Nothing is more intimate, nothing more lovely, than friendship. For those on the bodhisattva path, loving and appreciating your friends, even when they are difficult, as they sometimes are, is the path’s fullness and completion. Seeking: Would like to meet people into meditation and the Buddhist way of life. *** Help keep FBA free for everyone! Yet tenderness is equally important. Self and other are not two truly different existing entities. “At one time the Buddha was living among the Sakyans. Over the past month, over 400,000 readers like you have visited our site, reading almost a million pages and streaming over 120,000 hours of video teachings. When it was time for the monks to wash, the bodhisattvas filed into the bathhouse to bathe. are an ecumenical approach to traditional Buddhist teachings, spiritual friendship, and. Like reading spiritual books. They come to share something more fundamental than their interests and affinities. He believes that our relationships with teachers and fellow practitioners must be characterised by honesty and clear communication. Spiritual friendship (not just including friendship between peers) is also vital to Buddhism socially or collectively because it creates the Sangha. It may take years to share backgrounds and personal stories. Buddhism, he argues is best ‘caught’ not taught. This teaching has many practical consequences within the Triratna Buddhist Community. Practicing Buddhism This section contains information about the practice and principles of Nichiren Buddhism and how members experience these in daily life. And that's what's different about spiritual friends. In most strands of Buddhism, it is more common to refer to spiritual “friends,” rather than to “directors,” “guides,” or even “teachers.” These friends encourage and allow us to evolve, such that the Buddha was reported to have said that spiritual friendship is the sum total of the spiritual life (in the Meghiya Sutta of the Pali Canon). Real friendship is profound. It is boundless, empty, open, and free. Buddhism and Friendship, Subhuti, 2004. Exactly the sort of person you’d avoid at all costs in ordinary life will appear in your sangha. “First, a lovely intimacy with good friends. That is why love, compassion, and friendship are at the center of the bodhisattva path. High quality Buddhism gifts and merchandise. Suddenly they awakened to the basis of water. To this day, Buddhism retains this emphasis on equality and inclusion. Spiritual friendship is the whole of the spiritual life - The Buddha. Orange series. Spiritual friends are honest with one another. 39 Malcolm Place Campbellfield Victoria 3061 Australia [Phone: +61 3 9357 7266 Email: Still, with luck, we may have, as I have had, a spiritual relationship that is uniquely precious to us. There is no individual awakening. These are indeed days to meditate on death and never before have loving-kindness and compassion been more needed, for ourselves, our friends, strangers, our enemies, and our earth. Love can’t be exclusive. In ordinary friendships we might connect right away, with lots to share and learn from one another. Buddhism has come to the West through books, ideas, art, and meditation practice. Having good friends is the whole of the Holy Life.”. I need to keep my peace until I am ready to speak with love. Constructive behaviour in Buddhism is to think, speak, and behave in a constructive way towards life, leading to personal happiness, and, then, to enlightenment. After Iowa we moved, independently, to California, where we practiced Zen together for a decade under our teacher, Sojun Mel Weitsman. This is the nature of spiritual friendship. … This talk is part of the series ‘To Place the Heart Upon’ - Exploring Faith in Buddhism. Friendships Not associating with fools, Associating with the wise, Honoring those worthy of honor; This is the greatest blessing. “Almost all people descend to meet,” Emerson says. When Alan went on to become a rabbi we continued our spiritual friendship, founding a Jewish meditation center (that I still direct, in his name and memory) in San Francisco. Recorded at the Swedish Summer Retreat at Dharmagiri, July 2019. Jul 28, 2019 - Welcome to our Cyber-Sangha! These two support each other. In his essay on friendship, sixteenth-century French writer Michel de Montaigne compares friendship to all other human relationship and finds it superior. Not a church-goer, no believer in hellfire or other such ideas. Rank was established solely on the basis of seniority, without regard to wealth, social position, or even skill in practice. John Kelly) In an ancient Buddhist story, the Buddha’s faithful attendant, Ananda, asked about the importance of having wholesome companions. The most famous statement on friendship in Buddhism comes when the Buddha's cousin Ananda is said to have approached the Buddha and remarked "This is half of the holy life, lord: admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie." To be able to practice with good friends for five, ten, twenty, thirty, or forty years is a special joy. That is why the buddha of the coming era is called Maitreya, the buddha of the practice of friendship. From the aforementioned suttas, we can see that the Buddha believed it vital for spiritual growth to have a spiritual friend. Interested in Buddhist meditation, in movies, books, and artwork of deep feeling, in classical music. a document written by a senior member of the Friends of the … He also stresses the value of friendships with peers, in particular having at least one friend (not a lover) with whom we can be intimate and completely open. "e;Spiritual friendship is the whole of the spiritual life"e; - The Buddha. John Kelly) In an ancient Buddhist story, the Buddha’s faithful attendant, Ananda, asked about the importance of having wholesome companions. (Mangala Sutta [Sn 2.4] tr. Enshrined on the bathhouse altar is a picture of the sixteen bodhisattvas in the bath. Ajahn talks about how Kalyanamitta means something much more profound than a good friend, it is someone who supports you in your spiritual life in all sorts of ways. Spiritual friendship is too. (S.V,2). Yet spiritual friendship—the friendship the Buddha called the whole of the Holy Life and that Emerson considered true friendship—is different. It is also, I believe, our best hope in troubled times. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. The 4 Types of Friends. Read books exploring friendship as a spiritual practice. The Buddha made the importance of such relationships very clear. In his essay, Montaigne argues that deep friendship is necessarily exclusive—it is only possible, he says, to have one such dear friend—and that exclusivity is its essence. skip navigation free buddhist audio audio series meditation study texts community. Open to new ideas. Listen to some great talks on the practice of spiritual friendship. This is seventy-eighth case of the Blue Cliff Record, a classical compendium of Zen stories: In olden times there were sixteen bodhisattvas. All you Chan worthies, how will you understand their saying, “Subtle feeling reveals illumination, and we have achieved the station of sons of Buddha.”. For all those years, Alan supported, loved, and respected me more than I supported, loved, and respected myself. Still, even as things stand now, we can rejoice in the wholesomeness and inclusivity of our sangha friendships. We can have many dear spiritual friends. This is called Kalyana-mittata in Pali or Kalyana-mitrata in Sanskrit. A kalyàõa mitta is the ideal friend and kalyàõa mittatà is the supreme human relationship. You share everything with your friend or friends. We hear our groans, our fatigue, the ways we cope when we don’t have our usual social strategies available. What I call horizontal spiritual friendship is friendship between people who are at roughly the same level in following the path; this is the friendship between “partners” in following the path, and what unites them as spiritual friends is a common dedication to following the Buddhist path. With the spread of Buddhism around the globe, the … Can you lend your support to Lion’s Roar at this critical time? “What a disappointment is actual society!” Real friendship, he says, includes the depth of solitude of each of us. Display search results per page Display . I appreciate the truth and beauty of this teaching more and more as the years go by. In spiritual friendship, we can actually be with each other. But it will take time, and many more women teachers and teachers of color. Ananda, one of many principal disciples of the Buddha, once asked the Buddha if half of the reason for the spiritual life was friendship with others. We see the suffering and the triumph expressed in body language and facial expression. They are people who see us as we are, love us anyway, and care absolutely for our ultimate welfare. We rely significantly on advertising and newsstand sales to support our work — both of which have dropped precipitously this year. Second, virtuous conduct. With a Little Help From My Friends - Spiritual Friendship In the Context of Team Based Right Livelihood The penultimate talk in the second series of 'Year of Kalyana Mitrata talks' from the Cambridge Buddhist … Third, frequent conversation that inspires and encourages practice. Buddhism supports this “threefold training” by providing both essential, explanatory frameworks and practical guidance. In sangha life, friendship develops much more slowly. Talk 2 - What is "Spiritual Friendship" and how does it differ from "ordinary friendship"? When Meghiya rushed back to report his confusing experience, Buddha was not surprised. People new to Buddhism often take the Dharma to be a purely individual path of spiritual development. But in Buddhism we practice together, awaken together, and understand together. Buddhism has come to the West through books, ideas, art, and meditation practice. free buddhist audio offers free mp3 downloads of lectures and talks on buddhism and meditation Thank you all! It is through this line of reasoning that one may know how having admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie is actually the whole of the holy life." Grounded in the Buddha’s teachings on spiritual friendship, Radical Friendship shares seven strategies to help us embody our deepest values in all of our relationships. No matter what their background or personal style, anyone with enough proximity in sincere practice becomes a sangha friend. He is writing in testimony and memorial to the most cherished friendship of his own life—his relationship with the writer Estienne de la Boetie, whose death has left him “feeling like half a person.”. With no more chat will need to pin more and react to each others pins in comments. Friendships Not associating with fools, Associating with the wise, Honoring those worthy of honor; This is the greatest blessing. No doubt this is an ideal we can never completely realize. Everything else naturally flows from it. Sangharakshita would like spiritual community – particularly the Order he himself founded – to be a ‘network of friendships’. Then we can enter more into the place of listening, of forgiving, of letting go of the past and just being open to the present. The Buddha thought of the sangha as a harmonious group of spiritual friends looking out for one another’s welfare, living together in full equality for the spiritual development of each one. Search Options Audio Text. We can depend on them to support us in hard times. When long friendships with good people along the path of spiritual practice is a central feature of your life, it is almost impossible—just as the Buddha says—for spiritual qualities conducive to awakening not to ripen. Spiritual Friendship | The Buddhist Centre. Published by Gareth Sparham & Beth Lee Simon, ISBN 0861710126. Practicing Buddhism View more Daily Practice The basic Buddhist practice of Soka Gakkai members is chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, reciting portions of the Lotus Sutra and sharing the teachings of Buddhism with others in order to help them become happy. Seeking: Looking for friends start a spiritual discussion group with or friends to share Spirit with in any of the above ways. People new to Buddhism often take the Dharma to be a purely individual path of spiritual development. The Meghiya Sutta is my favorite Pali text about friendship. The friendships are not based on discrimination - preferring one person over another - but on good hearts. Gender: Male Groups: Any or All Self Description: Cool, laid back, hippy, have raised 6 children as a lone father, have followed Jesus for over 30 years but in a mystical, faith filled fashion. Ananda knew that having good and encouraging friends was very important for the path. Admirable Friendship with the subtitle – An Anthology of Buddhist Texts, Dharma Talks, Book Excerpts, and Quotations is a brand-new stuff published this February by the Phap Hoa Buddhist Temple in Vernon. Sometimes we might expect or ask for more emotional or material support from our community than we seem to be getting. :). They are mutually conditioned positions or concepts. A Wisdom basic book. You will have to deal with this person in ways you never would have, if left to your own devices. Emerson and the Buddha both believe that spiritual friendship requires two elements: truth and tenderness. In this manner, Buddhism points out the basic ingredients to foster a healthy friendship, minimize friction and displeasure, promote good-will, and companionship and ultimately bring about one’s welfare here, and spiritual progress leading to the realization of the Supreme Bliss of Nirvana. Dogen writes of the power of kind speech: “Speak to sentient beings as you would to a baby”—speak with that much tender love and sweetness. In the sangha, people are passing on the Dharma through their relationships – living, breathing Dharma is passed on through spiritual friendship. According to Alexander Berzin, “the Tibetan term tenpa (bsten-pa) sums up a healthy relationship with a spiritual mentor. In Buddhism, friendship is an extremely important factor, perhaps even more so than you might expect. I compose music in my spare time. As is well known, women were and still are not included as equals with men in Asian Buddhism. E-mail: (Mangala Sutta [Sn 2.4] tr. We open ourselves to the other person, ready to notice any grudges that we have, or the opinions and obsessions we have about them, as well as the attractions towards them. In the Mahayana Buddhist teachings, the bodhisattva clearly sees that no one can be happy or content while others are suffering. Spiritual friendship is less about personal connection than it is about helping one another grow in faith and goodness—to realize, as we say in Zen, our true nature. Using stories, personal anecdotes and images she introduces the overall theme to prepare for more talks in this series, which focusses on the tantric rites and friendship. It’s not unusual to be in a community with someone who pushes all your buttons. Exactly where is not always easy to know but making ongoing contact with others of similar aspiration is virtuallly essential if one is to sustain any kind of spiritual life. In addition to meditation, however, we need skillful actions, to defang the beast of predatory capitalism and to replace the cruelty with caring, responsive, protective alternatives. ; In Society In this section you can find information about the Soka Gakkai’s activities to promote peace, culture and education, both through the initiatives of local organizations and through engagement with the United Nations. spiritual friendship. The month long series is based upon this quote from the Buddha - "Spiritual Friendship is the whole of the spiritual life." In what way is spiritual friendship the whole of spiritual life? Montaigne’s essay is all the more poignant because in it he tells us that he is not merely theorizing. “Intimate Friends” is the title for chapter 25 of the Collection of Indicative Verses. Perhaps Emerson is a bit too idealistic. Then again, you may not know us at all. And fifth, insight into impermanence.”. The Melbourne Buddhist Centre is run by the Triratna Buddhist Community formerly known as the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO), an international network dedicated to communicating Buddhist truths appropriate to the modern world.. It tells the story of the eager young monk Meghiya, who wanted to practice meditation alone in an especially peaceful and beautiful mango grove. But I believe it was what the Buddha had in mind when he taught that there is no element of the path more precious or more important than spiritual friendship. Maybe we never do. To his shock, he found his mind a snarl of malicious, lustful, and confused thoughts—probably because his practice was too self-involved. Namaste! Good friendship is more than just personality compatibility. Good friendship is more than just personality compatibility. There’s joy in it. This is a West Coast Sangha Retreat for Seattle, Vancouver, Spritual Friendship, Dhamma (Dharma talk) by Ajahn Sucitto, Buddhism, Buddha, Meditation. Yet friendship may be the most wonderful form of human relationship. Through friendship we have the opportunity to develop the virtues of generosity, compassion, patience and forgiveness. You will treat them with full respect and affectionate regard, and they will treat you the same way. He built up this fantasy of himself as a spiritual teacher, someone on a higher plane. While at first we may be intimidated by the teacher, imagining him or her to be far more spiritually developed than we are, as time goes on the teacher transforms from a scary boss to a trusted friend. But we don’t hear so much about friendship. He even wondered whether having good friends is half the path. Either way, please allow us to re-introduce ourselves: Topics: Friendship, Lion's Roar - May '16, Love & Relationships, Norman Fischer, Sangha / Community, Teachings, Zen, We’re glad to have you here. In what way is spiritual friendship the whole of spiritual life? Because we were such good friends, others were encouraged and inspired to be good friends too. But the more we are established in our practice, the more we understand that the support our spiritual friends provide is the most fundamental and the most healing kind: gentle encouragement to awaken. How does it support our spiritual growth? Saccanama explores the three myths of spiritual life, that of self-development, that of self-surrender, and that of self-discovery. We want to provide even more Buddhist wisdom but our resources are strained. There is also a recurring thread of the Seven Sisters—seven of the Buddha’s foremost women disciples whose life stories of spiritual companionship span eons. Buddhism for Today J A Portrait of a new Buddhist Movement Dharmachari Subhuti (Ale* Kennedy) 9 Spiritual Friendship an and A: ‘Half of the spiritual life is spiritual friendship, spiritual association, spiritual intimacy V the buddha: ‘Say not so, Ananda, say not so. The teachings can make it sound like that. Real friendship is always spiritual. After a while you begin attending the funerals of your dearest friends, and each loss seems to increase the gravity and preciousness of your own life and makes the remaining friendships even more important. His most recent book is The World Could Be Otherwise: Imagination and the Bodhisattva Path. And we do care about one another. “It is my heartfelt wish, in writing about spiritual friendship, to share with others something that has enriched beyond measure my own life as a Buddhist. Published in The Tibetan Dhammapada. Ananda asked the Buddha whether having noble friends and companions wasn’t… In big Chan monasteries of China, there were no private bathrooms. Spiritual friendship (kalyana mittata) is equally beneficial to the disciples of the Buddha’s doctrine, whether they are monastic or lay disciples, who may belong to any one of the four groups of Buddhist disciples. Seeking: Seeking spiritual e-friendship with like minded people. We are looking for something from the other person—entertainment, sympathy, some kind of support. Sangha … He was especially interested in the friendships we make, because those form our environment and influence us. Sangharakshita emphasises a vital dimension that has been rather neglected in some quarters: human communication and friendship. Sitting chest-deep in the tub, they must have looked around at one another with beautiful smiles of acknowledgment, saying, no doubt, nothing at all. How can we make friends? and what is meant by "spiritual"? “Five things induce release of heart and lasting peace,” the Buddha told him. In other words, most friendship falls short of the spiritual friendship the Buddha is referring to in the Meghiya Sutta and Emerson takes as his ideal. :) Pins about Spiritual Friendship & The Third Jewel with the goal of learning how to help one another in our Practice and our lives. Siblings usually fight with one another. In Buddhism, friendship is an extremely important factor, perhaps even more so than you might expect. When my friends go astray, at least as far as I can see, I must speak up. He can be identified by four things: by telling you their secrets, guarding your … A case for friendship as a radical practice of love, courage, and trust, and seven strategies that pave the way for profound social change. So much comes of it. Don't say that. Fourth, diligence, energy, and enthusiasm for the good. Our community is dedicated to supporting the development of spiritual friendship among those who wish to experience the benefits of Buddhist practice and meditation and believe that it can make a constructive contribution to the modern world. Not so! In an uncanny way, my friendship with Rabbi Lew was not exclusive. Life in a sangha is built on teaching, dedicated meditation practice, and a shared commitment to going beyond self-interest and personal need. Sangha friendships are forged and grounded in silence. The schedule provided for bath time, when everyone filed into the bathhouse to take a bath together in the big tub. The whole of the spiritual life is THIS.” They imagine that the only correct way to follow the Dharma is to lock oneself up in one’s room, turn off the lights, and devote all one’s efforts to practising meditation. It conjures the picture of a devoted servant or a devotee of a god or a cult. Kindness, respect and shared joy in Dharma are the stuff these friendships are made of. You may very well know us as the publishers of two Buddhist magazines, the Shambhala Sun and Buddhadharma. Through guided meditation, reflection, and paired work we will explore the kinds of communication that allows us to respond most appropriately to our friends and offer speaking and listening that supports their exploration of the dharma life. This is completely obvious to the bodhisattvas. We often think of spiritual teachers as parents or authority figures. We need people to talk to and to play with. When things are tough, having a trusted friend to help shoulder the burden makes survival not only infinitely more possible, but also much lovelier. The early Buddhist sangha was radical in its insistence that anyone, prince or pauper, could join and be fully accepted and equally loved. In the Buddhist path, spiritual friendship takes place in the context of community. The Buddha had a tremendous spiritual friendship with the being who became his wife in his final life, and who later became one of the bhikkhuni arhats, Yasodhara Rahulamata. He took the opportunity to give Meghiya what he must have hoped was a relevant teaching. Talk 1 - What is the Spiritual Life? Lay Buddhist Practice: The Shrine Room, Uposatha Day, Rains Residence (1974) – Laurence Khantipalo Mills. being. Mostly we think of awakening as an individual affair. Friendship ripens and deepens our capacity for compassion. Horizontal spiritual friendship, as I explained in the previous installment of this essay, is friendship between people who are at roughly the same level in following the path; that is, it is the friendship between companions on the path, and what unites them as spiritual friends is a common dedication to following the Buddhist path. We share the sound of our voices joined in chanting. Buddhism and Friendship offers practical ways for us to cultivate, deepen and extend our friendships, so that they can inspire and shape our spiritual lives. And eventually, they become a valued friend. And you know they will last a lifetime, even if you live continents apart. Gift Aid: Giving extra via Gift Aid is for residents of the UK only or those who pay tax in the UK. Admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie is actually the whole of the holy life. But in the Mahayana sutras, teachers are referred to as kalyanamitras—spiritual friends. We [...], © 2020 Lion's Roar | Email: [email protected] | Tel: 902.422.8404 | Published by Lion's Roar Foundation, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window). But friends, he writes, share one mind, one heart, and one will. 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