That makes me ugly..." Iago says, Iago puts his first of many destructive plans into motion; destroying Michael Cassio’s honor and reputation. In the first scene, he claims to be angry at Othello for having passed him over for the position of lieutenant (I.i. “Honest Iago” is a sentence heard a fair amount of the time when used to describe Iago, but the audience sees very early on that Iago is anything but honest. Iago is the villainous character of 'Othello' and it is his behaviour that ultimately leads to the downfall of Othello himself, the tragic hero. Iago uses their weaknesses, secrets, and fears to ruin the names Michael Cassio, Othello, Desdemona, and anyone who stands in his way. Iago’s greatest skill is disguising his manipulative schemes of destroying and betraying the ones around him with what he leads people to believe as honesty. Iago being known for the honest man he earns everyone’s trust and therefore learns their weakness for his ultimate plan of destruction. Shakespeare in his play of Julius Caesar accurately and expertly showed how Brutus was a tragic hero. To begin with, many have looked at the reasons of this tragic hero’s need for enlightenment. b) Iago fools everyone in the play to reach his goals. His character is totally unconflicted about being evil, making him known to some authors as the villain of all villains. He also uses these reasons to convince Roderigo to hate Othello. Iago is, in many ways, the most intelligent and appealing character in the play. "If Cassio do remain, Iago is referred to as honest over fifty times in the play, by almost every character. Cassio.” ” (II. All the main characters turn … Iago planned to fire Cassio and it worked in his favor, but now When Michael Cassio explains, “I have very poor and unhappy brains/ For drinking” (2.3.28-9). Cassio takes his leave from Iago: "Good night, honest Iago. William Shakespeare, is "honest" Iago. Unlike most villains in tragic plays, evidence of Iago's deception ” [Act II, Scene III, Line 245]. One last word play that is quite powerful in the play is how Othello always described Iago as, "honest" Iago. away with this because they trust him, his lie (his “poison”) works, He uses Roderigo, `whom love hath turned almost the wrong side out' to `put our Cassio in some action'. through Desdomonia. This helps explain why Curley does not want his wife to have conversations with the other men; she has not been married long and she is already looking at them. He refers to Cassio’s goodness here and realizes that he lacks his gentlemanly traits. Perhaps the most interesting and exotic character in the tragic play "Othello," by William Shakespeare, is "Honest" Iago. Iago tricks Othello into believing that his own wife is having an affair, without any proof. that this is one of the reasons that he tricks and manipulates Join Now Log in Home Literature Essays Othello Honest Iago Othello Honest Iago Jeremy Zorn "IAGO: Stand you a while apart. like – In doing this, Iago keeps Rodrigo in the dark and continues to profit from him monetarily. I shifted him away, And laid good 'scuse upon your ecstasy, Emilia and comments in Act 4 Scene 3 add to his suspicions. Copyright © 2000-2020. Works Cited and Consulted Shakespeare's vast knowledge, and writing style made his works interesting for both the intellectual, and the illiterate. "I have no great devotion to the deed and yet he has given me satisfying reason," (Act 5, Scene 1, Line 8). The relationships between Hamlet and his mother and Hamlet and Ophelia. Honest is used in Shakespeare’s play, Othello, as well as in society to describe… honest even by Othello himself, Iago uses it to his advantage . The irony … Othello and others in the play constantly refer to him as "honest Iago." Iago is a master of abusing people’s trust to gain more power and further the completion of his goals. He believes Cassio has also slept with his wife; an absurd suspicion- but nevertheless allows Iago to continue with his plan. ... William Shakespeare, is "Honest" Iago. Even though Hamlet is pensive to the point of obsession, he acts rashly too. Confine yourself but in a patient list. Iago is also racist towards Othello as his hatred towards him spills Through some carefully thought-out words and actions, Iago is able to manipulate others to do things in a way that benefits him and moves him closer toward his goals. Throughout the story he known as “Honest Iago. He has the ability to charm and convince people of his loyalty and honesty–“Honest Iago,” according to Othello–but the audience is immediately introduced to his vitriol and desire for revenge, despite his lack of proved reason. He seems to know people very well and is an excellent ironic because really everything the man says they know to be a lie. Iago does this by getting Cassio drunk and causing him to get in a fight and disturb Othello, Othello then demotes Cassio of his rank as second-in-command thus securing the position for Iago. Iago achieves this easy as his great ability to play the portion of the “loyal ensign” renders his frontage more than converting. They are not quite of the same class and Iago resents that, for he knows that the promotion was not ... It prompts him to mistreat those around him—specifically important women in his life, his girlfriend Ophelia and his mother Gertrude. All rights reserved. Iago represents evil and cruelty for … greatly (5,1). Thus Iago dishonestly uses his reputation for honesty in order to suggest that Othello has done terrible things -- and will do them again. Lago deceives Othello, who trusts him the most throughout the story, often referring to Iago as “honest Iago” (I. iii. This tactic of Iago's is extremely effective. Being a Shakespearean tragedy, Iago and—ultimately—evil, triumphs. For instance, in case of honesty Iago is termed “honest” racism is depicted when Othello is termed “the black with thick lips.” be a person "of exceeding honesty, (who) knows all qualities, with learned spirit of human dealings." ... middle of paper ... The real motive seems but a slip on Iago’s part when he says in act five, as he waits to stab Cassio: “, “I hate the Moor: it is thought abroad: there is gossip. When Iago announces that he will set down the pegs that make the music of Othello’s and Desdemona’s happiness, ‘as honest as I am’, he may mean either ‘because I am so honest’ or, ‘though I am so honest’. When faced with this accusation, Iago simply offers that killing Cassio will aid his cause and the gullible Rodrigo falls for it. Iago's amorality can be seen throughout the play and is shown by his actions. ...that Desdemona was ever false to him, but Othello counters that it was "honest, honest Iago" (5.2.156) who showed him the truth. His plays have been performed for centuries through various interpretations. seems to be helping his “friend” to keep his reputation and use it to manipulate other characters He clearly did not see her as anything more than someone there to do what he said whenever she was told. Iago frames Michael Cassio and then later tells him that he will help him get his job back 151). Needless to say, Iago is one of Shakespeare’s most sinister villains, often considered such because of the unique trust that Othello places in him, which he betrays while maintaining his reputation of honesty … when after the senate meeting Othello leaves Desdemona in his care, referring to him as Honest Iago. ... middle of paper ... Hamlet avoiding conflict causes his girlfriend to stop talking to him. Before Iago can even begin to initiate his plan he is referred to as honest by many of the characters. He is the main driving force in this play pushing He is paranoid that she will start talking to one of the men on the ranch and be unfaithful to him. Everyone else will have to stay single. however, the audience knows that Iago is the furthest thing from honest. For him this was going to be easy- he would prey on the weaknesses of people around him and use them to his own advantage. Although he never directly tells his motive for hating Othello, there ‘Black Ram’ role. Iago is not a traditional villain for he plays a unique and complex and this protects him from any questioning. Iago is often called ‘honest’ in the play as the speech by Othello goes “…A man he is of honesty and trust…” (1.3.283). affair to make Othello jealous. Hamlet, despite being the hero of the tragedy, commits various actions that would consider him as a villainous character. Is it acts like these make him seem absolutely mad, because he behaves so erratically. and actions, Iago manipulates others to do things in which he benefits. Brutus throughout the whole play has made many blunders. towards their tragic end. Through often referring to Iago as honest, there is also irony shown, since he is the least honest character. By doing this he is planning frame Cassio and Desdomonia as having an Perhaps therein lies the ultimate irony: The name of Oedipus will always be cloaked in a pall of darkest ignominy, but that of Sophocles remains forever radiant in brightest glory. It also causes his "friends," Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to deceive him. Tricking someone into believing that they are being honest and true is one of the most terrible acts possible for it is messing with the persons trust and emotions. Iago repeatedly says things benefit, talking Cassio into pleading with Desdemona and inducing Notice, " You are well turn'd now! play Iago is described as an "honest" man, which to the audience seems For instance, when Hamlet states, “Get thee to a nunnery. Cassio, like Rodrigo, follows Iago blindly, thinking the whole time that Iago is trying to aid him, when in-fact, Iago, motivated by his lust for power, is attempting to depose Cassio of his position as lieutenant. For this reason, he seeks to destroy Cassio's reputation. (I., ii, 1322) Iago states his discuss for Othello and his intent in the play s opening: The term honest is a word that is easy to describe yet often times difficult to portray. to push everyone away, especially Ophelia whom he says he loves ... the exact opposite and wins everyone over. It is hard to imagine Othello as a man who could be led to murder his innocent wife at this point in the play. Though the story he tells is a heartbreaking and predictable tragedy, Sophocles masterfully employs the tools of his craft to fashion a drama that has captured the fascination of untold generations. Analysis. His “med’cine works! Othello to believe that Desdemona is having an affair. Throughout the whole play Iago manipulates the people around him and lies to them. Iago is a jealous, manipulating, vindictive type character. Shakespeare uses irony continuously throughout the play when it comes to Iago. “Honest Iago” is a sentence heard a fair amount of the time when used to describe Iago, but the audience sees very early on that Iago is anything but honest. Iago is habitually praised by Othello: "Iago is most honest" (6), and Cassio: "Not tonight, good Iago." It would make sense for him to be mad at the Moor and even perhaps plan to kill the Moor over this, but we can see in other scenes that Iago clearly does not care about his wife. Through some carefully thought-out words and actions, Iago is able to manipulate others to do things in a way that benefits him and moves him closer toward his goals. This would suggest that this is a fundamental characteristic of his. Iago gaining such great trust from Othello contributes to his deceiving nature. To what extent can the so-called ‘Honest Iago’ is just ‘literally honest’ will be stated regarding my findings and opinions in following paragraphs. Iago is appealing to the characters of the pay because he gives them what they want. Iago uses cunning and trickery to make peoples impression of him, as So the thought that he would go and try to ruin the life of the Moor over something like that just seems. If one is so obviously honest, it is astonishing it need be repeated so often. Within one single scene, II.iii, Iago is four times called "honest", twice by Othello, once by Cassio, and once by himself. Iago is one of the most complex characters in William Shakespeare’s Othello. ‘The Devil’ He uses the trust Othello puts into their friendship to turn him into a jealous man. (II.iii.26). Iago is appealing to the reader as well. An example of this is when he stabs Polonius through the drape, without even checking to see who he is. In Othello, the Moor was easily able to call his friend, Iago, “honest Iago.” Whereas in society, honesty is often times questioned due to the lack of knowledge. Iago is very distressed, because Michael Cassio was promoted to Othello?s lieutenant instead of himself. Iago’s green-eyed monster of Othello’s place is more than apparent as he broods upon the lost publicity. Iago notices Othello’s character and acts on his weaknesses, showing both his cruelty and intelligence. He uses this to his own Whilst you were here, o'erwhelmèd with your grief - A passion most unsuiting such a man - Cassio came hither. Knowing he is portrayed as very many other characters towards their tragic end. Iago means that because he is Othello's honest (loyal) friend he cannot honestly (truthfully) say everything he knows about Othello. I believe 7–32 ). is not clearly visible. He desires to be in command as Cassio is. given the name “Honest Iago” despite how honest he really is. Iago is merely manipulating the other characters’ good nature and using his reputation as “Honest Iago” to avoid being conspicuous. Thus credulous fools are caught..." Iago slowly poisons people's thoughts, implanting ideas in their heads without implication to himself. But this is not surprising because Hamlet distrusts everyone and tries ... middle of paper ... Get yourself to a convent, fast” (III.i.136-152). Character Analysis Of Honest Iago In Shakespeare's Othello, Everyone loves a good plot twist, and Othello has a fairly huge plot twist. Othello - Honest Iago Tom Buchanan is also a possessive and jealous husband. i. But [as we know], their trust in Iago is an eyewash and things are revealed after a heavy toll of life of the protagonists. ‘I hate the Moor’ He has done my office: I know not if 't be true” (Shakespeare 1.3.363-365). ... middle of paper ... Othello And Iago Analysis In Shakespeare's Othello, the character of Iago is constructed to demand the audience's complicity despite the corrupt nature of his actions. By manipulating Roderigo, Cassio, and Othello, Iago strives with envy and plots to steal the position he feels he most justly deserves. Seeing as he always comes across as helping others and not looking out for himself, this “honest” tactic ironically gains him more trust and respect from others. Iago?s plan is to manipulate Cassio and Desdemona, so that it would appear that they are having an affair; which would break Othello?s heart. 294). Even though that didn t work he is able to get himself in a better position to further inflict harm, and confusion between Othello, Desdemona, and Cassio. Analysis of the Character Iago's Honesty in William Shakespeares's Othello For Iago to constantly lie and deceive his wife and Friends, he must be extremely evil…or amoral. is definite hatred throughout the play. Iago is seen as one of the most hated villains ever as he was extremely devise and no one ever really understands why as his motives are never quite clear. Bradley, A. "With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Iago manages to appear honest partly because of natural characteristics and partly because he purposely sets out to look honest. ” He even says of himself, “I am an honest man…. (28). 305-306). It is so typical of Iago to make sure a comment which absolutely describes his motives but covers it to appear have some moral conscious. Iago is an expert judge of people and their characters and uses this to his advantage. Hamlet tells her these things to try and hurt her feelings even though he loves her, her is mad at her for listening to Polonius all the times. But Iago is actually honest to the readers who read this play! Iago’s merciless taking of Emilia’s and Roderigo’s lives is another proof of his amorality. ... that people, who all along look up to him and call him "honest" Iago, realize this. Iago, a masterful deceiver, says, "And what's he t... judge of the other characters. Iago’s crude language is excused as that of a straightforward soldier, with Cassio allowing, 'He speaks home, madam; you may relish him more in the soldier than in the scholar' (2.1.161–62). He hath a daily beauty in his life You can see this happen when Iago is the main driving force in "Othello," pushing several characters He wants what Cassio has. Character Analysis of Iago From Shakespeare’s Othello. reason are rational enough for his hatred, but they are not rational The themes of the play are honesty, love, misrepresentation, self knowledge, magic, racism, oppression, pride, appearance and reality, revenge, betrayal and jealousy. In every scene where Iago speaks you can point out his deceptive manner. His intelligence shines through his ability to deceive, his ability to strategize, and his ability to twist the truth. Othello's jealousy is not a constructive motive, for it he would like. Othello. Iago Analysis ...builds a successful story. Iago has very few redeeming qualities. Possibly the most heinous villain in Shakespeare, Iago is fascinating for his most terrible characteristic: his utter lack of convincing motivation for his actions. Iago does know all about human dealings, but he is far from honest. He looked down on Ophelia at this moment because she had upset him by following what her father had told her to do. Firstly, when Hamlet is acting mad, he does not inform Ophelia of it, and treats her poorly. These mistakes, little they seemed for the moment, grew and exploded in Brutus’s... He is referred as “honest Iago” and claims to wear his “heart on my [Iago’s] sleeve”. Iago is very popular among the characters in the play. out into a racist verbal attack – (II.iii.258-62). Tom hates the fact that his wife, Daisy, has been spending so much time with another man, Jay Gatsby. The most interesting and round character in the tragic play Othello, by This was from all the flaws and faults Brutus carried. In this rage, he tells Ophelia that if she marries a smart man he will know that she will ruin their marriage, he tells her that he doesn’t want to marry her anymore, and to bring herself to a whorehouse. This is Iago?s main reason for revenge against Othello. This decision on Roderigo’s part seals his fate as a consequence of trusting the “honest” Iago.Thus, through the entire play, the character of Iago alters little except in the method of his treachery which increases proportionally. The word "honest" itself means free of deceit with the implication that one is sincere in his/her actions, behaviors, and so on. This is a scene of mixed speech and action with the comedy of drunkenness, the visual action of the brawl, and the to-and-fro of arrangements between individuals at the end of the act. Those Iago also feels that Othello is having an affair with his own wife, He has risen through the ranks in the army by merit and achievement, and Othello, whose military judgment is excellent, has taken him as ancient (captain) because of his qualities. Iago often refers to his wife as a wench (Shakespeare 3.3.330), and believes a woman is only useful when she is pleasing her man (Shakespeare 2.1.117). 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