We have registered older persons as well but that (list) is separate. (I am like) a bird without a tail that has no fixed home. Longowal often spoke as if he had some presentiment of his end, as if he could feel the hotheads breathing down his neck. A far cry indeed, but that was the transformation wrought by fate in the life of Sant Harchand Singh Longowal, a man who in his last days came to symbolise the hope that Punjab and its people would find peace. But he was a reluctant politician, and he went into hiding rather than follow the party’s wishes to contest a parliamentary election. He no longer leads people in shouting the slogan, "Dityaan baajh nahin rehnaa, Dharam sir dityaan baajh nahin rehnaa" (Without sacrifice it will not survive; the Faith will not survive without sacrifice of our lives). The beautiful Longowal village came into existence because of Baba Alla Singh but it gained prominence only after Sant Harchand Singh Longowal became an active politician in Punjab. Who are the people who have done so? Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale’s Speech June 1983. Some brothers talk like this too. In this struggle that has been going on for quite some time, there have been many arrests and martyrdoms. He who is a Sikh of the spinning wheel and the goat, a Sikh of the Radhaswamis and Narkdharias (Nirankaris), a Sikh who waters the pipal tree and sprinkles sandhoor on the Jand tree, should not raise his arm in the presence of our Master (Siri Guru Granth Sahib). I haven’t said this off-handedly. No, this is not anger. of India established (1989) deemed university under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956 for higher education and research in India. Yesterday four or five persons came to me. Till the end, his usual meal remained two rotis with a dal or a vegetable. Tohra and Prakash Singh Badal, were taller than him in stature. Harchand Singh Longowal (2 January 1932 − 20 August 1985) was the President of the Akali Dal during the Punjab insurgency of the 1980s. I have said this after thinking over it for ten months. We are firm extremists but of what type? Our business is preaching Sikh faith. They said: "Our business is to ask questions." When we open the hand, it becomes a slap. We should now stop doing this. Lakhpat and Jaspat made a pledge. But what is the use of saying anything to those who have no sense of shame at all? Detention And Harassment Of Sikhs. Said Longowal: “The Khalsa must fight to prevent democratic institutions, the judiciary, and the press from being destroyed by Mrs Gandhi.”. A day before his death he told India Today at the Kambhowal gurudwara: “No one can browbeat me nor bullets deter me as I am truthful and honest before my Guru.” In any case, he said, his death would be a “small price to pay for bringing sadbhavana (amity) to my brothers and sisters in Punjab”. Understandably, the Akali Dal asked him to fight the 1967 assembly elections-and he did, trouncing Congress stalwart and former PEPSU chief minister Brish Bhan. But if, surrendering to the power of the Government, if you bid at the auction of the homes of the Singhs and try to take over their property, I give you this warning that only such brother should make a bid who was born with two heads. We are together and all of us have to march together. Bhindranwale had been invited to the Golden Temple Complex by President of Akali Dal, Harchand Singh Longowal, in July 1982. One hundred and fifteen thousand have made the pledge here. Who does he think he is? Sikh terrorists assassinated top Sikh political leader Harchand Singh Longowal on Tuesday, less than a month after he signed an accord with the government to settle the three-year Punjab crisis. In this age group, the count with me is thirty thousand. He started out as a plain granthi (religious preacher) in a village gurudwara, and ended up being hailed as the Gandhi of Punjab.A far cry indeed, but that was the transformation wrought by fate in the life of Sant Harchand Singh Longowal, a man who in his last days came to symbolise the hope that Punjab and its people would find peace. She says they are a handful! Especially, this statement that Bibi Indira (Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India) has made that Pakistan has a hand in this struggle. But the young Sant seemed predestined to be drawn into public life. He is known affectionately as "Sant". You won’t be able to take it out. Today, the Sikhs, and may I say especially the Akali Dal, have started this struggle for all Punjabis, tell me how many Hindus have gone to jail? But starting the struggle from here we got Hindus out of jail. As his teacher was also a member of the Akali movement, it is likely that young Harcharan Singh also imbibed the spirit of political activism at that time. Lehar Singh is the Singh’s name, Lehar Singh. Why did he use them? Harchand Singh Longowal was President of Akali Dal at the time of Punjab insurgency.He was born in 1928. Also, we have to be very alert to the attempts that are being made to alienate the public from the Akali Dal by going to various places, denying the separateness of the Sikh Nation, and denying the Sikh demands. He was known affectionately as "Sant Ji". Those whom we got out of jail we even made into Prime Minister (Reference is to Chaudhri Charan Singh). I have learnt today about our Bhai Bua Singh and Narinder Singh. I thank them and shall request them too: "Don’t let things revert to what they were. Visit The Sikh Encyclopedia. Let us stop saying "I am a Congressite, I am an Akali, I am Bhindranwala, I am so and so." The Panth is united. Has anyone succeeded in making me (a henchman of Indira Gandhi)? Issued on Aug 20, 1987. They asked: "Sant Ji, if Jagjit Singh Chauhan attacks Hindostan with assistance from England, America, and Canada, whom will you help?" Tragically, that proved all too true. We shall have to think about it. Indira Gandhi has given a statement that the trouble in Punjab is caused by a handful of people. Hindu-Sikh unity has taken deep roots in our minds, perhaps with time it will go away. To this they have not given any reply in the newspapers. Today I like to request the young men. (inaudible) whatever happened to the property(inaudible) I like to tell Kewal Krishan specially and those of his touts who are getting ready to bid and I humbly request those who have the Sikh appearance: "Don’t poke your hand into the (inaudible) of this faith. Sant Ji (Sant Harchand Singh Longowal) gave a very strongly worded statement today. At the dera, he and other inmates learned humility by going out and begging for food. I shall never in my life seek a chair (public office). Our leaders also gave him cars and bags (of money) because we considered them (Hindus) our brothers. The Panth will never flinch. Vaheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji ki Fateh (The Khalsa belong to God, Victory belongs to God). I had said these things when I asked people to raise their arms. Sikh does not believe in destroying life. Obviously relieved, he told a news conference that morning: “I am very happy my brothers have finally overcome their differences to fight the elections and I appeal to all Punjabis to isolate and defeat the forces of terrorism.”, His violent death may well contribute immeasurably to that defeat. “I have but one mission – to bring back the fraternal feelings between Hindus and Sikhs. So, I humbly submit that we have to march together, stay together, give up intoxicants and stoutly, fearlessly support the Panth. Reading false stuff in newspapers don’t fall victim to doubts. Don’t get into similar things again. A commemorative postage stamp on the Death Anniversary of “Sant Ji” Harchand Singh Longowal (1932-1985), President of Akali Dal during Punjab insurgency in 1980s :. They left you and departed. Your fist could not even contain Jagjiwan Ram (a former Minister in the Government of India), not even Bajpai (a Hindu leader) and others. There used to be a Granthi named Harchand Singh from a neighbouring village who used to organise Kirtans in the area. Prior to this, Charan Choudhary (Charan Singh, Prime Minister of India 1977-1980) had made a statement that persons from Pakistan come to visit Bhindranwale in Nanak Niwas and return after discussions and making programs. Express Photo by Gurmeet Singh. Whoever is the victim, we shall certainly embrace him. It will be good if the Guru has mercy, the Satguru is benevolent, and the job gets completed in peace. He has used such bad words towards both of them that I cannot repeat them from this stage. We do not have a contract that ever since the Sikh Nation came into being till the end of the universe, we should keep providing clarifications to these people. Emergency was proclaimed (during 1975-1977). Both Tohra and Longowal are not alive today, so I am saying this under a solemn oath of allegiance to the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, because I want to speak the truth. If you want to keep us with you give us our equal rights. You should tell us (what to do). Members of the Congress Party (Indira Gandhi’s Party in Government) who listen to Kewal Krishan, not all but those who have become his touts just as they did at the time of (the case of) the Babbar Akalis, have harvested five acres of wheat, that had been sown (by Balwant Singh and his family), and taken it to their homes. During British times it was said that a Sikh could not keep his turban. Out of them, about sixty Singhs have today (pledged to) keep beards and to give up alcohol. - … 2. Indira Gandhi Dismisses The Punjab Problem As A Handful Of Extremists Making Trouble. Bakersfield,. I must also request our workers – not only mine but of the Panth – and our elders and brothers, and our speakers regarding this feeling that is creeping into our minds; that we shall give further clarification. If they have to get out of the grindstones then, Khalsa Ji, what is the restriction? Less than a month after signing the Punjab accord, Longowal was assassinated by the Sikh groups wh… Work together. They will understand. Under the tutelage of Sant Jodh Singh at the seminary in nearby Maujo, he studied Sikh theology and Sikh texts and practised Sikh music. The field has been ploughed. Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bindranwale told the Sikh sangat about this attack in a speech at Manji Sahib on 29thApril 1983, which could be heard all over internet today. But the Sacrificer of His Sons (Siri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib) will have mercy. There has been an announcement from the Akal Takhat regarding 115,000 volunteers ready to die. I do not wish to name them, may God give them good sense. Work in cooperation. If you do not stop making accusations, no harm will come to me but if you don’t, someday, sitting on the stage, I shall hold you by the ear and make you stand up (and answer). Whom does the Government call extremists? Shiromani Akali Dal is the oldest regional party and the second oldest party of the country. Through all this, his religious training gave him the courage to say and do what he considered right and even to hazard his life if his conviction demanded. Those who act the way Government says an extremist does. Location-4608 Cherryrock Ave And they call you communalists! She has started to say so to give us a bad name. Harchand Singh Longowal (2 January 1932 − 20 August 1985) was the President of the Akali Dal during the Punjab insurgency of the 1980s. Who is a communalist, we or they? Garja Singh and Bota Singh (Sikh heroes from 18th century who defied the Imperial rulers) were two. To do this he travelled to Delhi and thanked the Hindu families who had helped save Sikhs during last November’s riots. The diffident, reticent Sant had probably realised he was the Akali Dal’s man of destiny, and that he would have to do something to allay fears about Sikh separatism in the minds of the majority. I desire but one thing that those who have Singh as their name should have beards on their face and (unshorn) hair and kirpaan in their gaatras. We have to follow the path of: nishay kar apnee jeet karo ["Resolutely may I ensure my victory"]. In a world where such phrases are much abused, Longowal was a true man of God. He had thought that I would say "Jagjit Singh Chauhan or Hindostan." I had replied: "We shall support the Sikh appearance and the victim. He started out as a plain granthi (religious preacher) in a village gurudwara, and ended up being hailed as the Gandhi of Punjab. They were to be released on the 20th. Persons between sixteen and forty years of age have been registered. First they have been sent and later when they reached here there are efforts to get someone to intercede. Punjab is considered one of India's prettiest states, showcasing the right rural side of the country. Issued by India. He never gave up his frugal life-style and simple habits. I do not take tea, I do not eat meat. Those who have sin on their minds, start shivering on their own. From one point of view it is even a good thing. Politicians saw the same integrity. (I speak) keeping all these things in mind. Have even forty hundred, out of a count of 660 million gone to jail? But (at that time) it was very strong. I too have come to the Guru’s presence. Harchand Singh Longowal was born 2 January 1932, a couple of modest means living in Gidariani, a village then in the princely state of Patiala, but now a part of Sangrur district of Punjab, India. Giving these up, one thing should penetrate the Sikh’s mind: "I am a Sikh, I want to live in Hindostan as a Sikh and not as a kesdhari Hindu (Hindu with uncut hair)." Already his legacy of peace has begun to replace Bhindranwale’s violent legacy. If tomorrow there is going to be a talk that (Bhindranwale is) forming his own Akali Dal, then I shall request these people to go home. In conclusion, I like to address those persons who under someone’s instigation and to show the strengths of their brains have taken some such decisions that perhaps all this is Bhindranwale’s job. But Longowal had not always been as decisive. Either her CID (Intelligence Division) has given her this impression or she is deliberately being clever. Today people like Charan Chaudhri (Charan Singh, Prime Minister of India 1977-1980) and others who are his associates, say that Akali Dal should be banned. But he abhorred the Emergency enough to take a public stand against it. GOVERNMENT BRUTALITY AGAINST SIKHS. In one such incident a leader of Sikh community, Sant Harchand Singh Longowal, was shot dead from close range distance on the evening of 20.8.1985. In 1978, Harchand Singh declined nomination as Akali Candidate for Lok Sabha elections. Only Sikhs Of The Guru Have Volunteered. All the mothers and brothers who have come there to the presence of Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the True King; I have preached at length to them all and got them to make a pledge to become extremists. The government accepted most of the demands of Akali Dalwho in turn agreed to withdraw their agitation. Sangrur (Pb. Standing on this stage, I like to tell them again: "Try as hard as you wish to, there are not going to be any differences between the two of us – I and Longowal." Sant Ji (Sant Harchand Singh Longowal) gave a very strongly worded statement today. We desist from mutual criticism. Sadhu Singh Dharmsot pays tributes to Sant Harchand Singh Longowal on his death anniversary. He was assassinated in 1985 soon after signing the accord with Rajiv Gandhi government. If you engage in the kind of things I have mentioned earlier, you will be the losers. He who is a Sikh of Satguru Granth Sahib, is a friend of the Panth (the Khalsa Brotherhood), has respect for the honor of daughters and sisters, has respect for the spilt blood of the innocent and the brave, should raise his arms. Government says an extremist does the past and am not desirous of it in the past am!: `` our business is to Chaudhri Charan Singh ) for Lok elections! 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