Category: Tropicals and Tender Perennials. 204441 6 642386 Maranta leuconeura E.Morren E.Morren [Maranta kerchoviana E.Morren] Belgique Hort., vol. It has gorgeous foliage, that has light grey-green with dark green almost black patches on either side of the central fanning vein. Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoveana. Family: Marantaceae: Genus: Maranta (muh-RAN-tuh) Species: leuconeura var. Maranta leuconeura var. Other common names herringbone plant . Category:Maranta leuconeura var. Las hojas de la mayoría de las marantas se repliegan al caer la noche: quedan erguidas y replegadas durante toda la noche y se vuelven a abrir al amanecer. Maranta leuconeura var. massangeana, now no longer accepted but brought back to the main species. kerchoveana in White Glossy Planter with Attached Saucer. kerchoveana (Prayer plant) is an ornamental, evergreen perennial forming a clump of broad, oval, mid-green leaves with grey-green markings and conspicuous brown blotches on either side of the midrib that turn green with age. kerchoveana is sometimes called the rabbit tracks plant, referencing this tender perennial plant’s leaves, whose leaf markings are similar to those made by a rabbit. Master ID: 922: Species ID: 2216: Flora Disclaimer: The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. Media in category "Maranta leuconeura var. Nie pobieram żadnych korzyści materialnych z jej istnienia. Prayer Plant. Common name i-Synonym i-Other names i ›Maranta kerchoveana ›Maranta leuconeura var. One member has or wants this plant for trade. kerchoveana. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Ingreso: 21/4/16 Mensajes: 152 "Gracias": 32 Puntos trofeo: 41 Ubicación: Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil Ubicación: Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil. Maranta Leuconeura Fascinata. | Prayer Plant (Maranta Leuconeura var. kerchoveana: Taxonomy navigation › Maranta leuconeura. Genus Maranta are evergreen, rhizomatous perennials with blunt, broadly elliptic leaves often attractively marked or veined in contrasting colours; insignificant small white flowers are borne in racemes just above the foliage kerchoveana. All rights reserved. kerchoviana. Maranta leuconeura var. Wszystkie prawa autorskie należą do twórców. Se utilizan por sus características y atractivas hojas, que son conocidas por su costumbre de «dormir» de noche. kerchoveana (prayer plant) from 3am to 9pm. The leaf undersides are a uniform silvery green. kerchoviana" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. Synonyms- How to Grow and Care. Best prices online | Dubai Garden Center Marketplace & Souq! This evergreen plant hails from the rainforests of Brazil, where this tender plant grows in a very warm and humid environment. Water Requirements: Family Name: Marantaceae Common Name: prayer plant, rabbit tracks Common Name: Maranta leuconeura var. It is a variable, rhizomatous perennial, growing to 30 cm (12 in) tall and broad, with crowded clumps of evergreen, … The Maranta is photonastic meaning it closes its leaves at night as if … Maranta leuconeura var. Feuille de Maranta leuconeura kerchoviana.JPG 2,490 × 2,843; 1.25 MB. kerchoveana is a clump-forming evergreen perennial with intricately patterned leaves.Originating from Brazil, It typically grows up to 30cm high and is often kept as a house plant for its attractive foliage. Maranta leuconeura var. Prayer Plant. Maranta leuconeura var. Containers, Greenhouse, Indoor, Low Maintenance, Sub-Tropical. The popular tricolor variety has deep green, velvety leaves with yellow splotches down the midrib and arching red veins traveling to the leaf margins. Además de ser una planta decorativa muy linda y fácil de cuidar, el sapito (maranta leuconeura kerchoviana) se ve muy bonito porque se mueve mucho: cuando le falta agua, cuando recibe más sol y para dormirse en la noche. Cultivation. Maranta leuconeura, also known as prayer plant, is a species of flowering plant in the family Marantaceae, native to the Brazilian tropical forests. kerchoviana Facts. 190,00 lei. Common Names. | Buy healthy indoor plants and outdoor plants online in Dubai, UAE. My foliage is bright green with darker green patches on either side of the central vein, like a rabbit's paw. Untuk informasi harga satuan, grosir, partai dan spesifikasi lebih lanjutnya silahkan cek disini Citas breves. Untuk informasi harga satuan, grosir, partai dan spesifikasi lebih lanjutnya silahkan cek disini dalam kondisi rimbun dan siap tanam. Synonyms- How to Grow and Care. About me: I get my name from my the way my leaves are patterned. Maranta leuconeura var 'kerchoveana' and Calathea lancifolia going into prayer mode for the night #maranta #calathea Categories: Cây, Cây Kiểng Cao Cấp, Cây Nội Thất Tags: maranta, Maranta Leuconeura Kerchoviana variegata Loại Maranta đột biến cũng rất đẹp làm xuất hiện các đốm màu trắng hoặc vàng xen kẽ ngẫu nhiên với màu xanh đậm vốn có. Maranta Red Prayer Plant. kerchoveana. Noteworthy Characteristics. Green Maranta goes by a lot of names including Rabbit’s Foot prayer plant. It seems to move rhythmically throughout the day with some "sudden" changes - I wonder if … Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoveana $ 4.99. Under glass, grow half-pots in … Suggested uses. Los cuidados de la maranta son los mismos que los del estenante y la calatea, es decir, requieren un lugar con luz moderada y sin sol directo. Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoveana is a clump-forming evergreen perennial with intricately patterned leaves.Originating from Brazil, It typically grows up to 30cm high and is often kept as a house plant for its attractive foliage. Buenas tardes. Maranta leuconeura, commonly called prayer plant, is an evergreen, rhizomatous, low-growing, clump-forming, tropical perennial that is noted for its beautiful foliage.It typically grows to 12-15” tall and as wide, featuring broad-elliptic to oval, predominately green leaves (to 5” long) with striking patterns, lines, blotches and shading. kerchoviana Found this twice, the first two pictures are from Kew Gardens, the third from Copenhagen Then I found Maranta leuconeura var. | Free Deliveries! kerchoveana: Synonym: Maranta kerchoveana: Synonym: Maranta kerchoviana: One vendor has this plant for sale. Moremaranta leuconeura kerchoviana, the mar namesinflorescence de maranta marantamaranta leuconeura. kerchoveana (E.Morren) Petersen ›Maranta leuconeura var. Probabil una dintre cele mai lungi denumiri, probabil una dintre plantele cu cel mai spectaculos foliaj în nuanțe de beige-crem, alb, verde, roșu, cărămiziu. 8.00. Kami menjual Tanaman Kami menjual Tanaman Calathea maranta leuconeura var kerchoviana dalam kondisi rimbun dan siap tanam. Outdoor Plants. Cuidados. kerchoveana in Plastic Pot. Zones b - be stunningly attractive even if items. Family Marantaceae . Maranta Green leuconeura var. 29 : t. 5 (1851) Kerchoveana) is now available to purchase on in Dubai & UAE! The Maranta leuconeura species has some of the most strikingly beautiful, decorative leaves in the plant kingdom. Maranta leuconeura var. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Terminal (leaf) node. kerchoviana. kerchoveana (Prayer plant) will reach a height of 0.4m and a spread of 0.4m after 5-10 years.. Strona została stworzona w celu edukacyjnym. The light green leaves of this handsome Maranta are oval in shape and have feathered blotches of rich brown which radiate from the centre of each leaf. Photo's from Kew gardens: Maranta red prayer plant (Maranta leucomeura), a low-growing evergreen perennial native to Brazil, is often grown in hanging baskets and as … Related searches prayer plant, maranta massangeana cultivar . Useful to know: Origin. Maranta leuconeura var. Maranta leuconeura var. Marantha leuconeura «Kerchoviana ... Género: Maranta, género de aproximadamente 32 especies perennifolias, rizomatosas originarias de los bosques tropicales de América Central y del Sur. Maranta leuconeura var. Common Names. Plant database entry for Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura 'Kerchoviana') with 8 images and 26 data details. kerchoveana variegata. Synonyms Maranta leuconeura 'Tricolor' . Maranta Leuconeura var. Species: leuconeura ‘Kerchoviana’ Synonyms: Prayer Plant Pronunciation: Pot Size: 140mm Grows to: Compact, trailing Endemic: Central and South America Conservation Status: N/A Description: Trailing, tropical plant with squarish dark green patches on the leaves Light: Well lit, out of direct sun Water: Moderate Humidity: High Substrate: Well draining Prayer Plant (Maranta Leuconeura var. Maranta leuconeura var. Tema en 'Identificar especies vegetales' comenzado por R&S, 29/10/17. Genus: Maranta . E o plantă care iubește umiditatea și este destul de ușor de îngrijit. Saved by Megan The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. R&S. Fruticosa and maranta arundinacea, a low, creeping house plant maranta leaf. En la FOTOGALERÍA te contamos los secretos de jardinería para mantenerla feliz, y trucos para cuidarla. Maranta leuconeura var. Zones b to inches, a sprawling plant. © 2019 Regents of the University of Minnesota. Maranta leuconeura var.