Ashelin is a supporting and later on playable character who first appears in Jak II and plays a vital role role in Jak and Daxter's adventures from that time forth. Jak II is a real departure from the formula that was set up in the first Jak and Daxter game. As Haven City and the whole planet face their final trial, the legendary hero of Mar's Lineage and the governess of Haven City face difficulties beyond their imagination. It is later revealed this is Torn's fault, giving up the location when he heard Ashelin was being accused of being a spy for the underground, threatening to kill her, which Torn believes he would have done. In Jak X: Combat Racing, Ashelin, along with Torn, Jak, Daxter, and Keira attend a reading of the late crime lord Krew's will. She shows up again at the stadium, praising his racing abilities and at the same time warning him that Erol and the Krimzon Guard are searching for him. She also worked with the Resistance to overthrow her father since she didn't agree with a lot of what he was doing. During the main series, Ashelin's clothing remains the same, wearing a heavy-duty, yet revealing KG-style, long-sleeved midriff jacket, and long heavy-duty tight-fitting pants of which are cut out on either side of her legs. Love Triangle: Jak has two possible love interests depending on the game: Keira (Jak and Daxter, Jak 2, Jak X) or Ashelin (Jak 3). Like, does he even know about Jak’s Dark Eco abilities throughout Jak II? Jak meets Ashelin again at the market when an Eco tanker is revealed to have been commandeered by Metal Heads to gain access to the city, fighting alongside her to stop them. Finally about the little inconsistencies in in 3 about jak 2, Torn and Ashelin are a thing that's axed, Jak and Kiera are a thing that's axed. Drawn for a weekly challenge/prompt kinda thing on Discord. This is Ashelin's final line for the game. Ashelin fighting off metal heads in Jak II. This relationship with Jak remains unexplained. Towards the end of the game, when Jak defeated Cyber Errol in the Wasteland (thus stopping the threat of the Dark Makers and saving the planet), Ashelin and Jak shared an off-screen kiss, although in subsequent events Ashelin still remained with Torn. Damas was banished to the Wasteland. Ashelin tries to defend Jak and convince Veger to not sentence him. azrael-the-lucifan. Ashelin along with most of the other characters is present at the Spargus arena, seeing the Precursours off, who are leaving the planet. Ashelin is once again a supporting character to Jak in this game, and is even playable in multiplayer. She urges him to hurry, or they'll be late for the party at Daxter's place. LES: Jak is a Fallen Angel and Vin is a scardy cat. Jak was still bitter about his banishment to the wasteland, though eventually returned to fight for the city. There is also a new array of characters such as Torn, Erol, Krew, Kor, Ashelin, and Sig, as well as some returning ones, such as Samos and Keira. She is the main love interest of former Krimzon Guard commander, past Underground leader, and Freedom League captain, Torn. She can come off as short-tempered and brief, and is a natural leader as a result of being the daughter of a ruler, and high-ranking officer in a military system. Torn complied, and what happened between Ashelin and her father after this remains unknown, though it was presumably nothing as Baron Praxis was possibly bluffing, but the next time Ashelin is seen she appears to have resumed her role without any reprimands. Towards the later parts of Jak II, when the Baron, Ashelin's father, was killed, she assumed role as leader of Haven City and quickly reformed the Krimzon Guard into the New Krimzon Guard. "So, our newest recruit saved you." She then suggests their first priority should be to shut down the KG War factory. He grows angry, impatient and reckless due to his desire for revenge from Dark Eco experiments. She takes a dim view of Rayn, Krew's daughter from the start, pointing a gun at her and yelling "What the hell did you do to us?" His personality would take a dramatic turn in Jak II. Like Tornshe appears to take life very seriously, though she occasionally reveals another more tender side to herself. She maintains her usual distant attitude as well as her distrust of Rayn throughout the game, frequently hurling verbal abuse at her. Ashelin arrives just in the nick of time with a Hellcat Cruiser to rescue them, the whole top of the factory detonating seconds after they all pull free. Rayn swore she knew nothing of the poisoning, though Ashelin was one of the few to not believe her, a mistrust which would prove well-placed in the end. tapping Torn playfully on the face with her fingers, the story mode then ends. His 'friend,' Ashelin, had stopped by the Underground hideout. Ashelin, being in Haven City helping coordinate against the attacks, is separated from Jak for a large portion of the early game, but finally manages to make contact with him. When Jak asks how she knew about Damas, she dodges the question, and then asks him to come back to Haven City, explaining that Veger has taken command and as a result of his poor leadership they are losing the fight. She also sends them a more personal message when they are busting into the nest to go into the rift and leave this time, saying it is only a matter of time before the Metal Heads win. among many other things. Her attraction to Jak especially showed when she met up with him at Mar Memorial Stadium after Jak helped her intercept a metal head tanker and saved countless lives, in which she expresses her gratitude for him in front of Keira (Jak's main love interest). Ashelin voiced by Susan Eisenberg and 3 others . Jak refuses, and manages to destroy Kor (their leader), which disrupts the rest of the Metal Heads, allowing them to be driven back. Torn sends Jak and Daxter off to the Pumping Station again, this time to find an old comrade of his, Ashelin. Ashelin asked, Jak seemed to do, no questions asked. Oracle voiced by Michael Gollom and 3 others . Torn Headcanon. Ashelin proposes a strike on Errol, and organises a mission with Jak running cover for Torn, who is piloting a ship filled with explosives. Jak is a fictional character and primary protagonist of the Jak and Daxter series, and the titular playable character in all games in the series except the spin-off game Daxter.He was created by Naughty Dog Inc, and made cross-over appearances in PlayStation Move Heroes and PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, serving as one of three protagonists in the game former. Ashelin is one of the numerous new characters introduced in Jak II, first showing up in a mission a third of the way through the game. After the reformation of the New Krimzon Guard into the Freedom League, he regained his position as head … She only wields a pistol in-game, so it is unknown if she has any other abilities pertaining to weaponry. At some point among these events, Baron Praxis discovered that his daughter had been spying for the Underground, where he used the opportunity to manipulate Underground leader Torn into telling him where the Precursor Stone was located, or threatened to kill his daughter for treason. Ashelin, now governor of Haven City, reformed the New Krimzon Guard into the blue-clad Freedom League, of which she appointed former leaders of the Underground as its officers. She is a mission giving NPC mostly, but also serves several times as a partner to Jak, aiding him in combating various enemies. She seems happy to see him, saying "I knew I could count on you", a complete reversal of her last remark. They meet at an oasis, Ashelin saying "It's good to see you." Ashelin is a fiery, strong, independent character, with a dense exterior, a result of a cold background. #jak and daxter #jak & daxter #j&d #jnd #ashelin praxis #ashelin #torn #jak ii #jak 2. Letting out a growl, Jak jumped his car onto the upper track, aiming to cut some corners and get back in the lead. Tess voiced by Britton A Hill and 2 others . After being tortured and experimented upon in a dystopian city for two years, Jak escapes from prison and joins a rebel group, hoping for answers to … A sketchy, tickly thing for you featuring Ashelin Praxis of Jak & Daxter fame. Mercedes Cepeda. Even the gigantic palace which overshadows much of the city is destroyed, Ashelin and Torn just barely pulling Samos, Jak and Daxter free before it topples. Ashelin is first introduced when Torn assigned Jak and Daxter the mission "Find pumping station patrol", which he gives to them because his "old guard comrade" was sent on a mission to the pumping station but never returned, and feared that for what Jak and Daxter met outside the city walls, that she may be in danger. Besides, tough guy, I'm dying to see you dance", highlighting her romantic interest with Torn. Jak. Like Torn she appears to take life very seriously, though she occasionally reveals another more tender side to herself. Torn refuses, saying he has too much to do. Jak uses the seal to break into a nearby ancient temple. Jak I&II Oracle voice recordings raw rip... Krimzon Guard general, Underground spy, Governor of Haven City. At some point in the middle of the War for Haven City (a new war which broke out consisting of surviving Metal Heads, as well as the new KG Death Bots), Ashelin met Jak in the Wasteland to invite him back to Haven City—why he was allowed back in is unknown, though it is presumably due to a desperate circumstance in the war. In Jak 3, Jak coldly rejecting Ashelin's offer to return to Haven may have been extremely unheroic, but he's completely in the right to be angry about how he was made into a scapegoat for the Metal Head invasion and banished to the wasteland for it, despite saving their asses from the initial invasion and killing the Metal Head Leader. It is unconfirmed whether it was due to her political beliefs or her bond with Torn. Jak II (Oct 2003) Ashelin Praxis is a supporting character from the Jak & Daxter game franchise that was developed by Naughty Dog and directed by Jason Rubin. Being a former member of the Krimzon Guard, she is decorated with facial tattoos, placed on her forehead, neck and ears. Jak declined, Ashelin stating that she needs him (first saying the city needs him, thus implying something more personal). When Jak was found guilty in association with Krew (who at the time was thought to have lead to the metal head invasion) the Grand Council of Haven City voted to banish him to the Wasteland, to which Ashelin objected, though her vote was overruled. Ashelin initially suspects them of being enemies, taking Jak hostage with surprising agility, though she lets him go when a swarm of Metal Heads attack. Never played any of the games, but a fiery lady with an adorable belly button was bound to catch my attention. Ever since Praxis had been looking for the child as he knew the boy would become the next rightful heir to the throne. As previously mentioned, Ashelin again remained as Torn's love interest, and Jak and Ashelin's kiss in the wasteland is made no mention of. Follow. Brutter voiced by Alan Blumenfeld and 5 others . She gives him the hoverboard and seal of Mar, and tells him the hero she knew died in the desert. Via a number of flashbacks it is shown the Freedom League led by Ashelin, Torn, Samos, Jak and a few others is under siege from armies of both KG Deathbots and Metal Heads, the entire city becoming a battlefield. Keira then slates Ashelin for being the daughter of the Baron, and member of the tyrannical and brute-force Krimzon Guard, to which Ashelin replies she is "not her father". Jak/Ashelin Praxis; Jak (Jak and Daxter) Ashelin Praxis; Summary. Ashelin VOICE Susan Eisenberg. Ashelin is Baron Praxis'daughter and currently the Governor and leader of Haven City. The Mar?" Tonight, we get to celebrate with our new friends. They are interrupted by Veger, but after Veger's lousy decisions and Jak's accusations, Ashelin strips him of his command and title. Praxis seized the throne of Haven City by force during the height of the Metal Head Wars by betraying King Damas, who was the rightful monarch of the city as the descendant of Mar, the founder of Haven City. Ashelin Praxis is a prominent support character in Jak II, Jak 3, and Jak X: Combat Racing. Ashelin Art . They are then attacked by a large wave of Marauders, battle-hungry scavengers. She drops Jak off in Haven City and promises to take an artifact that Krew dropped to Keira, who needs it for the rift rider she is developing for them to get home. The Baron ha… She is overruled, but manages to slip Jak a homing beacon, promising someone will find him. She started out as worked for the Krimson Guards. Using the radio, Ashelin guides Jak through a number of missions, including stealing a supply of Eco and attacking the Metal Head part of the city. She is the daughter of Baron Praxis, and a former captain of the Krimzon Guard before becoming governess of Haven City (superseding her late father) and reforming the Krimzon Guard into the Freedom League. Ashelin is a tall, slim human female, weighing 145 lbs. heads." She is first known only as an informant for the resistance against Baron Praxis, working in the Krimzon Guard as a cover, though she is later revealed to be Baron Praxis's daughter. Tweet: FRANCHISE RELATED. Jak II Art Gallery. During Jak X: Combat Racing, Ashelin's outfit changed slightly, wearing a little huskier, yellow-collared jacket, with a large utility belt and 1/8 length pair of slim shorts followed husky pant legs connecting to her belt on the outer sides of her legs and tight-fitting everything below her knees. She accompanied Jak to the Wasteland in an air train, leaving him in the desert with only a beacon, which she somehow knew Damas would track down, thus hopefully rescuing Jak. She also initially supports Baron Praxis's project to detonate the Precursor Stone in order to wipe out the Metal Heads, though she later changes her position on the matter, after Vin explains her the catastrophic consequences the project would cause. Ashelin is shown at the end in the throne room of the palace with Torn, apparently now governor of the city. However Ashelin then orders him to accompany her saying "You can start rebuilding the city tomorrow. Parodied in Jak X , where the two girls look like they're about to go for each other's throats on a tv reel while Jak looks utterly confused in the middle. She also appears to be back together with Torn, likely due to the outcry at her and Jak kissing at the end of Jak 3. She races alongside him throughout the title, and it is ironically revealed that she was right not to trust Rayn, when it is shown she was in on the whole plan, including the poisoning. Ashelin does not have a very big part from here on in. Ashelin Praxis is a major supporting character in the Jak and Daxter series and an ally of Alex.She is the daughter of Baron Praxis, and a captain of the Krimzon Guard and secretly a member of the Underground.Like Torn, she became disgusted with her father's tyrannical rule of Haven City and wishes to see the true ruler of Haven back on the throne. When Torn resigned from the Krimzon Guard to join the Underground, Ashelin became a spy for the Underground. Ashelin first runs into Jak and Daxter when Torn sends them out to the Pumping Station after he lost contact with her. After repelling a large assault, Jak returns to the headquarters, the others suggesting he lead a team into the catacombs to find out what's going on down there. Ashelin congratulating Jak after his victory over Cyber Errol. CU offers 5 ways to follow us so your news feed will never lack new art and inspiration. © 1999-2020 Neo Era Media Inc. All rights reserved. Glancing down at the street, he could see the streak of red that was Ashelin's car. I thought that was a nice way to foreshadow the light jak powers in 3. Jak and Daxter finally travel through the catacombs to the center of the planet and manage to activate the planetary defence grid, but find out from the Precursors that the Dark Maker ship also contains some deadly cargo which is capable of destroying the world even without the ship. But yes, I love her with a ponytail! They defeat him and shut down the factory, but he escapes, and Jak gets a distress call from Spargus City. Since she did n't love him battle-hungry scavengers runs into Jak and Daxter: Precursor... Grows angry, impatient and reckless due to his desire for revenge from Eco! Tells Torn anything at all is overruled, but afterwards Jak refuses to come back with her,. Worked for the City the palace with Torn as he knew the would! 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