... we asked a Personnel Director how much civil service limited the creativity of the bureaucracy... his answer, “How high over 100 percent can I go?” The need for reform has also been reflected in research such as that conducted by Hal Rainey. 6. If complete elimination of civil service is considered as a “reform” option, then the city must be sure that an adequate Personnel Policies and Procedures document is in place to address many of the issues typically found in a civil service program - including procedures for hiring, discipline, dismissal, grievances, etc.. (4) See note 2 at p. 117. Always consult with your city attorney or an MTAS consultant before taking any action based on information posted to this website. This has been especially true in non-managerial positions, where the bulk of the local government workforce operate. The vast majority of the jobs in the executive branch are ‘civil service’ jobs for full-time, tenured government employees. President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized Hopkins to set up the Civil Works Administration (CWA) in November, 1933. Civil Works Administration. Another study found that civil service actually increased spending, and that such increases were associated with how long civil service had been in effect.15Civil Service Reform In terms of reform itself, it has been noted that a wholesale overhaul of civil service may not be the best solution in all cases, and in fact may not be politically acceptable in many circumstances. 3 Vigoda, Eran. Harry Hopkins was made head of the CWA. It is imperative that an adequate set of Personnel Policies is in place so that the rationale for initiating civil service for all remaining employees is partially removed. Civil Service.” New York Administrative Employees. Each of the “positives” and “negatives” should be weighed in light of current needs and future directions, then an informed decision regarding alteration or elimination of civil service take place.1 Citywide Administrative Services. part of his New Deal plan to lift the country out of the Great Depression by reforming the financial system and restoring the economy to pre-Depression levels The term normally excludes elected officials but includes the vast bulk of those who see to the daily functioning of the public sector. Faced with continued high unemployment and concerns for public welfare during the coming winter of 1933-34, FERA institute the Civil Works Administration (CWA) as a short-term measure to get people to work. That’s why the pros and cons of a jury system deserve a periodic review. Consider just a few of the major problems: - Hiring - Managers in civil service systems cannot hire like normal managers: advertise a position, take resumes, interview people, and talk to references. In these cases civil service has partly helped to ensure the non-politicized appointment and advancement of the workforce. This being the case, in addition to the alteration of existing civil service regulations for those to whom it does apply, each jurisdiction should also examine its current Personnel Policies so that they adequately address conditions of employment for the remainder of the workforce. 129.18 Winter. Vol. Like other New Deal emergency employment programs, the CWA was designed to put jobless Americans back to work and to use them on beneficial public projects. [email protected], Help | 118.8 Olson. How can merit be served when pay is determined mainly on the basis of time on the job? Website: The administration, as per the definition states that it is the right execution of things and work has done in an office. A person who has successfully completed an MPA degree program can work in a government office, in a company’s corporate office, or with a non-profit organization. They also tend to feel that the personnel procedures governing their organizations constrain the administration of incentives in that they make it harder to associate such incentives with a manager’s performance. Perhaps most important, the CWA experiment greatly increased support for public employment, creating pressure both within the New Deal and in Congress for the administration to end the general relief grant program and launch the WPA in 1935. The laws referenced may have changed and/or the technical advice provided may not be applicable to your city or circumstances. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the pros and cons related to civil service, and to offer suggestions for improvements. People will ride over bridges they made, travel on their highways, attend schools they built, navigate waterways they improved, do their public business in courthouses and state capitols which workers from CWA rescued from disrepair. (2) Harry L. Hopkins, Spending to Save: The Complete Story of Relief, New York: W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1936, p. 116. Donate | It has been especially effective in jurisdictions where elected officials are responsible for the hiring, discipline, and dismissal of line employees and where strong personnel policies and procedures are not in place to guide these efforts. Later in 1933 came the Public Works Administration, headed by Interior Secretary Harold Ickes and the Civil Works Administration, under Roosevelt’s top aide Harry Hopkins. Often they have to take the top scorer, or one of the top three scorers - regardless of whether that person is motivated or otherwise qualified (in San Francisco, if two applicants tie for the top score, the one with the highest social security number gets the job). Criticisms of Civil Service and the Rationale for Reform Osborne and Gaebler have noted that a personnel system built around civil service is one of the most destructive systems operating in government today.6 It is likely that this notion especially holds true in jurisdictions which have continued to utilize civil service systems in spite of other managerial changes in their structure or changes in the procedures guiding conditions of employment. The CWA provided a psychological and physical boost to its 4 million workers! For example, one author has noted that the “legal straightjacket” on the hiring process is almost universally blamed for a widespread sense that the overall quality of employees is declining.4 In addition, with the advent of professional management (largely through the emergence of the Council-Manager form of government) the need for civil service has been reduced. Vol. In fact there are significant risks that are unique to the civil construction industry. www.mtas.tennessee.edu. And you might be wondering what are the pros and cons of business management, in this case. - The system may discourage the retention of the highest-quality employees by rewarding longevity rather that performance. Federal application of civil service occurred with passage of the Pendleton Act in 1883. We had two hundred thousand CWA projects” [7]. It also reduced political influence in the hiring, promotion and dismissal of employees. Congress establishes the Civil Works Administration. And you might be wondering what are the pros and cons of business management, in this case. The jury system works by using a … - Placing limits on the effects of seniority as it pertains to hiring, promotion and downsizing. 24-25.11 Osborne and Gaebler. 1992. 26, No. We’re sure we went through some of the most highlighted pros, that most definitely out-weigh the scarcity of the cons. This administration was a part of the new deal presented and executed by FDR so that the lives of employees would be a little bit easier, and filled with less hardship during the depression. They seldom have anything to do with performance. This movement, and the related civil service systems which emerged from it, were aimed at reducing or eliminating the system of “spoils”, patronage, and corruption which seemed to characterize many governments of the day, including those at the local, state, and federal levels. Department of Geography The Works Progress Administration of the federal government (also known as Work Projects Administration) was the major relief agency of Franklin D. Roosevelt New Deal; Supplanting the Civil Works Administration (an emergency temporary work relief program, 1933-34), which was the original sponsor of a variety of state and municipal, relief projects, the WPA employed over 2 million … When someone says they are a civil service employee or a civil servant, it means that person works for a government agency, whether it be federal, state, or local.Each government entity is responsible for its own employment system, takes care of its own personnel needs, and engages in different hiring practices. Hard Truths/Tough Choices: An Agenda For State and Local Reform. The civil service movement thus served to drastically improve local government operations at a time when professional management had yet to emerge. Other potential reforms have also been identified. The effect of this “career ladder” is that employees feel comfortable with the process of selection for advancement, as they more clearly see the future and possibilities for their movement through the organization. Berkeley CA 94720-4740 In Feb. 1934, the federal government allotted $186,000. In short, traditional political values ceased to control administrative appointments, and in its place technical expertise emerged as a preeminent appointment factor.2 From this point of view civil service has had a positive effect. The term "Civil Service" was coined in 1872. For big salary increases, government employees have to compete for vacant positions with higher salaries. 1979. If these are in place they may serve to address many of the issues also addressed by civil service, including procedures for hiring, discipline, and dismissal. 125 - 127.12 Rainey, Hal G. “Perceptions of Incentives in Business and Government: Implications For Civil Service Reform.” Public Administration Review. Its influence in terms of reducing political patronage in the hiring process has been commonplace. 326-347.4 Olson, Walter. 7 Battaglio, Paul and Condrey, Stephen. Remarking on the program a few years after its termination, Harry Hopkins wrote: “Long after the workers of CWA are dead and gone and these hard times forgotten, their effort will be remembered by permanent useful works in every county of every state. Some include:18 - Reducing constraints on managerial discretion (such as those imposed by civil service) and replacing these with clear protections for those who may face discrimination (such as those provided by comprehensive personnel policies). Help us create more content like you see here: Sign up for The Fireside, The Lowdown, and other news. In many cases it clearly spells out the specific criteria needed in order to move upward (“through rank”) in the workforce. When you’re weighing the odds of your future career, of course, you will look down to the pros and cons. We serve business and government to improve the lives of Tennesseans. Introduction. Civil service versus political appointments. In nearly all cases these regulations are administered by a “third party” committee usually comprised of citizens appointed by both the city governing body and those employees affected by the civil service program. For example, one author has noted that the “legal straightjacket” on the hiring process is almost universally blamed for a widespread sense that the overall quality of employees is declining. The CWA ended in July of 1934 (although most employment ended by March 31, 1934) [8], but its success was so remarkable and its closure so clearly felt that it was recreated in the form of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in 1935; and the WPA was led by some of the same administrative workers from FERA and CWA. Introduction to Civil Service Traditionally, “civil service” generally refers to the group of people employed in the administration of government. Only 9 cities in Tennessee with populations above 10,000 have these formalized civil service systems (that’s about 15% of cities in this population group). The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was an ambitious employment and infrastructure program created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935, during the bleakest years of the Great Depression. 4, November, 1993. However, it should also be noted that the rigidity of many civil service testing and advancement procedures have given rise to numerous criticisms, many of which point to the absence of other important hiring or advancement criteria (such as performance). Introduction The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the pros and cons related to civil service, and to offer suggestions for improvements. - Many jurisdictions may already have regulations granting a “property right” to employees, and thus additional guarantees (such as those provided by civil service) are not needed. Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) Conclusion In conclusion it should be noted that Civil Service has a long and varied history. - There’s an old saying: “Government workers are like headless nails: you can get them in but you can’t get them out.” The process of (dismissal) is so time consuming and difficult that few managers ever fire anyone. In a typical job - in a police department for example... managers have to promote from among those already in the proper career track who have scored highest on the promotional exam. - Existing systems serve as a disincentive rather than an incentive for performance improvement. The quality of the college from which one pursues the course plays and … As long as human exist, they will need house, roads and other building structures. CWA Local 1180. 1.2 Clarence Stone, Robert Whelan, and William Murin. Experiments in civil service have demonstrated positive results through such reforms as:17 - broad classifications and pay bands; - implementing market-based salaries; - using performance-based pay; - promotion and layoffs by performance rather than seniority; - hiring systems that allow managers to hire the most qualified people (within legal and affirmative action guidelines); - aggressive recruitment of the best people; and - streamlining of the appeals process for employees who are fired. - Reducing the number of job families into which employees fit. In other communities, changing to a Council-Manager type form of government would be a viable option when considering civil service reform. …12, 1933, Congress established a Federal Emergency Relief Administration to distribute half a billion dollars to state and local agencies. This was a combination City/State/Federal (Civil Works Administration) project. For our purposes here then, we will define civil service as the formalized set of procedures and regulations under which a defined set of employees work. 127-128.16 Battaglio and Condrey. Pros and Cons of Public Employment Believed by many to be among the most secure work environments, jobs in government are highly sought after. Privacy & Terms, http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=14548. The result is a system in which managers cannot manage, deadwood is kept on, and morale goes through the floor. 39, No. Here again, the removal of political influence in the workplace, be it either real or perceived, may contribute significantly to employee satisfaction.3 The effect of these dynamics may be that unionization of the public workforce has been slowed, or in some cases even prevented, through the application of a quality civil service program. They also vary in terms of the groups of employees to whom they apply. 1610 University Avenue Public Works Administration (PWA), part of the New Deal of 1933, was a large-scale public works construction agency in the United States headed by Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes.It was created by the National Industrial Recovery Act in June 1933 in response to the Great Depression.It built large-scale public works such as dams, bridges, hospitals, and schools. The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the pros and cons related to civil service and to offer suggestions for improvements. 2, June 2006. 134.17 Osborne and Gaebler. Vol. How can merit be served, for example, when supervisors are only allowed three choices from among hundreds of possible candidates for a job? 6420B, under the power granted to President Roosevelt by Title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 [1]. “Fixing the Civil Service Mess.” City Journal. Here are the Tennessee cities larger than 10,000 in population, their populations, and the employees to whom civil service regulations apply:City Population Employees Under Civil ServiceGreeneville 15,274 Police, Fire, and many others Dyersburg 17,452 Police Morristown 25,402 Police and Fire Columbia 33,055 Most except department heads Johnson City 56,194 Police and Fire Jackson 59,643 Police and Fire Knoxville 173,890 Most except department heads Nashville 545,915 Most, with some exceptions Memphis 680,768 Most, with some exceptions It should be noted that only 3 of these cities operate under something equivalent to a “Council-Manager” form of government. University of California About Us | But in modern times the term “civil service” has come to mean not the complete strata of officials who administer government but a more formalized set of standards by which many of them are selected; it reflects the idea that government functions best when it is staffed based on merit and not political patronage.1 Most employees who work under these formal civil service systems are chosen based on written examinations. Sources: (1) The American Presidency Project, Franklin D. Roosevelt: 167 – Executive Order No. An additional benefit of civil service may be its influence on unionization (which may or may not be considered a benefit, depending on which side of the unionization debate a decision- maker resides). 2000-2003. The mission of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is to deliver vital public and military engineering services; partnering in peace and war to strengthen our nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters. Constantly expanded and diversified to offer use for the special skills and training of different types of workers, the CWA program finally extended its scope to almost every kind of community activity. Civil Service: Some Pros, Cons and Suggestions for Reform (by Pat Hardy, MTAS, 10/06), Introduction The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the pros and cons related to civil service, and to offer suggestions for improvements. 1.9 Osborne and Gaebler. This is largely due to the fact that the Manager/Administrator position is not elected, but appointed. Civil Works Administration (CWA) _ _. 5, September-October 1979, 443-444.13 Elling, Richard C. “Civil Service, Collective Bargaining and Personnel-Related Impediments to Effective state Management: A Comparative Assessment.” Review of Public Personnel Administration. - Classification - Civil service jobs are classified on a graded scale, and pay within each classification is determined by longevity, not performance. - The system may not facilitate productivity improvement efforts. The CWA received funding from the Public Works Administration ($400 million), the Federal Emergency Relief Administration ($89 million), and an appropriation from Congress ($345 million) [4]. - Promotion - Promotions are controlled by the personnel department, not the manager. Alarmed by rising costs, Roosevelt dismantled the CWA in 1934, but… Read More In fact it is now a requirement for most Tennessee communities that a set of Personnel Policies and Procedures be in place, and that they contain the items mentioned above as well as a “grievance procedure.” This results in a document which then addresses key provisions of many civil service programs. 1993. The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government, Albany, New York. But it can also help professionalize the workforce in the presence of a politically dominated workplace. Some of the advantages or pros of civil engineering career is that: It will always have high demand. 510-642-5987 When you’re weighing the odds of your future career, of course, you will look down to the pros and cons. Public administration careers are available in both the private and public sector which opens the door to a variety of career paths. 26-30. 1. 5.5 Frant, Howard. Pros of Works Progress Administration (WPA) Over its eight year lifespan, the agency put more than 8.5 million people to work. 125.10 Winter, William (Chairman). (6) Ibid. In these cases civil service has greatly contributed to the professionalism of local workforces. More specifically, the CWA was designed to be a short-lived program to help jobless Americans get through the dire winter of 1933-34 [2]. It includes the terms and procedures under which they are hired, promoted, disciplined, and dismissed. The only notable absence in this regard are testing requirements, and especially those pertaining to police and fire. (8) Works Progress Administration, Analysis of Civil Works Program Statistics, Washington, DC, 1939, p. 6. 505 McCone Hall At its launch, two million workers came over from FERA and “Nine million people swarmed to the [United States Employment Service] offices to apply for the other two million slots” [5]. These include More discussion on this relationship can be found below.Benefits of Civil Service Systems Civil Service systems in the United States emerged around 1877-1883 when both New York City and Brooklyn passed the first local civil service regulations. Vol. - Streamlining the pay structure by utilizing a smaller number of broad pay bands. The very change to such a form will in itself move toward implementation of a merit-based system. We’re sure we went through some of the most highlighted pros, that most definitely out-weigh the scarcity of the cons. Prentice Hall, Englewood, N.J. 78. 37, No. The culture of public management takes it for granted that employees in effect “own” their jobs as long as those jobs continue in existence. responsibilities of consulting civil engineers in the design, documentation and administration of projects for the Department of Public Works. Not all governments, though, … It refers to any government position (in all three branches of government) that is an appointed position rather than an elected one. In each of these cases civil service was a part of a broader “reform movement” which was sweeping the country. Knoxville, Tennessee 37921-6741, Phone: (865) 974-0411 So all in all it is apparent that civil service can greatly constrain key personnel decisions, and can possibly lead to mediocrity. In particular the paper will highlight insights provided by other authors, some of which contain hard research regarding civil service. (3) Robert D. Leighninger, Jr., Long-Range Public Investment: The Forgotten Legacy of the New Deal, Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2007, p. 47. See Also: HOPKINS, HARRY; NEW DEAL; WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION (WPA). Depending on the type of charter some provisions may be more difficult to alter than others. Courses after civil engineering . In general it appears as though the primary benefit of civil service, and hence its primary application, has been in cities with “politically driven” forms of government such as the weak or strong-mayor forms. This will allow greater flexibility in staffing. However even in these systems there typically runs a strong commitment to merit-based hiring (exemplified by the merit-based hiring of the chief Administrator position itself). In most cases where civil service is present it does not apply to the entire workforce. Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector. This is because many civil service regulations, when coupled with a quality set of personnel policies and procedures, can in effect replace many provisions found in union contracts. at 51. (5) See note 3 at p. 46. They have to hire most employees from lists of those who have taken written civil service exams. In almost all of these cases the regulations associated with civil service are codified in the city’s charter, or they have important components adopted in the charter by reference. 2000. It should be noted that this may be true to a somewhat lessor degree under the Council- Administrator form, where the council may retain all or some of the responsibility for hiring or dismissal and therefore may continue to see patronage as a tool of political gain. New York, New York. Instead managers tolerate incompetents, transfer them, or bump them upstairs. This is because the “spoils” and “patronage” systems associated with the need for reform are not typically present in systems with the council-manager form. Over the past twenty years there has been much interest in reform. 999.6 Osborne, David and Ted Gaebler. The accomplishments of the CWA included 44,000 miles of new roads, 2,000 miles of levees, 1,000 miles of new water mains, 4,000 new or improved schools, and 1,000 new or improved airports [6]. After all, isn’t the only alternative the evils of the spoils system?8 A number of years ago a Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation surveyed state managers and found that, “No issue... evoked such a consistent and intense response as civil service hiring procedures. This has been substantiated in research which has shown that the presence of civil service is between 28% to 46% lower (depending on city size) in council manager cities than in other forms of government such as the strong or weak mayor systems.5. He found that among public managers in 10 states, difficulty in rewarding employees, civil service hiring procedures, and difficulty in disciplining or dismissing employees were ranked first, fourth, and fifth in seriousness among 52 management problems.13 Here are additional reasons for reform:14 - Safeguards designed to prevent political abuse of employees can result in severe constraints on the ability to correct situations where employees are not sufficiently productive or effective in their current positions. Many non-civil service communities require testing for both entry- level and advancement of employees, but not to the same extent as civil service (at least in most cases). Case of civil service systems.12 these sentiments are further reflected in research conducted by in... Cwa was created on November 9, 1933 by Executive Order No 2 at p. 117 Fireside... A close in March 1934, it is apparent that civil service ’ jobs for full-time, tenured employees. 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