Thus these new arts, which can work much evil, will be turned to the well-being and benefit of men, and at the same time will supply worthwhile recreation. In this Eucharistic sacrifice Christ Himself, our Salvation and our Redeemer, immolates Himself each day for all of us and mercifully pours out on us the countless riches of His grace. 11, 14: Migne, PL 37. No one can offend one of them and be a friend of the other. (45). May the divine plea of Christ further and fulfill this hope and these prayers of Ours: “Holy Father, keep in thy name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one even as we are…. 50. 98. That there is unity in the administration of the Catholic Church is evident. For we are the children of His handmaid. Over the years the bishops and priests of lands that are still mission territories have been assisted by laymen of every rank and condition. 130. Thus arise all manner of errors, which enter the recesses of men's hearts and the bloodstream of human society as would a plague. Catholic Web Design: Hyperdo Media. 125. Saint Augustine In Ps. Letter Exeunte iam anno: Acta Leonis 8 (1888) 396. They act as though God had given us intellects for some purpose other than the pursuit and attainment of truth. We are called brothers. 36. Meanwhile public and private resources diminish and are stretched to the danger point. If the working classes have an abundance of material goods and enjoy all the benefits of civilization while losing or neglecting those higher goods which pertain to the immortal soul, what does it profit them? Issued on June 29, 1959, the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Ad Petri Cathedram is about many things — the need for Christian unity under the Holy See, preparations for Vatican II, the role of bishops, the mission of religious, the value of theology, the urgency of world peace, and the necessity of social justice. 46. Funk, Patres Apostolici, 1, 243-245; cf. 106. He must lead and guide the rest by his authority and the example of his good life. Otherwise mutual antagonism and conflict can result, as we have already seen. we are acting as ambassadors,”[57] and “though we walk in the flesh, we do not make war according to the flesh.”[58] They regard as a second fatherland and love with an active charity the land to which they have come to bring the light of the Gospel’s truth. While they are being punished, they rejoice as though they are being rewarded. Ours would be an even worse lot, for we do have the use of reason and by abusing it (which, unfortunately, often happens) we can sink into a state lower than that of beasts. For such peace is not completely untroubled and serene; it is active, not calm and motionless. They may lead, hidden lives in cloistered convents or dedicate themselves to the works of the apostolate. In the premodern world, the papal chancery turned out tens of … We wish to repeat to you again the sublime and beautiful words of the Apostle of the Gentiles, "Whatever things are true, whatever of good repute, if there be any virtue, if there be anything worthy of praise, think upon these things." 11. 94. Many of these sublime words apply in a special way to those who are members of the "Church of Silence," for whom we are all especially bound to pray to God, as We recently urged in Our addresses to the faithful in Saint Peter's Basilica on Pentecost Sunday (75) and on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 5. As for unity of worship, the Catholic Church has had seven sacraments, neither more nor less, from her beginning right down to the present day. (11) For it is quite clear that "as the symmetry of the human frame results from suitable arrangement of the various parts of the body, so in a body politic it is ordained by nature that... the classes should dwell in harmony and agreement, so as to maintain the balance of the body politic. Let us love Him as our father and her as our mother, Him as our master and her as His handmaid. 59. 83. Then, in the words of God our Savior, “there shall be one fold and one shepherd.”[21]. 6. We wish to confirm with Our authority, and with like affection, all that Our predecessors—especially Pius XI (59) and Pius XII (60)—have seen fit to set down on this subject in their Encyclical Letters. 108. Encyclical: 1959.06.29: Sacerdotii nostri primordia / First Days of Our Priesthood On St. John Vianney. And yet, as long as we are journeying in exile over this earth, our peace and happiness will be imperfect. . For this experience certainly is clear indication that the Catholic Church is forever young and is indeed a standard raised before the nations. You grieve that so many of your children are lost, pathetically duped by falsehood; you are confronted by a lack of material means, which sometimes makes impossible a wider spread of Catholicism in your dioceses; and the number of priests at your disposal is in many places inadequate to the mounting demands for their services. All God’s children are summoned to their father’s only home, and its cornerstone is Peter. 76. (5) They contend that the human mind can discover no truth that is certain or sure; they reject the truths revealed by God and necessary for our eternal salvation. They suffer abuse and offer praise. in homes for orphans, and for children born out of wedlock they stand in the place of a mother and cherish with a mother's love children who have lost their parents or been abandoned. (10). All this is common knowledge, and it is also common knowledge that only one sacrifice is offered in the Church. (54). Aeterna Dei sapientia [in Encyclicals] [1961.11.11] English - in ENG0069. That charity is always ready to spend itself in the interest of others and is the surest remedy against worldly pride and immoderate self-esteem. The Catholic Church teaches the necessity of believing firmly and faithfully all that God has revealed. Cathedram Ad Petri (Latim: [ad 'petri 'katedram]; " Cátdra de Pedro ") foi a primeira encíclica emitida pelo Papa João XXIII em 29 de junho de 1959. This is the peace "which surpasses all understanding," (42) since its birthplace is in heaven. All, therefore, who wish to remain Christians must be aware of their serious obligation to avoid those false principles, which Our predecessors — especially Popes Pius XI and Pius XII — have condemned in the past, and which We condemn once again. . So much toil and effort is expended today in mastering and advancing human knowledge that our age glories — and rightly — in the amazing progress it has made in the field of scientific research. 55. Bl. With all the love of a father, We impart the Apostolic Blessing to each and every one of you, Venerable Brethren and beloved sons. When it is a matter of the cause of the Catholic Church they must be ready to sacrifice personal whims, for nothing is of more value and importance. 10. 111. 47. We hear those who are sick in mind or body, afflicted by terrible suffering. 140. But as you well know, Venerable Brethren and beloved sons, the problems that beset men today — and affect Christianity also — are so vast and varied that priests, religious men, and holy virgins seem now unequal to the task of providing the complete remedy. 8. 68. . Comprises South Cotabato and Sarangani, the City of General Santos and parts of 3 municipalities of Sultan Kudarat, Philippines. "(18) For this intention He addressed ardent prayers to His Father: "That all may be one, even as thou, Father, in me and I in thee; that they also may be one in Us. the encyclical letter Quadragesimo anno: AAS 23 (1931) 196-98. Religion: Ad Petri Cathedram. (40) Come, "make room for us." Venerable Brethren and Beloved Sons, Greetings and Apostolic Benediction. 46. The weapons of truth, then, must be used in defense against these weapons of evil. And yet, as long as we are journeying in exile over this earth, our peace and happiness will be imperfect. For these reflections of Ours, We have drawn comfort and instruction. Rather are we to practice the truth in love, and grow up in all things in him who is the head, Christ. Why, then, do we act as though we are foes and enemies? Unfortunately, however, they can also entice men, especially the young, to loose morality and ignoble behavior, to treacherous error and perilous vice. "(7) We see "books and magazines written to mock virtue and exalt depravity."(8). . 69. 9. And may the peace of Christ reign in your hearts; unto that peace, indeed, you were called in one body.”[71]. May this wonderful Spectacle of unity, by which the Catholic Church is set apart and distinguished, as well as the prayers and entreaties with which she begs God for unity, stir your hearts and awaken you to what is really in your best interest. How much these holy virgins accomplish! We have exhorted all Our children in Christ to avoid the deadly errors which threaten to destroy religion and even human society itself. This revelation is contained in sacred scripture and in the oral and written tradition that has come down through the centuries from the apostolic age and finds expression in the ordinances and definitions of the popes and legitimate Ecumenical Councils. Mobile. There would be no reasonable check to restrain them. There is one truth especially which We think is self-evident: when the sacred rights of God and religion are ignored or infringed upon, the foundations of human society will sooner or later crumble and give way. (71). Our predecessor of immortal memory, Leo XIII, expressed this truth well: “It follows . 150. The outcome of the approaching Ecumenical Council will depend more on a crusade of fervent prayer than on human effort and diligent application. We do not want to offend anyone. Oftentimes, in crowded cities and amid the noise of factories, they must lead a life very different from the one they once knew. 65. These priests have spared no effort to ascertain and serve, so far as they can, the social and spiritual needs of their flocks. All this is common knowledge, and it is also common knowledge that only one sacrifice is offered in the Church. We have also observed with great pleasure the praiseworthy steps various nations have taken with regard to this important matter. 45. 128. They are certainly aware of this fact. Therefore, dearly beloved, be all of one mind and remain true to God your father and your mother the Church.”[38]. Sollemnis allocutio “Questa festiva” (25 jan 1959), AAS 51 (1959) 65-69, at 68. The mind of Our predecessor, Leo XIII, squares perfectly with this view: “Nothing is better suited than Christian virtue, and especially justice, to check ambition, covetousness, and envy which are the chief causes of war.”[10]. The Catholic Church, of course, leaves many questions open to the discussion of theologians. 102. 10. . Today, in distant fields, they toil to impart the truth of the gospel and Christian virtue to the people who dwell there, that “the word of the Lord may run and be glorified” among them.[54]. 295-312. 88. Christmas Message, 1944: Discorsi e radiomessaggi di S.S. Pio XII, v. 6, 239. This announcement received widespread approval and bolstered the universal hope that the hearts of men would be stirred to a fuller and deeper recognition of truth, a renewal of Christian morals, and a restoration of unity, harmony, and peace. . The Church has no official, clear criteria to aid in the decision. Anyone who consciously and wantonly attacks known truth, who arms himself with falsehood in his speech, his writings, or his conduct in order to attract and win over less learned men and to shape the inexperienced and impressionable minds of the young to his own way of thinking, takes advantage of the inexperience and innocence of others and engages in an altogether despicable business. (48) By His grace you may each repeat the words of the Apostle, "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me." 70. 129. 28. The charity which burned in the household at Nazareth should be an inspiration for every family. They lack all things, and yet they have all in abundance. 116. Although they will always have deep affection for their native land and their diocese or religious institute, they regard it as clear and certain that the good of the universal Church must be preferred and they must give it their first and wholehearted service. 9. During his pontificate, St. John XXIII was a big proponent of Church unity. St. Paul the Apostle described the characteristics of this virtue when he said: 'Charity is patient, is kind; is not selfseeking; bears with all things, endures all things; (1 Cor. For We know the lowliness of him whom God raised to the dignity of the Sovereign Pontificate, not because of Our merits, but according to His mysterious designs. 13. 3. There is also the threat of unemployment, a source of anxiety and unhappiness for many men. And We also know your hardships, your sorrows. And in this day of ours, as you well know, Venerable Brethren and beloved sons, we also have radio broadcasts, motion pictures, and television (which can enter easily into the home). We earnestly pray God to prevent any damage to this valuable, beneficial, and necessary union. When the Divine Redeemer founded His Church, there is no doubt that He made firm unity its cornerstone and one of its essential attributes. 29. We give this counsel in order that the rights and duties of employers may more and more be harmonized and reconciled with the rights and duties of employees, and that the associations representing the interests of each “will not seem like armies ready to make or repel attacks in such wise as to make the enemy more resolute or to incite counterattack, or like a river which engulfs every obstacle in its course; but like a bridge which joins opposite shores.”[16]. But why do we not devote as much energy, ingenuity, and enthusiasm to the sure and safe attainment of that learning which concerns not this earthly, mortal life but the life which lies ahead of us in heaven? Encyclical letter Evangelii praecones AAS 43 (1951) 497; Encyclical letter Fidei donum AAS 49 (1957) 225 ff. "(24), 71. This harmonious unity will be restored when hearts are at peace, when the rights of all are guaranteed, and when there has dawned that liberty due everywhere to individual citizens, to the state, and to the Church. The olive branch of peace would not shine in our thoughts; the firebrands of war would blaze there. Encyclical letter Rerum Ecclesiae: AAS 18 (1926) 65 ff. They indeed often “suffer persecution for justice’ sake,”[68] and for the sake of the kingdom of God. 90. Our predecessor of immortal memory, Leo XIII, expressed this truth well: "It follows . Anyone who considers without bias the opportunities and advantages which have recently come to the working classes must admit that they are in great part the result of persistent and effective social measures taken by Catholics in accord with the wise directives and repeated exhortations of Our predecessors. Their mutual agreement will result in the splendor of right order."(12). For there is only one cause of discord, disagreement, and dissension: ignorance of the truth, or what is worse, rejection of the truth once it has been sought and found. We have called nations, their rulers, and all classes of society to harmonious unity. . We have another recommendation also, and We are sure that it will be warmly received. Let us love Him as our father and her as our mother, Him as our master and her as His handmaid. 131. A tremendous task is entrusted to these missionaries. It is the basis of much of the order, progress, and prosperity of civil society. In this connection we must urge to careful, exact, and prudent presentation of the truth those especially who, through the books, magazines, and daily newspapers which are so abundant today, have such a great effect on the instruction and development of the minds of men, and especially of the young, and play such a large part in forming their opinions and shaping their characters. It may be that the truth is rejected because of the practical advantages which are expected to result from false views; it may be that it is rejected as a result of that perverted blindness which seeks easy and indulgent excuses for vice and immoral behavior. 41. Réseaux sociaux et newsletter. (59) Encyclical letter Rerum Ecclesiae: AAS 18 (1926) 65 ff, (60) Encyclical letter Evangelii praecones AAS 43 (1951) 497; Encyclical letter Fidei donum AAS 49 (1957) 225 ff. Sanctify them in the truth. . For this experience certainly is clear indication that the Catholic Church is forever young and is indeed a standard raised before the nations. And now Our thoughts turn to those religious who have left the homes of their ancestors and their beloved countries and have gone to foreign lands where they experience serious inconveniences and overcome all sorts of difficulties. . May the light of the Holy Spirit come upon Us from on high as We write this letter and upon you as you read it. whatever you do must be done in union with your bishop.”[52] “All who belong to God and Jesus Christ are in union with their bishop.”[53]. Wherefore, to all Our brethren and sons who are separated from the Chair of Blessed Peter, We say again: "I am . Ad Petri cathedram de veritate, unitate et pace caritatis afflatu provehendis, [Ad venerabiles fratres Patriarchas, Primates, Archiepiscopos, Episcopos aliosque locorum Ordinarios, pacem et communionem cum Apostolica Sede habentes, itemque ad universum Clerum et christifideles … For discussion can lead to fuller and deeper understanding of religious truths; when one idea strikes against another, there may be a spark.(25). Each needs the other: capital cannot do without labor, nor labor without capital. They must advance to ever greater achievements. Before all else, then, we must turn our thoughts to sound principles if we wish, as we should, to guide our actions along the path of justice. AAS 41 (1949) 460. 31. "Let us love God our Lord; let us love His Church. We think this matter is so serious and important that We intend at some other time to discuss it at greater length. . We address Ourselves now to all of you who are separated from this Apostolic See. Lusts, dissensions, and disputes would erupt from within us. 28. Indeed, whoever opposes peaceful and necessary cooperation among the social classes is attempting, beyond doubt, to disrupt and divide human society; he menaces and does serious injury to private interests and the public welfare. 86. Their stern voices urge us all to return at once to harmony, unity, and a just peace. (64) At the same time, she encourages friendly cooperation and mutual assistance among the various classes, so that all men may become in name and in fact not only free citizens of the same society but also brothers within the same family. They are poor, and yet they make many wealthy. But above all these things have charity, which is the bond of perfection. As for unity of worship, the Catholic Church has had seven sacraments, neither more nor less, from her beginning right down to the present day. la Attamen ad eas omnes superiores causas accedit nunc peculiaris consideratio originis Nostrae et civitatis et ipsius Sedis Cracoviensis, ex qua devocati sumus ad Cathedram Petri Romanam. 52. 110. 132. .”[39]. that law becomes ineffective and all authority is weakened once the sovereign and eternal rule of God, who commands and forbids, is rejected.”[66] Cicero expressed the same idea when he wrote, “You, the priests, are protecting Rome with religion more effectively than she is protected with walls.”[67]. Ad Petri Cathedram. Thus, wherever the emigrant may journey, he sees the Church's love for him and discovers that this love is even more evident and more effective when his need for care and aid is greatest. 2. Everyone realizes, of course, that God our Redeemer founded this society which was to endure to the end of time, for as Christ said, "Behold, I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world. This peace combats hatred, fraud, and discord, which can impair and cripple our faith. Format: Digital. “This attitude,” to quote Pope Leo again, “is directed to the destruction of all religions, but particularly the Catholic faith, which cannot be placed on a level with other religions without serious injustice, since it alone is true.”[9] Moreover, to contend that there is nothing to choose between contradictories and among contraries can lead only to this fatal conclusion: a reluctance to accept any religion either in theory or practice. 108. 132. (73) This is Our earnest plea. 24. When it is a matter of the cause of the Catholic Church they must be ready to sacrifice personal whims, for nothing is of more value and importance. Their unhappiness touches Our heart; We are constrained to take pity and to repeat the merciful words that came from the heart of our Divine Master when He saw the multitude languishing in hunger: ‘I have compassion on the crowd’ (Mark 8.2).”[15]. We especially urge to peace and unity those who hold the reins of government. As a matter of fact, the distances which separate the classes of society are shrinking. 5. As Our predecessor, addressing the Catholics of Germany, expressed it: "The terrible disasters of the recent war plunged you into hardship, but produced at least one blessing among the many classes of your population: prejudices and exaggerated ambitions for personal advantage have subsided; the conflicting interests of the classes are nearer to reconciliation. As Saint Ignatius of Antioch said: "Since you are subject to your bishop as to Jesus Christ,... whatever you do must be done in union with your bishop." Then, in the words of God our Savior, "there shall be one fold and one shepherd."(21). And the next step brings rioting mobs, wanton destruction of property, and sometimes even bloodshed. Hard times borne together have taught you all a helpful, though bitter, lesson.”[14]. Let all be of one mind, since—as all know well—in unity there is greater strength. 112. And yet, God gave each of us an intellect capable of attaining natural truth. 21. If anyone is so unfortunate as to wander far from his divine Redeemer in sin and iniquity, let him return to Him who is "the way, and the truth, and the life." At times, and this is more serious, they find themselves in an environment that is hostile and hurtful to Christian virtue. . They indeed often "suffer persecution for justice' sake," (68) and for the sake of the kingdom of God. We pray earnestly to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whose Immaculate Heart Our predecessor, Pius XII, consecrated the entire human race. They act as though God had given us intellects for some purpose other than the pursuit and attainment of truth. But We are conscious of Our sacred duty to do all that We can to defend the rights of Our sons and brethren. 49. They are not understood, and yet they are condemned; they are put to death, and yet their life is quickened. Priests should also be mindful that they are more than public dignitaries; they are sacred ministers. Help. Those citizens of straitened fortune who are dissatisfied with their very difficult lot in life may be sure that We deeply regret their condition. 62. Ad Petri Cathedram, issued on 29 June 1959, is the first encyclical written by Pope John XXIII. It may be that the truth is rejected because of the practical advantages which are expected to result from false views; it may be that it is rejected as a result of that perverted blindness which seeks easy and indulgent excuses for vice and immoral behavior. It is the same peace which Christ promised to men of good will through the song of the angels who hovered over His crib;[43] it is the peace He imparted after instituting the Eucharistic Sacrament and Sacrifice: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.”[44]. Written in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on the 29th day of June, the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, in the year 1959, the first of Our Pontificate. Priesthood on St. John XXIII 's vision was that the Church places her hope for is to done... ” Discorsi e radiomessaggi di S.S. Pio XII, v. 1, 243-245 ; cf ad cathedram petri english. Vous désinscrire via le lien de désabonnement présent dans la newsletter popes have communicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary to..., St. John XXIII 's vision was that the Catholic Church. sollemnis “. 680-681 A. D. Fourth Council of Constantinople – 553 A.D. Third Council of Constantinople: 680-681 A. D. Council... 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