IDR 268 billion. The NC has evaluated the competing time commitments faced by Directors serving on multiple boards during the year and is satisfied that the Directors have spent adequate time on the Group's affairs to fulfil their responsibilities. Investor Relations; Reports & Filings; Stocks & Dividends; Press Releases & Events; Corporate Governance; Contact; Media Center; Careers; About Us Our Products. PROFIT. The standards will be reviewed annually to take into account changes in the internal and external environments as well as reports of the AC and findings from the internal auditors; The Company’s stocks were traded with stock code “SSMS”. The audit plan is submitted to the AC for approval prior to the commencement of the internal audit work. The internal auditor's ("IA") primary line of reporting is to the AC Chairman and the AC will continue on an annual basis: • To review the adequacy of the Group's internal controls; The approval of the nomination/appointment of Directors and key management personnel; (c) Assess and review the independence of each Independent Director, including those with multiple directorships in other companies; and (b) Reviewing the Group's financial results announcements before submission to the Board for approval prior to release to the SGX-ST; (b) Assess and evaluate effectiveness of the Board and the Board's performance as a whole; Medical Care For a Better Life – with this vision M1 Kliniken AG, one of the fastest growing healthcare services providers in Germany, has developed an innovative concept, which offers affordable access to beauty treatments at highest qualitative standards. (d) Overseeing the standards in relation to risk tolerances adopted by the Company. Ketahui lebih lanjut mengenai PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. Commission and review the findings of internal investigations into any matters where there is any suspected fraud or irregularity, or failure of internal controls or infringement of any Singapore law, rule or regulation which has or is likely to have a material impact on the Company's operating results and/or financial position; and The Board has not included a separate annual remuneration report to shareholders in the Annual Report on the remuneration of Directors and the top five key management personnel (who are not Directors or the CEO) as the Board is of the view that the matters which are required to be disclosed in such annual remuneration report have already been sufficiently disclosed in this report and in the financial statements of the Company. Independent Directors are paid Directors' fees annually on a standard fee basis. Jl. (d) Review and recommend the re-election and re-appointment of Directors retiring pursuant to the Articles and Section 153(6) of the Companies Act, Cap. Save as disclosed in the financial statements, there were no other material contracts of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, involving the interests of the CEO, Directors or controlling shareholders subsisting at the end of FY2014 or have been entered into since the end of the previous financial year. Responsibility for corporate governance; and The Board noted that with effect from 1 August 2015, the Company is required by the SGX-ST Listing Rules to conduct the voting of all resolutions put to general meetings by poll. The RC reviews the terms and conditions of service agreements of the CEO before their execution. In 2018, the SSMS stocks were closed at Rp1,250 per share with market capitalization amounting to Rp11.9 trillion. The Sampoerna Investor Relations app provides investors online access to the latest IDX: HMSP stock price information, news, and SEC Filings, … In addition, the Company benefited from Management's ready access to its Directors for guidance and exchange of views both within and outside of the formal environment of the Board and Board Committees meetings. Investor Relations. The following matters are specifically reserved for the Board’s decision and approval: The Company does not have a formal dividend policy. 5. The Directors of the Company come from diverse backgrounds and possess core competencies, qualifications and skills, all of whom as a group, provides the Board with a good mix of the necessary experience and expertise to direct and lead the Group. The AC will undertake a review of the scope of services provided by the external auditors, the independence and the objectivity of the external auditors on annual basis. The system of internal controls and risk management established by the Group provides reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that the Group will not be adversely affected by any event that can be reasonably foreseen as the Group strives to achieve its' business objectives. Tanggung Jawab; Sampoerna untuk Indonesia; Praktik Pertanian yang Baik; Standar Kami; Informasi Investor & GCG. - Key business indicators and major issues that are relevant to the Group's performance. The Board oversees the business affairs of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively the “Group”) and is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Group establishing goals for Management. The Group's results and other material information are released through the SGXNet on a timely basis for dissemination to shareholders and the public in accordance with the listing requirements of the SGX-ST. We use cookies to give you a personalized experience (to suit your online behavior on this, and other, sites) for our ads, content, and communications; to improve the site; to operate the site; and to remember your preferences. The following is the aggregate value of all transactions with interested persons (as defined in Chapter 9 of the SGX-ST Listing Manual) for FY2014: The Company does not have any shareholders' mandate for interested person transactions. The performance of the CEO (together with other key management personnel) is reviewed periodically by the RC and the Board. The remuneration of each individual Director and key management personnel of the Group and the aggregate total remuneration to key management personnel are however not disclosed as the Company believes that disclosure may be prejudicial to its business interests given the highly competitive environment it is operating in. The AC is satisfied that the IA is a qualified and experienced personnel. However this does not rule out the possibility of the Company doing so in the future. In its deliberation as to the independence of a Director, the NC take into consideration whether a Director has any business relationships with the Group, and if so, whether such relationships could interfere, or be reasonably perceived to interfere, with the exercise of the Director's independent judgement. To achieve this, internal reviews are constantly being undertaken to ensure that the system of internal controls maintained by the Group is sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that the Group's assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorised use or disposition, transactions are properly authorised and proper financial records are being maintained. By leveraging the 450MHz superior coverage and capacity, STI can offer low-cost telecommunication service across the country. The profiles of the Directors are set out on pages 12 to 15 of this Annual Report. 2. CAREER . JAKARTA, May 9, 2019 – PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. The NC conducted its annual review of the Directors' independence in accordance with the Code's definition of what constitutes an Independent Director. This website is not optimised for your browser, please. Corporate Secretary & Investor Relations The company believes in transparent and open communication with its shareholders, analysts and investors. The Company has established internal control procedures to ensure the transactions with interested persons are properly reviewed and approved by the AC and conducted at arm's length basis, on normal commercial terms and will not be prejudicial to the interests of the Company and its minority shareholders. June 22, 2018. December 2019, GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENT : MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 5 JUNE 2020, REPL : ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING : VOLUNTARY, Sampoerna Kayoe Berhasil Tanam 67 Juta Pohon di Indonesia, Bulan Menanam Pohon Nasional, Sampoerna Kayoe Tanam 67 Juta Pohon. PHONE / FAX (+62 21) 5151234 / (+62 21) 5152234 . A … Monthly; Quarterly; Capital & Risk Exposure; Annual Reports; Prime Lending Rates ; Audited Financial Statements; Parent Entity’s Financial Statements; Material Fact; CAREER; IN; EN; Search for: Shareholders. In addition, shareholders' participation is encouraged at the general meetings to ensure a high level of accountability and to be informed of the Group's strategy and goals. (e) Reviewing the co-operation of Management with the auditors; The NC has also implemented a process for assessing the effectiveness of the Board as a whole, as well as the contribution of each Director to the effectiveness of the Board. Financial Summary; Result and Report; Annual Report; Management Presentation; Stock Info; Financial Summary. Until such time, voting at general meetings will be by show of hands unless a poll is demanded.