allow it access to the EU's internal market, including continuing EEA membership as an EFTA member state, or the Swiss model of a number of bilateral treaties covering the provisions of the single market.[12]. Christopher McCrudden is Professor of Law Queen's University Belfast. The EU rejects the UK’s latest offer of 40 billion, saying it isn’t enough. Even assuming that the UK is able to formulate a coherent negotiating position, will it long survive, or will the government’s internal contradictions lead to a breakdown of the negotiations with the EU-27? Economic Union but not Political Union. The issue of the permits does not fall under the stricter United Kingdom (UK) immigration rules. The UK would withdraw from the EU and join the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). If UK was to join EFTA, it could not readily enter its own trade agreements. This is the arrangement that was originally established in 1994 to extend the single market to Austria, Finland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Sweden. Which I don’t see happening any time soon. [3], Following the completion of its withdrawal from the EU, the UK could have sought to continue to be a member of the EEA through mechanisms available to members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). British membership of the European Economic Area, Proposed European Constitution referendum, Department for Exiting the European Union, United Kingdom opt-outs from EU legislation, Opinion polling on the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union, R (Miller) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, Continuing United Kingdom relationship with the European Union, European Union (Future Relationship) Bill, Effect on Scotland's constitutional position, Trade deal negotiation between the UK and EU, EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), Proposed second Scottish independence referendum, Common Agriculture and Fisheries Policies, Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters, "Frequently asked questions on EFTA, the EEA, EFTA membership and Brexit", "How will the Brexit transition period work? It also quashes … The UK would withdraw from the EU and join the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). In this scenario, the UK would seek to remain a part of the EEA via joining EFTA. How we can still get free trade after Brexit, but Europe warns perks don't come for free . This route will lead to settlement. The obvious question for many is if the UK were to join the EEA, what exactly was the point of the referendum? When the family member arrives, they will need to register under the EU Settlement Scheme within 3 months of their arrival. The EU is also required to conduct extensive consultations with EEA EFTA members beforehand via its many committees and cooperative bodies. Under this model, the UK would leave both the customs union and the single market. Norwegian PM dismisses calls for Britain to join the EEA as a 'holding position' if there is no Brexit deal - as May again rules out the option The Prime … The EU-27’s position is that dealing with the Irish problem is one of three “divorce” issues on which substantial progress must be made before future relations between the UK and the EU can be addressed, including any free trade agreement. The EU-27’s position is that dealing with the Irish problem is one of three “divorce” issues on which substantial progress must be made before future relations between the UK and the EU can be addressed, including any free trade … To join the EFTA, the UK will need to gain the approval of current members, i.e. The president of Switzerland Johann Schneider-Ammann stated that the UK's return would strengthen the association. The new rules apply to non-EEA family members moving to Ireland after December 31, 2020. 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